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Brady Bunch tiki tabu necklace contact: [email protected]

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buddylove posted on 10/24/2008

Here is a replica of the Brady Bunch bad luck tiki necklace from the famous Brady Bunch 3 part Hawaii episode. This solid resin tiki is cast, antiqued and inserted with a leather strap. Measuring 3 1/4" tall x 1 3/4” This is a reproduction cast off the same tiki as used by the prop department in the 1972 episode and painted to match the original prop.

If interested, send $20 to [email protected] at Paypal. Shipping in the U.S. is $5 Shipping overseas is $10 If you have any questions, feel free to email us.


[ Edited by: buddylove 2016-05-16 18:37 ]

bananabobs posted on 10/25/2008

Great pictures! Is that a dwarf banana?
Whoa, Deja vu!

tikiyaki posted on 10/25/2008


This Tiki STILL REALLY DOES bring bad luck.

Listen to Mr Hanalei - TABOO !

I wore it at the last Tikiyaki gig and my pedalboard died.


Rum Balls posted on 11/04/2008

Hmmm...Tiki Talk has a post up on this, with the original creator of the necklace. You'll notice the e-mail address is different from the seller on this thread. Draw your own conclusions...


bigbrotiki posted on 11/04/2008

Jim, please tell me you're not serious! Maybe he caused the economy slump too? And black lava taken from the islands will cause WW III !
NO Tiki, if worn out of love and appreciation for Tiki and its many forms, will cause bad luck.

[ Edited by: bigbrotiki 2008-11-04 10:40 ]

buddylove posted on 11/25/2008

On 2008-11-04 07:01, Rum Balls wrote:
Hmmm...Tiki Talk has a post up on this, with the original creator of the necklace. You'll notice the e-mail address is different from the seller on this thread. Draw your own conclusions...


That is the same ***hole that bought my first tiki from my company SSN and is claiming we recast "his sculpture". I still have the original baked sculpey clay sculpture to prove it. The only difference is he paints them in grey tones. I think that guy needs to check himself...Thanks for posting that

[ Edited by: buddylove 2008-11-24 18:39 ]

Hot Lava posted on 11/25/2008

Just to play Devil's Advocate — can you actually prove that he recasted your sculpture?

Back on an earlier thread about this topic http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?mode=viewtopic&topic=9541&forum=5&start=15 it's stated by several members that resin casts of similar idols have been floating around for years.

I don't know this dude personally, I just found him selling the stuff on Craigslist and reprinted his tales of woe. He's got something like 6 of them left and said he's going to stop selling them because of the hassle he's gotten. If that's the case and you're one of the hasslers, rest assured you've done your job; and rightfully so if the work is yours.

The current version of your idol looks a lot different from your old one -- the detail is much better:

Are you still affiliated with Silver Shampain Novelties? They're still selling the brown one apparently.

All and all, your new one is really nice work! I'd be happy to promote it on Tiki Talk as well.

Get the latest tiki info at Tiki Talk, the Enchanted Tiki Blog.

[ Edited by: Hot Lava 2008-11-25 04:59 ]

crestman posted on 04/30/2009

I think that the price of $25 is an abomination. I think this tiki necklace should atleast be 15 or 20 dollars

Hakalugi posted on 04/30/2009

On 2009-04-29 17:41, crestman wrote:
I think that the price of $25 is an abomination. I think this tiki necklace should atleast be 15 or 20 dollars

It IS at least 15 or 20 dollars!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 04/30/2009

Old Buddy love lava talk Brady Rip Off thread explained, for our newer TC users

I just decided to follow through with my plan to make my own version of the CocoJoesBrady Bunch idol and sell it for $5.99.

If anyone wants to get on my preorder "list", just post your name on this thread and I'll contact you when they are done.

Thank you for your support!
Buzzy Out!

Dustycajun posted on 04/30/2009


I'm in for one.


Hinano_Paul posted on 04/30/2009

Sweet Buzzy, Put me down as #2 on the list!

Kamaina Kraig posted on 04/30/2009

I'll take one too....:)

But I do have a serious question. After reading the posts...the old threads....the threads they sent me too....the posts on other sites dealing with it....I now have a question.

Upstate NY is difficult place to find carvers selling tikis. Not that there aren't carvers, but they generally make eagles, bears, etc. I contacted one of them and asked him if he could do tiki's and sent him a picture of a carving I found on TC. He said sure....he could do it. Not that I want him to copy that one, but if I found one I liked and asked him to copy it would that infringe on the original carvers idea? I really like the Hawaiian tiki's I've seen with the headdress that goes down the back. Also the Maoi style. If I showed the carver a picture of someone's else's work and asked him to copy it what does anyone think??

Thank you,


leleliz posted on 04/30/2009

On 2009-04-29 17:41, crestman wrote:
I think that the price of $25 is an abomination. I think this tiki necklace should atleast be 15 or 20 dollars

I love lurkers who come out of hiding to post random rants.

It really brings excitement to these forums!

Tipsy McStagger posted on 04/30/2009

[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2009-04-29 22:09 ]

Bogielocks posted on 04/30/2009


I'll take two when you're ready..



Beachbumz posted on 04/30/2009

Hey Buzzy,

I'll Take Two Too!!

One For Me and One Two be buried down the road...



thick posted on 04/30/2009

Bay Park Buzzy,

I would also like One.

Creative Chimp posted on 04/30/2009

YO BUZZY!!!!!! put me down for 2. its worth more just for having a buzzy original.

Tropical_Icebergs posted on 04/30/2009

Looks like a must have kinda thing...We don't want to be left on the beach...we will have 2 if you please...8)

naugatiki posted on 04/30/2009

Put me on the list, but if I throw my back out hula dancing while wearing it or get attacked by a tarantula I'm suing.

