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Tiki Bar TV DVD Release Party Dec 4, Tonga Hut

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Doctor Tiki posted on 11/18/2008

Come celebrate with the cast of Tiki Bar TV as we raise a mug in celebration of Tiki Bar TV on DVD for the first time.
Festivities take place at the Tonga Hut in North Hollywood. Limited capacity so RSVP soon!

See you there.

Uggamug posted on 11/18/2008

Count me in!

Tikitastic posted on 11/19/2008

Sounds fun. When in the NorCal DVD Release party @ Forbidden Island?

Can't wait to get the DVD pack!

TikiGeeki posted on 11/20/2008

I am SO excited! My fez is ready!

Kiki von Tiki posted on 11/20/2008

TG: you will look cute in a fez. I wish I could go. Will you get me a copy for Christmas? :wink:

Johnny Dollar posted on 11/20/2008


TikiGeeki posted on 11/22/2008

On 2008-11-19 20:41, Kiki von Tiki wrote:
TG: you will look cute in a fez. I wish I could go. Will you get me a copy for Christmas? :wink:

There's a very real possibility that everyone I know will be getting a copy for xmas! (But of course, KvT, I've got you covered) :wink: I've got my fez all ready to go! However, I may need to go out and buy a new shirt just for the occasion... this is a big deal... can't go in one of my usual Hawaiian shirts.

I haven't seen any word of Johnny Johnny going, only The Dr. and Lala... anyone know?! Who will man the bar?!?!

Ojaitimo posted on 11/22/2008

I'm hoping its Drinkbot. There are few mixoligists that make a better mai tai than me. I am not worthy.
Heres my chance to see him in action!

Kiki von Tiki posted on 11/26/2008

THAT is crazy fun Ojaitimo. Whatever shall I wear to this festival of Tiki bar splendiforisness? Perhaps Kiki better stay home a couplea evenings and get a new skirt made. Aack, work.

TikiGeeki posted on 11/27/2008

On 2008-11-25 20:32, Kiki von Tiki wrote:
Whatever shall I wear to this festival of Tiki bar splendiforisness? Perhaps Kiki better stay home a couplea evenings and get a new skirt made. Aack, work.

Use less fabric and it will only take an evening. Personally, I'd shoot for about 5 minutes worth of work. >:)

Ojaitimo posted on 11/28/2008

Grass skirt and a lei? That doen't take five minutes.

WooHooWahine posted on 11/29/2008

WoooHooo! So are Doctor Tiki, LaLa, & Johnny Johnny Cali-forni-tikis now???

TikiGeeki posted on 11/29/2008

Found a mention on the TikiBarTV boards that Johnny Johnny is hosting an event in NY on the same night... so I'm assuming it'll just be Lala and the fine Dr. at this party... plus others. Though, if I drink enough... perhaps I'll be able to see him anyway! :P

Kiki von Tiki posted on 11/30/2008

On 2008-11-28 15:49, Ojaitimo wrote:
Grass skirt and a lei? That doen't take five minutes.

I think I'd better do just a little more than that!

[ Edited by: Kiki von Tiki 2008-11-30 10:13 ]

Ojaitimo posted on 12/04/2008

Kiki von Tiki posted on 12/07/2008

Here's us with Dr. Tiki. That me, Kiki v. in the middle and TikiGeeki rockin the fez.

And of course the lovely Lala with TikiGeeki.

They were all very gracious and charming. Dr Tiki and Lala signed our dvd cases and chatted and posed for the pics. They also paid the bar tab for everyone there. Kiki had one too many, I'm afraid. Those zombies sure do sneak up on you. I didn't even smell them coming. I wonder what Dr. Tiki would prescribe for a hangover?

Ojaitimo posted on 12/08/2008

Virgin cocktails?

It was an awesome night until the TNA ahowed up !
Lala was upset that a certain person who shall remain nameless didn't show and broke her heart.
No really! But I degress or ingress? Anyway, cool party, thanks for the drinks Doc.

