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Help. Shag serigraph damaged by frame store!!

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luckygirl247 posted on 11/11/2008

I am not sure whom to contact about this dilemma. I took my Sophisticated Misfits serigraph to a frame store yesterday. The person assisting us dropped a frame sample in the middle of my serigraph, thus damaging the serigraph. As you can imagine, I was crushed by this accident since I purchased this serigraph at my first Shag show. The store has offered to reimburse us for the value of the serigraph or replace the serigraph. I informed them that I bought the serigraph in 2002, so I am not aware of today's value or where I can purchase a replacement.

If anyone knows the current value of the serigraph or most importantly, where I can get a replacement that would be great.

Any advise is greatly appreciated.

sirginn posted on 11/11/2008

Sorry for your misfortune, the value of a Shag print is pretty subjective, and varies with his popularity and the economy.

Shag prints on the second hand market are much more affordable and available than they were a few years ago.

The Sophisticated Misfits print, has long been sold out, and as you know was for his retrospective show at the Brea gallery.

It was not one of his most popular images, based on how long it was available at Switched on Gallery/Shagmart, but I have not seen it on e-bay lately either.

I would imagine if one became available on e-bay you could pick it up for $200-300

hope this helps,


Tipsy McStagger posted on 11/11/2008

..not very lucky, luckygirl..

....they will probably only reimburse you for what you paid for it...technically because that is the amount of money you are out because it's what you paid for it....i don't think speculation applies and i'm almost sure no one pays for what a work of art is currently worth at the moment...

best bet...find you reciept or cancelled check or whatever form of payment you used....if you have none of these, contact shag...

he probably has kept records (taxes, ya know) of what his stuff sold for and when (what year) and where. he may be able to tell you or give you an idea of what it may have sold for and what it's worth on the market....also, if you remember where you bought it contact the gallery....they too should have records i think...

the frame shop will probably want proof of some sort that the serigraph cost what you say it does...again this is where shag or the gallery you bought it from may help by providing you with some sort of official letter acknowledging the value of the serigraph....

otherwise, if you can find another serigraph just buy it, and take that reciept to the framers and they can reimburse you...

[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2008-11-11 14:56 ]

sneakyjack posted on 11/12/2008

could try here:
(For details of Original Painting prices check the excellent http://shagwatch.blogspot.com/ )

Mike was very helpful to me..
Mike Adler at the Picture Show Gallery in Seal Beach CA. You can reach him at (562) 598-1600

Hope tings work out for ya!

TikiPug posted on 11/12/2008

Try here:
Picture Show Gallery‎:
231 Main St
Seal Beach, CA 90740

(562) 598-1600

The owner's name is Mike and has and frames tons of Shag's artwork. He might have one laying around.

Vegas BABY!

[ Edited by: TikiPug 2008-11-11 20:56 ]

sasquatch posted on 11/12/2008

The most recent example I have found for sale is featured here...


This has been the only one available on auction sites since July 2008, therefore I would suggest that getting hold of one will be more of an issue than the cost.

I hope that's helpful to you and that you can sort this situation out to your satisfaction... let us know how it goes!

Gromit_Fan posted on 11/16/2008

They should pay what it costs to REPLACE the print, not what you paid for it.

I would make them buy you one in the same condition as yours was in before
they damaged it. You can posted a "wanted to buy" here:


and even at ebay.

You might also try

Contact them and tell them you're looking for the print.

I used to contact galleries that sold prints by an artist
I collected and let them know I was looking for a piece.
It will probably cost more, but the framer really should
do this for you. They should have insurance while framing
your work...it is part of any good galley's job to protect
your art investment and make sure you are compensated if
they damage it.

Wildsville man posted on 11/18/2008

I was at the Chris Raccardi show at M Modern in Palm Springs Friday and noticed they had that piece framed for $525.00. If you are interested give them a call...the owners name is Jay and tell him Rory sent you.........


sirginn posted on 01/18/2009

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