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Cool bamboo desk and chair

Pages: 1 2 replies

Tiki Shaker posted on 11/15/2008

Heads up. I just saw this cool bamboo desk and chair for sale in Carlsbad on craigslist.

Great price too!


boutiki posted on 11/15/2008

Looks like rattan rather than bamboo, but it's a wonderful design. Recover that seat and it would be fantastic. Great price too. If that was near us, I'd jump on it.

Sneakytiki posted on 11/18/2008

I used a Sears Polyester nubby barkcloth Men's Hawaiian shirt to reupholster my rattan desk chair. I left the shirt largely intact by putting the shirt back as the seat top and just folding and stapling the rest of the shirt around the bottom.

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