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CrazyAL Bahooka 10 Year show Update and Swag-Shirt DEAL! pg7

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bigtikidude posted on 10/15/2008

got XXL's?


SoccerTiki posted on 10/15/2008

Two bands for the same price!!!???? Is it Saturday yet?

tikiyaki posted on 10/15/2008

On 2008-10-15 12:28, SoccerTiki wrote:
Two bands for the same price!!!???? Is it Saturday yet?

Same Price = F R E E !!!

What a bargain !

bigtikidude posted on 10/16/2008

hey you know you get what you pay for right?
:wink: ha ha ha.


crazy al posted on 10/17/2008

Yes Dude, Yes YOU DO!! I'll have some of the world's most expensive mugs on a made to order basis and some affordable ones to. I guess i should start working on this event with the day counting down. If i get it all in a uhaul buy tomorrow then this is what should be there...Sorry no pics, camera is on the fritz......

"CrazyAL Original 'Bahooka Tiki Show' Art 1998

Introducing New Tikis??

"CrazyAL Mauna Loa's Minions"

"Krankzinnig AL's Delfts Blauw "

"CrazyAL Bone Productions Brown"

"CrazyAL Custom Deluxe Glazing"

Event Mugs:
"Tiki#11 Candle Holder - Tiki Moonlight Edt. of 50" $40

"CrazyAL Tiki#12 Decanter - Tiki Moonlight Edt. of 50" $60
Flaming Torch $10
Cork $2

"Tiki#13 Mug - Tiki Moon Light Edt. 25" $50

"10 for 11, 12, 13 Tiki Moon-Light Set" $125 (torch included)

CrazyAL Custom Colors Set w/ torch:
"10 for 11, 12, 13 Mango Set" $200 ($80 indiviualy)

"10 for 11, 12, 13 AnTiki Oxide Set" $200 ($80 indiviualy)

"10 for 11, 12, 13 AnTiki Brown Set" $200 ($80 indiviualy)

"10 for 11, 12, 13 Custom Deluxe Set" $500

Tiki#12 T-shirts
Tiki#11 T-shirts

Tiki#13 Inodnesian Carved Mask with Hand-collected See Shell Teeth, Only Six Made! $200

CrazyAL Inodnesian Carved tikis and Canoes

Some things may have to be back-ordered, Visa is a posibility.

thats it till the show..... SEE YA THERE!

LOL Tiki posted on 10/17/2008

Are 11, 12 & 13 going to be available on your website?

TikiG posted on 10/17/2008

Thank You for posting the prices Al..this helps me budget accordingly!
See you at Bahooka tomorrow night.

TIKI-RAY posted on 10/17/2008

You wouldnt know it to look at him but Al is the hardest working carver in the tiki world putting out quality products . Hes like the James Brown of tiki . His name alone brings them in and your never dissappointed in the work. I remember at Tiki Oasis , Al asked me if I had a hook knife because he wanted to fix a tiki for a previous customer . He did it right there on the spot to keep his customer happy and it shows his dedication . Congrats Al on your show. This guy has no backup job . Its all tiki for YOU . Support the guy .

tyger jymmy posted on 10/18/2008

were goin the Fab Four ,gonna bring the kids just goin for dinner & a Drink or two and pop in on AL & check it out for a bit .

ookoo lady posted on 10/19/2008

We missed the Lighting Ceremony and Tikiyaki Orchestra, but we did get to see the Hula Girls band. It was great hearing the old Rockabilly version of the Smoking Menehunes.

Here's a video on Youtube.

Crazy Al's mugs were awesome, and the new menu at the Bahooka was pretty good too!

I'll post more photos later on.

TikiMango posted on 10/19/2008

Another great night of tiki, music, libations and Crazy Al's work, hosted at The Bahooka! The Hula Girls and Tikiayki Orchestra were playing perfectly, and help set the mood for the evening. As always, Crazy Al's work just blew me away.

The place was packed with Tiki Ohana.

We started the night off with a few cocktails.