Party was going fine until these hosers showed up and busted the party. Who the F are the TNA anyway?

Edited for PC

[ Edited by: Ojaitimo 2008-12-07 20:51 ]

Ojaitimo posted on 12/10/2008

On the seventy fifth anniversary of the repeal of prohibition in America,the founder of TNA Col. Donn Beach the father of Tiki, set a standard for the ethos and true spirit of Tiki.
The TNA is charged with investigating violations of Tiki and taking action.
Last Thursday Agents North and West arrested Doctor Tiki at the Tonga Hut to face charges made by the Grand Tiki jury. If you have information we need to know.

Agent West [email protected]

Ojaitimo posted on 12/12/2008

We recieved this message today

To the TNA,

Dear Assholes,

Instead of going after nice people like Tiki Bar TV, why don't you do something about Sam's Seafood Tiki's? Better yet, raid Las Vegas Trader Vic's and shut them down. We understand you also investigate Mai Tai's? WHAT A JOKE Bet you use OJ and grenadine in your version don't you. Who made you the oracle of drink knowledge anyway.


End quote]

Dear Anonymous,

Assholes are like excuses which is what you are for a human being.
Our Mai Tai is the Grog Log version.
1.5 oz fresh lime juice
1 oz aged Rhum Clement (Not B rum)
1 oz Goslings Black seal
1/2 oz Marie Brizzard curacao
1/4 oz orgeat syrup
1/4 oz rock candy syrup
serve with crushed ice and spent lime shell and garnish with mint

In your case use double the rum, you need it.

Now STFU very much
Agent West
(Tiki Bar TV! Sorry you have to hear this. Correction : Sorry you have to read this!

Ojaitimo posted on 01/14/2009

Here is the video from the party that I had to change the music after the Suit's complained to You Tube that I was using "The theme song from the Blues Brothers"
Actually it was the theme from Peter Gunn by Henry Mancini but in order to post the video I pulled it and changed the music.
The new music is the Matini Kings doing Take 5.
The lawyers were representing Anonymous who I had already heard from.

Great party Tiki Bar TV

Ojaitimo posted on 01/17/2009

So the Suits were there last night at Cinescape. Doctor Tiki and Tosca presented Tiki Bat TV to a packed house in Hollywood at Tubefilters event for Webcasters. Old Media vs New Media.

The old media people tried drowning out Doctor Tiki to no avail. " How about you old media guys going to the bar and we'll call you in a year or two?"

Tubefilter hosted this media event which apparently made some people in Hollywood nervous. (Way to go Jeff)

I found this Vancouver Tiki in a Salvation Army recently and decided that I knew where he had to be. With Tiki Bar TV.

[ Edited by: Ojaitimo 2009-01-16 20:39 ]

danlovestikis posted on 01/18/2009

Where can we buy this DVD? Wendy

PiPhiRho posted on 01/19/2009

You can get the dvd at the Tiki Bar TV store...


danlovestikis posted on 01/19/2009

Thank you, Wendy

Ojaitimo posted on 01/21/2009

Hi Wendy sorry, missed your question earlier. The new season is on line at tikibartv.com Episode 41 is in HD with Dolby 5.1 surround. They are sailing the south seas on board the SS Tiki Bar. Check it out and then vote for them. The Streamy Awards is happening next month and nominations now.

Lets help them out Tiki Central and soon the world will know of Tiki.
OK, maybe not the world but a lot of youth that would otherwise be misguided by
Jimmy B and what he thinks a Tiki bar is. So for the childrens sake.
Please go vote for Tiki Bar TV in the comedy catagories.
Best comedy series, actor, actress, director and writing.

Jeff Central posted on 01/21/2009

Where can one get a black Kahiki shirt like to one in the above photo?

Never seen that one before.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers and Mahalo,

Ojaitimo posted on 01/23/2009
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