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Emeryville Trader Vic's Tuesday 7-8-03!

Pages: 1 13 replies

mrsmiley posted on 07/07/2003

Here is a little last minut notice for those who can make it. Enid and I will be celbrating our Birthdays (my 40th!) on Tuesday starting at 6:30 in the bar. So please feel free to join us if you can--Bruce

Tiki Royale posted on 07/07/2003

Happy Birthday you two!!

martiki posted on 07/07/2003

Alright Mr. S! See you two tomorrow.

(Hanford: Move this puppy to the events folder)

mrsmiley posted on 07/07/2003

"Posted by martiki6 on 2003-07-07 14:54

Alright Mr. S! See you two tomorrow.

(Hanford: Move this puppy to the events folder)"

I figured one days of posting wouldn't hurt in the main forum-plus would get the maximum exposure--bruce

martiki posted on 07/08/2003

Sorry- Didn't mean to sound like a tight ass. Lots of people just read tiki events.

The important thing is: Hey, locals- Come on out to Vic's on Tuesday!

Molokai Mike posted on 07/08/2003

I'm working on Tues (like usual), but all the best to you both !! Thanks again for the 'bar-warming' gifts.

mrsmiley posted on 07/08/2003

Thanks Conga Mike (and you're welcome). Trader Vics is our brithday tradition for many, many years--Bruce

aquarj posted on 07/08/2003

Until how late at TVics stay will you?

tikifish posted on 07/08/2003

Happy Birthday Bruce! I mean Mrs Miley! Hahaha!

Wish I could see be there with you guys and see the lovely Trader Vics Emeryville once again...

Have a nice day! Er, night!

Traderpup posted on 07/08/2003

Best birthday wishes!


Tiki-bot posted on 07/08/2003

We'll try to make it there...

sweetpea posted on 07/08/2003

Wish I could make it.
Sending birthday wishes yer way!

mrsmiley posted on 07/08/2003

We will be drinking until about 8:15-I don't know if any one will stay longer. Enid and I will have dinner around 8:15--bruce

mrsmiley posted on 07/09/2003

Thank's Traderpup, Tikifish, Sweetpea for the greetings-wish you all could make it ,too. This has b een a mellow birthday so far--groan!! It is time to PARTY!!!!

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