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Tiki Central / General Tiki


Pages: 1 4 replies

TikiRodder posted on 07/07/2003

Hi Gang! I've been a lurker for a little while now, learning much about the Tiki culture and thought it was about time to join this neat forum, so I hope I can make a nice contribution and keep on learning.

PolynesianPop posted on 07/07/2003

Aloha Tiki Rodder and Welcome to the Tribe. Noticed you are from the LA area - Hoity Toity land! Come on out and meet us at the next event.

purple jade posted on 07/07/2003

Aloha TikiRodder!
Get out there and meet those Hoiti Toitis as soon as you can! Not only are they FUN, but they won't stick to most dental work, and they go great with cheese!

Traderpup posted on 07/08/2003

Welcome aboard!


CruzinTiki posted on 07/08/2003

Aloha and welcome TikiRodder!

Pages: 1 4 replies