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Forbidden Island 2008 Holiday Gift Guide!

Pages: 1 2 replies

martiki posted on 11/26/2008


‘Tis the season! Holiday shopping doesn’t have to be a nightmare! Not with great gifts for everyone on your list all in one place: Forbidden Island! Come on by and start your shopping early this year. Plus (unlike the mall) we have exotic cocktails! Everyone’s a winner!

Take a look at the variety:


  1. We’re pleased to announce that the new Forbidden Island Tiki Mug has finally arrived!! Fresh off the truck this morning, now is the time to start stuffing some stockings! Featuring the all-new design sculpted by Tiki Diablo in a classic tiki bar brown glaze, the new mugs are available for: $5 with the purchase of our signature Forbidden Island cocktail, $7 with any other cocktail, or $10 by themselves. Stock up while supplies last!
  2. We still have just a few of the limited edition Diablo Mugs- hand pained, signed and numbered by Tiki Diablo himself. These beautiful and rare mugs are a special treat- so don’t delay!
  3. BONUS! Our ol’ pal NOTCH has just been digging around his shop and came up with five more of our limited FI Edition Roberto Loco mugs. These mugs, which sold out back in June of 2007, are highly prized gems (Here’s one: http://www.tikicentral.com/uploads/4609/4678264e.jpg ) and are only getting more valuable as NOTCH continues to skyrocket to fame and glory! Still at the original price, so get here quick!


Here are a few favorites that never go out of style:

Bowling Shirts: A great looking classic bowling shirt, you’ll find these on the backs of all the most discriminating drinkers. Plenty of sizes in stock!

T-Shirts: Known and loved the world over, we’ve just got a fresh shipment and we’ve got plenty of sizes!

Muddlers: Our FI Master Muddlers are built tough when you’re ready to go pro!

Tiki Magazine: Roll ‘em and stuff ‘em in a stocking- perfect fireside reading, or a handy tool to help family members understand your problem!

NEW!! The 2009 Kitten Koffin Zombies Wall Calendar- 12 months of gorgeous pinup girls to adorn the walls of your home or (open-minded) office. Featuring our very own server, Lee, as Ms. January herself!! Yowza!! Only a handful left, so hurry over!


Our Gift Cards, available in any amount, make the perfect gift! You can use them for anything we sell- all I’m saying is you can’t drink rum with a Starbucks gift card. Which would you rather have?

Please remember that we don’t ship- all items are available in person only. That way you get a gift, too! Drinky drinky!


[ Edited by: martiki 2008-11-26 14:49 ]

[ Edited by: martiki 2008-11-26 22:16 ]

TikiPug posted on 11/27/2008

Martin - your link is wrong
Here is the correct link

Tiki Kupcake posted on 11/27/2008

I'm just hoping you will have some kind of mug left when I am there in August.

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