I wish I had the funds to buy everything that was on display.

Everyone made their way behind Bahooka for the lighting ceremony.

Offerings were made, and #12 was lit to keep the fires burning where they belong.

Fire-enhanced gyrations by Dancing Tehani followed.

After the fire dancing, everyone got a chance to take some quick pictures with #12 alight.

I had a blast last night, and it was great getting to talk with everyone.

tyger jymmy posted on 10/19/2008

Yea it was great gettin out havin some kool food & drinks seein everyone & checkin out AL.S stuff .Mandy realy enjoyed the Fire dancers . Great Evening .

WooHooWahine posted on 10/19/2008

WooHooWahine posted on 10/19/2008

On 2008-10-19 08:22, tyger jymmy wrote:
Yea it was great gettin out havin some kool food & drinks seein everyone & checkin out AL.S stuff .Mandy realy enjoyed the Fire dancers . Great Evening .

tyger jimmy - Are you the invisible man now???

tyger jymmy posted on 10/19/2008

Well kinda we went the four of us we had mandy 7 zach 15 months ,hes a handfull . I just wanted to get out and touch base with everyone hadent seen everyone in a while . So we visited a short bit hada drink then dinner, my daughter saw the fire show which she realy enjoyed and we were off . But I wanna make next weeks event Tonga Hut and stay the night .

Coco Joe posted on 10/19/2008

had a great time!

Thanks to Crazy Al and Bahookas

bigbrotiki posted on 10/19/2008

Tikiyaki in aquari-rama:

...with lovely ladies:

Smokin' hot mugs...

...and fishes with Tiki faces:

All in an evening at Bahooka's! Mahalo!

teaKEY posted on 10/19/2008

The blue and white china looking C Al mugs really pop next to the rest. Dig those crazy colors


Ah this was the first shindig I had been to in about a year. Always fun.

crazy al posted on 10/20/2008

Keep the pics coming! i didn't get my camera out all night, not one shot.

Man, this was the most i spent on producing a gig and it still could not have happened with out many many volunteers!! THANKS EVERYONE!, my sister and Lizzy man'ed my booth and let me run around a bit... i thing a said two words to every one, i hope...
the Bahooka real let this thing go off and get CRAZY!!!!!!! SO COOL!!!

SQUID IS DA MAN!! thanks for all the help!! all the way back to making my fliers to loading in the U-haul 1:30AM!! and donated his fantastic displays!!!!!! SWEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeet!!

Tiki Al!! Wigit'tologist Extraordinaire!! Brought the fire Inside to the Bahooka!!! #12 was looking Great with the World Class Tiki Yaki!!!

Hula Girls!!! with the drummer who started it all 20 years ago... dang did i just say 20 years??

well? more to do, and info on web sales later.

thanks again to ALL!!!! I had a blast too thanks to you!!

RevBambooBen posted on 10/20/2008

C'Al rocks!

Kiki von Tiki posted on 10/20/2008

Crazy Al, congrats - that was a really great show. Your mugs we amazing, and I especially loved the skulls. Thanks for taking a pic with me and thanks to Tiki Al for being so friendly - I hope to meet more of you soon! XO, KvT

[ Edited by: Kiki von Tiki 2008-10-21 23:38 ]

tiki mick posted on 10/20/2008

Awesome party C-Al! Thanks for inviting us! It was great to see Tehani again, doing her fire poi-balls!! Scary stuff!
Afterwards as I was packing up my gear(we had to cut out early for another gig) I was rewarded with the romantic, haunting, nostaligic and exotic strains of the always excellent Tikiyaki orchestra! Damn, those guys are simply the best there is. Jonpaul's bass playing just kills. Squid, again, never needs an additional percussionist. Marty Lush...great picture of him "in the moment". The keyboard player, and Jim, all I can say is "wow"!! Can't wait for the new CD!!

