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Movie Reccomendation

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tikifish posted on 07/07/2003

Went and saw 28 Days Later last night... I highly reccommend this flick! It's a modern take on the old end-of-the-world chased-by-zombies thing. Shot on video. Sounds bad but it's good. Anyone eles seen it? Or have other movies to reccomend?

And I was thinking... isn't it about time someone did a Hawaii Five-0 movie? With Hollywood re-hashing every old TV series out there, and with the supposed coolness of tiki these days, I figure SOMEONE's got a plan for this in the works...

THey play it late on TV here so I am usually asleep on the couch when my husband turns it on. As soon as my subconscious hears the opening bars of the theme song though, I jump up and do a crazy Shag-Watusi dance around the livingroom, then hop off to bed. I can't help it. That song is awesome!

Tiki Diablo posted on 07/07/2003

Seen Whale Rider?

Doctor Z posted on 07/07/2003

A couple of weeks ago, Sabu, Tikibelle, Z-Girl and myself went to a sneak preview of "The Pirates of the Caribbean". Now I'm no movie critic - I tend to find good things to say about any movie I see - but I found it to be an excellent movie and I highly recommend it: lots of action (possibly the best sword-fight since 'The Princess Bride'), incredible visual effects, plenty of plot twists, and only ONE scene with an obvious connection to the ride itself (done very tongue-in-cheek, btw).
The version we saw did not have credits yet (and the soundtrack wasn't quite finished), so I missed getting the name of the female lead, but... WOW! Of course, there's Orlando Bloom for the ladies, and Crazy Al, uh, I mean Johnny Depp, is excellent as well (if a little hard to understand... and too much eyeliner..). Despite being a Disney flick, it's still pretty violent and it has a lot of frightening imagery, but if your kids don't get freaked out on the ride, they should be o.k. with it. In fact, they may be frightened more by all the bad dental work... (I know I was).

Oh, and many scenes were filmed off the coast of Palos Verdes (I know, I sat and watched filming 'setside' a few times), so, for me at least, it also has that going for it...

Doctor Z
Mix-maestro of the Castaway Lounge,
Redondo Beach, CA

[ Edited by: Doctor Z on 2003-07-07 10:16 ]

kctiki posted on 07/07/2003

We saw 28 Days Later this weekend. I'm always up for a zombie flick. It was nice and creepy.

Another recommendation: This is a book/book-on-tape, not a movie, but the best entertainment I've run across in a long time is "Motherless Brooklyn" by Jonathan Lethem. For anyone who likes the detective genre and has a twisted sense of humor, this story is a real hoot.

Kim posted on 07/07/2003

Tikitronic & I saw 28 Days Later yesterday as well-- nice & creepy! I am all in favor of the Infected ("zombies") moving quickly-- I think it made the movie much scarier.

I think I need to go see it again... It gives me hope for other good indy films making it big!

mrtikibar posted on 07/08/2003

For some reason this reminds me of a 60's flick called "The Incident". The cast includes Beau Bridges and Ed McMahon (believe it or not). Rent this movie if you can find it. It is an intense story of a pair of two-bit hoods terrrorizing a subway in NY. This is a black and white, gritty psychological thriller that delivers the goods.

Jungle Trader posted on 07/08/2003

Sweet little fishstick, can we get your hubby to film you doing the Shag-Watusi?

woofmutt posted on 07/08/2003

A Hawaii Five-Oh movie makes sense. Of course it'd be a goofy buddy flick crammed full of bikini clad surf babes and directed by Ang Lee.

hanford_lemoore posted on 07/08/2003

I saw Terminator 3 and although it doesn't take itself nearly as seriously as the first two did, I still enjoyed it (overlooking the gaping polt-holes and rediculous science theories). I felt like I was in 1991 again. Super cheesy action!!!

Can't wait to see Pirates, but I'm going to skip 28 days Later ... I don't like horror movies :(


Chongolio posted on 07/08/2003

I have heard through my Hollywood connections that Hawaii 5-0 is already in the works and the studio is being very quiet about it. However, I have no proof of the validity of these claims. We can only hope they dont completely screw it up. I can only imagine the "updated" Theme song being played with a sampler, drum machine and other techno noise makers.
Somehow I know not to get my hopes up to high for the remake if it is true.


p.s what was the name of Jack Lord's character again? Steve..........?

MTKahuna posted on 07/08/2003

A little slow but great cinematography and a nice story.
Not as fast as Once Were Warriors.

Cool Maori Tuki Tuki panels...

Buy, Sell, & Trade it...

[ Edited by: MTKahuna on 2003-07-09 10:33 ]

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