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Tiki Central / Tiki Travel

Maui Autumn Break the 11th to the 17th

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bb moondog posted on 10/08/2008

Me & the fam are going to be in Lahaina Sat. to next Sat.. am extending an open invitation to all Maui enthusiasts and tiki folk to hop on & help me out in maximizing the tikiness of my vacation with either local hints at where to eat, luaus and definitely where actual tikis ARE..also if anyone wants to meet or show off a home bar or space of exoticness I will buy the rum...can hardly wait to hop on the plane!! Also need thrift store pointers for the entire island

closettiki posted on 10/08/2008

first of all...can i go?.......

ok what i know........

a salvation army store in lower lahaina.....google that..
right across from goofy foot surf school....
oh you gotta do that...they had my 15 yr old daughter up on a wave in 2 hrs....cool

check if don the beachcomber is still open at the royal lahaina resort..about 2 miles up the coast...
they may still have some rum barrels left.....you have to ask

and check out the Kaanapali beach hotel...short walk up from whalers village....big tiki

and rent a car and drive to hana.......a must....all day trip but unforgettable....get a book called... maui revealed.

great tips and unseen sights along hana hwy you wouldnt know unless you know where to look.....

and check out these guys....tevita..www.friendlyisleswc.com.......you can see them carve at different spots....

take extra empty luggage......

can i go ...?

[ Edited by: closettiki 2008-10-07 21:09 ]

[ Edited by: closettiki 2008-10-08 19:50 ]

dogbytes posted on 10/08/2008

MauiTiki has a great website, with a Tiki Tour!!


have fun.
eat at Tasty Crust...

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 10/08/2008

Have a sunset dinner at Mama's Fish House. The drinks are pretty good - the appetizers are SUBLIME. There's a good handful of Tikis around the grounds, too. Like these guys-

Make reservations soon after your arrival, though. I could go on- there's so much to do in Maui.

Sophista-tiki posted on 10/09/2008

road to hana is always my favorite. and if ya wanna know where all the nudebeaches are PM me

bb moondog posted on 10/09/2008

ahh..if only

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 10/09/2008

I love that prior to bb moondog's last post, the 3 previous posts were from sun-starved Seattlites hunkering down for the impending 8 months of clouds & rain. It's true- we had no summer here. BB Moondog- send us some sun when you get there! ALOHA!

bb moondog posted on 10/10/2008

good god SUMMER....it FINALLY got to feel COLD here and ONLY in the morning..8 years in AZ and I have CEASED to understand how weather changes...and why our news even HAS weathermen on it.

bb moondog posted on 10/21/2008

i will go into detail with pix on my next post...needless to say it was GREAT especially in retrospect of me sitting at my WORK DESK now and not being there...but its a fantastic place that we did about a third of and will be BACK...when cash permits.

couple of cell phone pix...two from mamas fish house....

and one from Lahaina Center w/Tiki News

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 10/22/2008

bb- Glad you made it to Mama's Fish House - & good to see that Tiki duo behind you- still smiling, I see. Looking forward to hearing about the rest of your trip!

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