TikiG posted on 10/20/2008

Al & Friends -

Thank You for a terrific evening, I had a cozy time last Saturday night at Bahooka. Al, you were/are great; Bouncing from one group to the next but very approachable at any given moment...a consummate host towards everyone.

Cheers! must be granted all around for everyone who contributed time and effort to pull this off - I really appreciate all the hard work that this demanded. Same goes to the staff of Bahooka. I have never been to the restaurant when it was so busy, and I had no trouble with the service.
I'm lucky to live in So. Cal with such hi-tone tiki around me.

My friend Melany, who had never been to a tiki event before, stated in the car on the way home that night: " What a comfortable group of people..I feel like I've known everyone for years".

'nuff said.

The Sperm Whale posted on 10/20/2008

Yeah thank you C'Al you rock!! Thank you for putting this shindig on. I really needed a night out with all of my friends and some great tunez!! Seeing all of your work together is beautiful and overwhelming at the same time. I am looking forward to seeing what you come up with next. Good Tymes!!

tikiyaki posted on 10/20/2008

Great Night !

Props :

C'Al - man of the hour. Thanx for letting us be a part of this event. With the Kona gig and now this, I think the combination of Crazy Al and Tikiyaki makes for a great evening. AMAZING mugs and Tikis. I'm still obsessing over those 2 4 ft tikis that were outside. Man, they look like they came out of some 50 yr old restaurant...really classic. And those lava mugs....what can I say ? Thanx man. So, What are we doin next ?

Hula Girls - Man I dig it ! Thanx for a great set. The combination of rockabilly, surf and Hawaiian Swing is a nice one. Let's do some more shows.

Tehani - Was she great or what ?

Bahooka - OK, let me just say that the staff at this place is amazing. The were actually taking drink orders from people in the parking lot ! These people are on it, and REALLY nice. They let us do whatever we wanted, and I can't tell you how many times I was asked if I wanted my soda refilled....this is starting from about 3 in the afternoon ! The managment at "that other place" we play at needs to come to Bahooka and get schooled on how to run an an event like this. Bravo!

One thing I learned - The Brady Bunch Tiki I was wearing really IS Taboo ! My pedalboard stopped working, even though I had it fixed during soundcheck. SO my Mojo was a little off because of it. I hope no one noticed. All I can say to that is....doodle-oodle-ooooh!

Well, I sure had a great time. Thanx to everyone who made it out, and to the rest of the Yakis' for a great set.

tiki mick posted on 10/20/2008

One thing I noticed was the extreme friendliness of the staff. I had read bad reviews on the food on some other sites, but as friendly as they are, they got my business for life. The female bartender was one of the nicest, friendliest people I have met in that kind of position. Nothing was a problem for her, even though she was busy. A second guy behind the bar also kept on asking me "You been taken care of yet?" I was totally impressed. It's like they want your business, and want to be helpful and friendly.

Not to totally knock Kona, but they have had some really rude staff there in the past. Especially one shaved headed bartender, who has the worst attitude. It is the same attitude you would expect to find in some trendy hollywood club. I don't like it.

bigtikidude posted on 10/20/2008

Great art,mugs,
great tunes, sorry I missed Hula girls, and lighting ceremony, but I was a bit detained waiting for carpool partner, :roll:
Great people,frineds,
good times indeed.

Now, call me negative Ned,
but may I point out a few down sides?
I noticed a lot of people leaving as I got there.
what no Love for Tikiyaki? thought that was kinda rude.
The Florescent lights that were on, kinda killed the vibe for me.
and I only had cheese sticks, but I heard from a few diff, people that the ribs were not so good, and they had a bad experience with them.

other than that, I had a great time, just wish I could have been there from 6 pm on, not 9:10 :(


tiki mick posted on 10/20/2008

Not at all. It was totally packed for the TO. All the people that were outside (probably over 100) for the fire ceremony came inside right after. What you probably saw leaving were the regular customers, not related to TC.

tikiyaki posted on 10/20/2008

I had the ribs and I thought they were great. So was the baked Yam...

I'm with Lucas on the wait staff...they were amazing, polite and very attentive !

