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Conga....Wisconsin stuff!

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tikifreak1 posted on 10/17/2008

Very cool, a little texture this time??

Benzart posted on 10/18/2008

Conga, these "Surprise" tikis are the Best kind and the Most fun to do too hey? Looks like he will fit Right next to my recliner in the living room. Looking great. No use to ask what color he might be yet?

congatiki posted on 10/18/2008

Thanks Seeks, Tikifreak and Ben. Sorta flying by the seat of my pants on
this one and it really is fun to just keep digging until you find "it."
I am planning to leave some carving texture in him but I will have to
see how it looks after sanding and clean-up. As for color, you're right Ben,
way too early to tell right now :)

JohnnyP posted on 10/18/2008

You have to leave the carving texture in this one, it adds a lot to a challenging piece.

GMAN posted on 10/18/2008

Hi Conga. Yep, good idea. I like the new guy. Thanks for sharing.

hodadhank posted on 10/20/2008

On 2008-10-18 05:42, JohnnyP wrote:
You have to leave the carving texture in this one, it adds a lot to a challenging piece.


congatiki posted on 10/20/2008

Thanks for the input Johnny, GMan and Hankster. After solving a few
problems (reason for editing) I have moved ahead full steam with the
chiseled look. All is well in the northwoods.

[ Edited by: congatiki 2008-10-20 17:11 ]

Benzart posted on 10/21/2008

Hell, I Knew you could figger it out, after all that's what carvers do figer out how to create a certain look in whatever piece of wood, stone, clay or any other media, so you're just doin' your job as a carver soooo, GIT BACK TO WIRK!
:P :lol: :D

Babalu posted on 10/22/2008

Looking great Conga! He looks like my neighbor.

congatiki posted on 10/26/2008

Thanks Ben, "it's hard work and I'm working hard."
And thanks Babalu, you must reside in a creepy neighborhood.
Here's where we are at now

Sort of a crappy pic, but I have a new improved camera :) that I
need to figger out. He's a tad more shiney than I was hoping. I
could be finished with him, but I am considering the splashing of
some paint here and there.

surfintiki posted on 10/27/2008

Yeah! I love the texture on him.. mo' pictures!

TheBigT posted on 10/27/2008

Yep, love to see more pics of that guy. It looks really cool.

congatiki posted on 10/28/2008

Mahalo Surfintiki and BigT, appreciate the compliments and also thanks for
visiting the ole' Conga spot. I have been gazing at this fella for a few
days and I am warming up to his primitive simplicity. I have to study for
a little longer...I might call him finished.
New camera works...here are a few better pics!

TheBigT posted on 10/28/2008

Awesome! I love the texture. Out of curiousity (sp?), if you decide it's not finished would you chop some more? Considering it's been stained and all...

TheBigT posted on 10/28/2008

Btw, Conga, home come a lot of your older pics are really, really, tiny (like pages 5-20 something or more)? I thought I remember them being regular size once apon a time. Is it me??

FreddieBallsomic posted on 10/28/2008

Hey there, Conga!! I really dig this guy. I have to agree with BigT, the texture looks great. I'm coming thru your neck of the woods tomorrow. Whats your address, I'll take him for a ride to Chicago. :)

congatiki posted on 10/28/2008

Many thanks guys.
BigT...No, I would not do any further carving. I was thinking of adding
minimal color and perhaps working the finish a little bit to tone it down.
You know, make it look a little more "old and gritty." Perhaps taking it
outside and rolling it around in the mud :)
I'm not sure about the tiny pics in the earlier pages of my thread. I
think it has something to do with the fact that they were old "shutterfly"
pictures, from another website. They were larger when they were posted.
Nicer pics of my earlier work can be found on page 1. I still need
to add a few more recent carvings to my first page. BTW, I like your
recent posts BigT.

Hey Freddie, although we haven't hooked up yet, we will. This summer really
got away from me.

Benzart posted on 10/28/2008

Another Conga piece stashed in the Finished with Excellence Catagory. Daaaaayyum Conga, you are gonna have more tiki there than there are peeps in town, watch out you might be getting a reputation! LOL
I second the ?, where else would you start cutting?

Lake Surfer posted on 10/29/2008


Had to be some traces of snow on the ground by you the last couple of days. The first snow of the season flew here on Monday, but melted on impact.

Time for hibernation!

This new guy is great! That is a lot of gouge marks! Labor intensive!

Its a wonder how he stands on such skinny legs.

I think a little paint would really make this guy pop. Give it a go!

congatiki posted on 10/29/2008

Here's the scoop Ben. Hometown population, 8. Carvings in the Conga Lounge
and Lounge Annex, 22. My local reputation is firmly entrenched.

Thanks for the "nudge", Mr. Lakesurfer. Yea, cold weather is here but we
are getting a warm-up into the 50s the next few days.

TheBigT posted on 10/29/2008

On 2008-10-28 16:10, congatiki wrote:
BTW, I like your
recent posts BigT.


Paints looks good. Is it done? Can u paint right over stain like that? Will it stick?

congatiki posted on 10/30/2008

Almost finished BigT.
Yes I paing over the stain, and haven't had any issues with the paint
sticking. Actually I want most of my pieces to look like they've been
"kicked around" a little, so a faded or chipped look is desirable.
This one is finished except for a little "antiquing" procedure that will
tone down the "newness" or "brightness" of the paint, to give it a dingy
Thanks for your questions and comments. I'll toss up an outdoor shot
this weekend.