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 04/30/2009

On 2009-04-30 08:30, naugatiki wrote:
Put me on the list, but if I throw my back out hula dancing while wearing it or get attacked by a tarantula I'm suing.

Indeed Naugatiki, your "HU" might go one way while your "LA" goes the other....



arriano posted on 04/30/2009

Buzzy - Put me down for 1 as well. Thanks

TIKIVILLE posted on 04/30/2009

I'm in for one of those lil fellers!

WaikikianMoeKele posted on 05/01/2009

Please put me on the list for one also. Thanx!

Krisdrama posted on 05/01/2009

I want one too, Buzzy!

Bongo Bungalow posted on 05/01/2009

I'd like one Buzzy.

Sideshow Bob posted on 05/01/2009

Hey Buzzy!
I'll take one!
Can't wait to go Surfing now!


Bay Park Buzzy posted on 05/02/2009

Thanks for all your orders!

I got the molds made and finished on Thursday night. They came out just fine. On Friday morning I went to get the resin, however, the place where I get it went out of business since the last time I got some.
Was that the Brady Curse?
I thought it was the curse initially, but I was then informed that a brand new company was opening in San Diego on Monday, and that they would be stocking the stuff I needed. Even better, the new place is less than three miles from home sweet home.
I plan on being there first thing for the Grand Opening on Monday morning(free Tshirts to the first 100 customers!)to get the stuff for this.
So, the pieces will be poured on Monday and will be ready for shipping soon after that.

Anyone else want to be on the list? There hasn't been a good TC list in a while.

Cocojoesbrady Ripoff idols coming soon!
Buzzy Out!

Queen Kamehameha posted on 05/02/2009

put me down for 2 buzz


Hakalugi posted on 05/02/2009

On 2009-05-02 10:58, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
Thanks for all your orders!

I got the molds made and finished on Thursday night. They came out just fine. On Friday morning I went to get the resin, however, the place where I get it went out of business since the last time I got some.
Was that the Brady Curse?
I thought it was the curse initially, but I was then informed that a brand new company was opening in San Diego on Monday, and that they would be stocking the stuff I needed. Even better, the new place is less than three miles from home sweet home.
I plan on being there first thing for the Grand Opening on Monday morning(free Tshirts to the first 100 customers!)to get the stuff for this.
So, the pieces will be poured on Monday and will be ready for shipping soon after that.

Anyone else want to be on the list? There hasn't been a good TC list in a while.

Cocojoesbrady Ripoff idols coming soon!
Buzzy Out!

Okay okay..., count me in for one.

buddylove posted on 05/02/2009

To end all debates...here is the first version of the tiki I did that was sold on SSN (and later ripped off on Ebay and Tiki Talk) in it's natural Sculpey clay form after it was baked and molded. Front and back. The back shows the clay build up and the glue from attaching it to a piece of foam core prior to molding. End of story :)

[ Edited by: buddylove 2009-06-12 06:19 ]

leleliz posted on 05/02/2009

Nice Buzzy how you have successfully hijacked this thread and will make some cash off the whole deal. Brady curse be dammed!

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 05/02/2009

On 2009-04-30 07:13, Creative Chimp wrote:
YO BUZZY!!!!!! put me down for 2. its worth more just for having a buzzy original.

HA!! Thats funny.

I'll take two.

tiki atomica posted on 05/03/2009

nice work buzzy... perhaps this will help to dispell some of the bad ju-ju around here. i'm down for one.

kingstiedye posted on 05/03/2009

i'm in for one, buzzy.

Bambú Yoo-hoo posted on 05/04/2009

Bay Park Buzzy...

Two, please.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 05/04/2009

I'd like to thank everyone once again for the orders!

here's a little update on the progress:

Next step will be to get them colored.

Keep those orders coming. There is still some room on the list!
Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2009-05-04 16:39 ]

LOL Tiki posted on 05/04/2009

What the hell - I'll take two!

skeeter posted on 05/05/2009

Put me down for one!

sirginn posted on 05/05/2009

Put me down for one too please


leleliz posted on 05/05/2009

Its a Ku army!

tikitees posted on 05/05/2009

I'll take a couple of those bad boys!

RevBambooBen posted on 05/05/2009

Are you bringing any to Amy's??

p.s. ..... soap, candles, cake toppers,paper weights, salt licks, etc...

Sam Gambino posted on 05/05/2009

Put me down for one!

kustomtiki posted on 05/06/2009

Save one for me Buzzy!

Tiki_God posted on 05/06/2009

Count me in for 2! Thanks

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 05/07/2009

It's been a long time since there was a list this good on TC!

Here it is so far...


Dusty Cajun 1
Hinano Paul 1
Kamaina Kraig 1
Bogielocks 2
BeachBumz 2
Thick 1
Creative Chimp 2
Tropical Icebergs 2
Naugatiki 1
Arriano 1
Tikiville 1
Waikikian Moekele 1
Krisdrama 1
Bongo Bungalow 1
Sideshow Bob 1
Queen K 2
Hakalugi 1
Tikio Atomica 1
Kingstiedye 1
Bambu Yoohoo 2
Lol Tiki 2
Skeeter 1
SirGinn 1
TikiTees 2
Sam Gambino 1
Freddie ballsonic 1
Kustom Tiki 1
TikiGod 2

Product update:
Because of the overwhelming initial demand, I had to pour another 20 pieces today. Tomorrow I plan on starting the painting part. I did a couple color test ones last night and will refine my technique slightly to gain the best results.
Here's the original from the Brady Bunch show;

I'm trying to get them as close to that one as possible

Soon my friends, very very soon!

Still room on the list!
Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2009-05-06 19:26 ]

Pages: 1 2 3 4 164 replies