As far as people leaving before us, if they did, maybe it was because we just played last month and saw us already, but the room seemed pretty full...

Also, I think these shows are better when people can sit and watch. If we play there again, we will have tables and seating for everyone. I think it's more condusive to the exotica style...it's dinner/lounge music, and people wannt to relax,drink,eat and socialize.

Anyway, it was about Al this night anyway. We were just there to add some musical ambiance.

bigtikidude posted on 10/20/2008

On 2008-10-20 14:03, tikiyaki wrote:
I had the ribs and I thought they were great. So was the baked Yam...

I'm with Lucas on the wait staff...they were amazing, polite and very attentive !

As far as people leaving before us, if they did, maybe it was because we just played last month and saw us already, but the room seemed pretty full...

Also, I think these shows are better when people can sit and watch. If we play there again, we will have tables and seating for everyone. I think it's more condusive to the exotica style...it's dinner/lounge music, and people wannt to relax,drink,eat and socialize.

Anyway, it was about Al this night anyway. We were just there to add some musical ambiance.

you were lucky then, I heard that the ribs made some bellies rumble,etc..

yes it was just last month you played, but I hope its not a fact of,
show up, buy mug, and leave.
your right there was people there when you played, but I saw some TC people I know leaving as I got there. oh well, such is life.

and yeah seating would be nice, standing got old quick.
my friend Kristena and I grabbed the closest table to the back room, and we were able to hear and eat, very nice.

hate to be a complainer, but just pointing out a few things.

Swangulo Tikis posted on 10/20/2008

Al, that was a super show. We love your stuff!
I would post a few pictures but haven't figured out how to do so.

Hula Girls and Tikiyaki Orchestra sounded great, fire dancing was great, Crazy Al's work is AMAZING.

This was our first trip to Bahooka, and I agree, the staff is wonderful. Our waiter was really nice and the host who gave me directions (got lost when we got off the fwy) was really sweet as well. My 2-year-old loved the fish in the tanks all over the place. We'll definitely be back....
but I have to say the food was not so hot. And the kids menu was appalling - it's all fried food!
(In any case it was a far cry from the last tiki establishment that we visited... such a horrible experience that we left before we even got to to try the food!)
I want to end this on a positive note because it was, after all, a good night - so I'm just going to say once again that the staff there made it a fabulous experience - no one said a thing about bringing drinks into the parking lot, and I think they were serving drinks out there as well? And I loved the flaming beverages - fire codes be damned! In a world where we have more and more rules and regulations constantly imposed upon us, it was refreshing to be able to relax and enjoy the evening without stressing about the stupid little things that often seem to get in the way of having a good time.

Thanks for a fabulous evening!

Swangulo Tikis by Big Mike

tiki mick posted on 10/20/2008

I think it's one of those places like Rainforest Cafe or Blue Bayou, where you go for the ambience but don't expect the food to be super great! Still, they were totally cool about the outside drinking and whatnot, and again, just fabulous, awesome service.
Plus, the fish in the walls were great. Especially the fat one with the tiki lips! He (or she) and I made friends.

C-Al's artwork, the reason we were all there. It's fresh and exciting. Truly professional work coming from a sweet, Humble guy.

TikiMango posted on 10/21/2008

Bad ribs? Maybe I have a cast iron gut... no problems here consuming the nui ribs.

Coco Joe posted on 10/21/2008

I had a hard time after 1-Grenade, 1-Gold Cup, and 1-Zombie (what's with the red wine in it??)

have you guys seen the fish the sleeps upside down?

squid posted on 10/21/2008

On 2008-10-20 18:46, Coco Joe wrote:

have you guys seen the fish the sleeps upside down?

Where the Hell did that fish get MY sign?

