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New tiki bar - Tiki Room, Landsdowne Street , Boston - Not recommended

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Looking at the website it looks like quite the place. http://www.tikiroomboston.com My friends and I don't recommend it. As a tiki enthusiast I found it disappointing. It appears to me as an attempt to take advantage of the resurgence of interest in tiki bar culture without sincere interest behind it. I wanted to like it since it gives mass market attention to the tiki bar, but given it's trendiness and lack of sincerity, I just couldn't.

The positives:

  • The food was good and reasonably priced. Build your own pu pu platter concept was interesting.
  • Nice mural on the wall, flaming tikis around the bar.
  • Tiki farm mugs

The negatives:

  • It was crowded and loud. The music got louder as the night went on. Even though we were sitting outside, my friends and I could barely hear each other. And the staff has probably never heard of exotica.
  • Drinks were very expensive and weak (scorpion bowl was $22, mai tai $8) and the prices for drinks were deceptively left off the menu.
  • Minimal number of tikis in the establishment. They also had a few unavoidable and bright tv's.

I'm interested in writing a full review to submit to the tiki bar review pages. I'd like to know if there are other experiences and opinions about this establishment.


trixie, I sent them a link to this thread, so now is the time to give them some ideas.Keep in mind $$$ has to be made, so I suggested that 1 day a week be set aside for a proper tiki vibe(martin denny and no T.V.!).

[ Edited by: twowheelin'tiki on 2003-07-02 21:04 ]

boingo posted on Thu, Jul 3, 2003 1:03 AM

There are definitely two types of Neo-Tiki bars : those that do it because it's "in" and those that love doing it.
The new Conga Lounge in Oakland, California is run by a couple of tiki-enthusiasts and it shows. Their TV plays Blue Hawaii and episodes of Brady Bunch and I Love Lucy set in Hawaii. Their CD plays Denny and Lounge music.
Take not Tiki Room, Boston ! Do it 'cause you love it, or don't do it at all !!


On 2003-07-02 00:39, TrixieK wrote:
I'm interested in writing a full review to submit to the tiki bar review pages. I'd like to know if there are other experiences and opinions about this establishment.

Trix - I'd love to post your review.
Email me at: [email protected]

I've been threatening a major overhaul of the TBRP for a while now, but have been preoccupied with other things. Hukilau gave me a kick in the ass, so I am going to get it in gear, blow the dust off of the site, and add a TON of new stuff that I have been stockpiling.

Thanks for the offer.

trixie, I have been yaking to the bar manager ang change is in the air. You must get involved to make change.....1 step at a time (AA joke!).Get to know the powers that be and bring a sh-t load of pals with you so they know that they have your support.Educate them in the ways of tiki!.

Alright, James, finally...NOW will you put the Kon Tiki Paradise Room in the home bar section? (The next dolphin sandwich is on me) :)


I appreciate the comments. This one's a tough call for me. I had spoken to someone over there on the phone and they weren't interested in any suggestions. While I wholeheartedly agree with of Boingo, let's hope they listen to Twowheelin'tiki. Sadly enough, nothing they change will get more people in there, the place was packed to the gills! The don't need the money either; the bar is owned by a successful company in Boston, called the Lyons Group, who specialize in trendy bars, restaurants and nightclubs. http://www.bostonsbestevents.com/home.html For me, the $22.00 scorpion bowls are hard to swallow, especially when the prices are not on the menu. I guess I'd rather take the drive (with my designated driver of course) to the Kowloon, Bali Hai or King Tiki. Ah, If only I had the money and energy to open a tiki bar myself.

Note to Tikibars: I'll definitely send you a review. We actually e-mailed about that some time back. I'm just trying to find the time to pen something decent and worthy of posting on your pages. Tike Road Trip is the best!


Aloha, TrixieK!

Good to see another New Englander on the thread. Not too many from MA considering the number of Tiki (and former) Tiki establishments in your area.

I travel to Boston frequently and would love to check this place out when I'm there. If you need another person to help advocate for change I'd like to lend my mana in this effort. While the Tiki Room may not be ideal, it's good to see that there are more Tiki themed establishments emerging and I wholeheartedly agree with TWT's message about change.

I have always liked Kowloon and I'd like to give Bali Hai another shot as well. Perhaps we can get a few folks together when I visit in October.

P.S. JT - Love Tiki Road Trip!




[ Edited by: stentiki on 2003-07-05 13:39 ]



I just discovered this discussion (Tiki Room) after I sent you an email direct. Should have searched the site earlier.

I'll be in Boston next Thursday and was planning on checking the place out, but everything I've heard so far (both on this site and elsewhere) makes me question whether its worth it. If I go, I'll make a report!


Hi I, Zombie:

Have fun in Beantown! If you're driving and can only pick one place to visit in Boston, I'd pick the Kowloon. I mention driving becuase it's north of Boston and can be a hike on public transportation. Tiki Room would be good for an early dinner as the food was good and it's downtown. Bali Hai and Kowloon are fairly close and both have okay food. Kowloon is the closest thing to an authentic Tiki Bar we've got going. Another interesting place is the Hukelau in Chicopee, MA, but that's out in western Ma. http://www.hukelau.com/index.htm


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