Bowana posted on 11/01/2008

Nice work on the Skinny Boy, Conga. I like to leave the chisel marks on mine like that too. The paint is a nice final touch. I like that it's very minimal.

congatiki posted on 11/01/2008

Thanks Bowana. The chisel marks were a bit of a challenge, mainly cuz I
generally work fast with chisels and attone for my haste with tons of sanding.
Many many slaps with the chisel to achieve a consistent look. I like a bit of
paint on some carvings but I strive to avoid being gaudy.
Well, here's the finished bugger...enjoying some time with his new-found
friends at the Conga shack.

Again, thanks to everyone who followed the progress on this feller. Time
to put on the magic thinking cap and determine where we go next :)

seeksurf posted on 11/06/2008

Kicking ass conga! this fella is tops love the
size, full body and the head NICE.

GMAN posted on 11/09/2008

Hey Paw! That texture you've got going on is the gnats knuckles. Gman Likee!

JohnnyP posted on 11/13/2008

On 2008-11-01 15:13, congatiki wrote:

Time to put on the magic thinking cap and determine where we go next :)

Skinny guy turned out well. Now that the magic thinking cap has been on for a few days, where you taking us next?

congatiki posted on 11/13/2008

Many thanx Seeks, Gator-Slayer and Johnny. I have been werking a little
Johnny, something a little smaller this time. A seated figure, one hand on
his face. Lotta work to do yet, this one will not have chisel marks.
My musical background for this one has been the Hendrix Experience (honoring
the passing of the final member) so his working title is "Voodoo Child."

seeksurf posted on 11/13/2008

Nice conga! yes i read the same news.
Keep-em coming!

Savage Daddy posted on 11/13/2008

Wow! All your recent carves have been fantastic, This latest guy looks to be another top shelf tiki.
You can't go wrong carving to Hendrix. Looking forward to seeing more.8)

Benzart posted on 11/13/2008

Woah, CONGA, You ROCK man! This guy is really going to be slick. LOVE it!

congatiki posted on 11/19/2008

Thanks Seeks, SavageTiki and Benzo, your comments are pushing me forward
on my new friend "Voodoo."
I have finally turned the corner of "Firewood" and "Personality" and am
inspired to make this a real keeper. Just a little update...thanks for
peeking in.

Benzart posted on 11/19/2008

man, What are you DOIN to ME! your stuff's lookin better and better every day you're HOT HOT HOT and on a Roll, Back to work, no resting when you're thissss hootttt.

Grapa-RuHa posted on 11/19/2008

Thats a great pose you've come up with. Looks like it will be a top shelf peice, keep playing that voodoo music.

congatiki posted on 11/23/2008

Thanks Ben and Rapa-RuHa, no time to rest, now that I am fully under
the spell of the Voodoo Child.
As I dig further I have decided that I prefer a gaping mouth to the
teeth...as usual...things change as we go forward. A little "funky
photo" update

It's a good time to be checkin' the threads, lotsa cool stuff being

tikisbytyler posted on 11/23/2008

Wow, Conga! Very unique piece. The photography seems to add to his manic anguish feel he has going on. Very cool post. I'll be watchin fer more.


Tiki Duddy posted on 11/23/2008

awsome progress pics, looks GREAT!


what a cutey keep up the good work

hodadhank posted on 11/25/2008

Way to go Conga! I dig the psychidelic photos too!

seeksurf posted on 11/25/2008

Nice congatiki I like the theme.

Benzart posted on 11/27/2008

Darn Conga, Every time I look at this guy I Like him more. At first I thought I liked him better with "Hair" (chisel marks) and was disappointed when you sanded them off but then I saw him more as a cute human kid like person and everything you have done to him has brought out this personality till now I find he has just grown on me so now you MUST send him here, I Gotta have that cacarving.

congatiki posted on 11/27/2008

Many thanks for the kind remarks Duddy, Marcus, Hodadhank, Seeks, Benzart
and Tyler. I am resisting the urge to hurry along with this guy...he
really seems to have a heartbeat now. Happy thanksgiving to everyone
from your ole' buddy Conga and your new buddy 'Voodoo."

JohnnyP posted on 11/27/2008

Happy Thanksgiving Voodoo ! You must resist the urge to hurry this one along.

congatiki posted on 12/08/2008

Thanks Johnny and everyone, I guess he done.
The Voodoo Child....

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GMAN posted on 12/08/2008


He looks like me when I have a migraine. Seriously. Pretty work my friend. Very nice stuff. It's always a pleasure to view your work.


tikifreak1 posted on 12/08/2008

Yeah, really cool! I like how you did the fingers.

congatiki posted on 12/10/2008

Thanks GMan and TikiFreak, you guys make me blush. I thought Voodoo was
done but I decided to even out the color a little bit, here's his
class portrait.
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He can stand up next to a mountain, knock it down with the edge of his

Now I don't know what to do. It's too cold up here and I'm in the car
business...ha ha ha. I think I'll race Buzzy to the Cigar Store Indian.

seeksurf posted on 12/11/2008

Hell ya. Nicely done on the Voodoo child.

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