Luckydesigns posted on 10/21/2008

Lots of fun on Saturday night...
I want to thank Al, again, for having the Hula Girls to play his art show. Amazing mugs and carvings... Such detail in them...
I also want to thank the Tikiyaki Orchestra for letting us play before them. We're looking forward to playing more shows with them. Just a super talented band.
Great to see all of my old friends, it's been a while since I've been getting out to tiki events. Looks like this band will be getting me out more and more. Hopefully we'll have more shows lined up soon.

If you missed the event, here's a quick video of us doing an instrumental with Crazy Al on his coconuts... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TM_9ELhEOC8

crazy al posted on 10/21/2008

Man...??? i originally asked the Smokin' Menehunes to play this show long long ago... then when the time came, Bong said they were booked with some TikiFarm shenanigans as the new Hula Girls!? So the Men Of Yaki stepped up to the plate in true form!! nice... then the Thursday before the party i get a call... ah? any room for Hula Girls??? Dang!!! Hoo Noo! Hula Girls playing for CrazyAL Tiki #12 "Hula Lover"!!!!!!! NOW THAT IS TIKI!!!!

so i never took one pic of any of the show... after all that work.... hmmm business as usual... if anyone has pics they want to get to me i would love it!! thanks

ALSO: The Tiki Moon Light #11, 12 & 13 will go up on my site next week... I have to head out of town for a funeral and help out a good friend.

Thanks to all again!! here is a pic sent to me, about sums it up...

[ Edited by: crazy al 2008-10-21 15:41 ]

crazy al posted on 10/28/2008
RevBambooBen posted on 10/28/2008

On 2008-10-27 21:41, crazy al wrote:
if you missed it... here is all the fun as if you were there!!
The Hula Girls?
the show
New mug Glaze
Belly dancing!!
more Hula Girls


Are you making dvd's ???

I need one.

Will they have a fancy jacket??

JetSetiki posted on 10/28/2008

Al, you rock! If I wasn't so goddamn busy working my life away, I'd be at every one of these events. Oh well, maybe next time. I mean that...I'm gonna surprise you and show up and show some support. You've got big fans in the Nutty crew, and don't you forget it!

Sonny Tiki-Moon

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Joe Banks posted on 10/29/2008
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suzanne posted on 10/29/2008

I had a fabulous time at Bahooka! What a neat place. One fantastic band and one even more fantastic orchestra, fire dancing, awesome tikis, a wall o' mugs, swell ohana and even some bad jokes... what more could you ask for?

Here are a few of my photos from the evening:

Bahooka Mug in a fishtank:
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Fish with a paradise glow:
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Naughty and Nice:
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The fantastic Tehani:
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The glorious junk on the walls and ceiling of Bahooka:
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Atomikitty and Adam:
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The Lava Mugs:
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Maestro Tikiyaki:
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See all the rest (including countless photos of fish float lamps and fish) at :

bigtikidude posted on 10/30/2008

thanks for all the great pics suzanne,
and very nice to finally meet you.


S Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/ed20f8b09757711d66addae8db4a18e9?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
suzanne posted on 10/30/2008

It was great to meet you too! Hope I'll see you at the next show!


bigtikidude posted on 10/30/2008

If Tikiyaki is playing within 200 miles from me, and its not a private event,
I'm there.


crazy al posted on 02/10/2009

finally got an update up from the show in Oct...???

some new pics and these!!
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/proxy-image.php?user_id=271&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tikimania.com%2Fimgs%2F11Mug%2FCrazy-Al-BahookaShirt.jpg&w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=3acfde371563b6247a585a2c7fd308ea
shopping chart here: $25

or save $5 on a tshirt when you buy tiki#11 or #12 editions
ONLY 15 Left!!!
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and if yuz not hit the other forums yet!!?


You'll have to turn off the lights and maybe turn up the brightness on the PC monitors for this one... also view in 'large screen' mode... HighDef if you have a good machine...
BE MY DARK VALENTINE (Turn Lights Off - Enjoy with Caution)
and send this to a friend!!

This looks fantastic in HighDef on a DVD coming out locally in LA in March.(more details later) But as with all my stuff, the Devil is in the details and on YouTube there is not much detail. shucks...

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