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mini road trip, L.A-San Diego-L.A-San Diego-L.A

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nuKKe posted on 11/30/2008

A combination of a not-to-be-missed charter deal and a dearly missed family, lead us to book a quick vacation in December 16-25. We'll spend most of our time in San Diego with Mr. and Mrs. Kick_the_Reverb and the kid, but the flight is to L.A and we'll also spend the night of the 20th in downtown L.A, in a show.

So we'll drive between L.A and San Diego a couple of times and we want to find out where to stop on our way to our destination(s) - bars, interesting roadside architecture etc.

We've been to the Bahooka and to Oceanic Arts in 2007 (though we might stop in OA again)and saw the apartment complexes too. Tiki Ti is closed for the holidays :/

We'll be in Anehaim, in Knott's Berry Farm. Neither of us cares much for Disney, so we'll skip the Enchanted Tiki Room, but is there any place worth seeing around?

I'm thinking about visiting the Royal Hawaiian in Laguna Beach (signature mug! signature mug!). Any other recommendations for bars in the area?



dogbytes posted on 12/01/2008

oh geez, we'll just miss you! im driving from seattle to san diego, the week before you arrive! argh.

i don't drink, so i cant help you with bars ~ but i'd recommend clifton's.

nuKKe posted on 12/01/2008

Wow! I never visit the Bilge forum - seems like a mistake.
It's close to the venue, too, so we'll definitely go there.

PMing you.

dogbytes posted on 12/01/2008

ooh too bad Charles Phoenix isnt doing a tour while youre there. but use his site to plan a Googie Trip of your own.

Zanabelle looks interesting: A truly unique and awesome Ice Cream, Candy, Toy & Card shop in Silverlake

tikiyaki posted on 12/01/2008

No tiki trip from LA to SD would be complete without a trip to KONA.(Formerly Sam's Seafood) - The oldest still intact Tiki Restaurant/Bar in Orange County

KONA Restaurant (formerly Sam’s Seafood)
16278 S. Pacific Coast Highway, Huntington Beach, CA 92649
1 mile south of Seal Beach Blvd.
(562) 592-1321

And if you have no plans on New Year's Eve, that's where the tiki will be....


Dustycajun posted on 12/02/2008

In LA you have to go to the Tonga Hut and could consider Damon's for a bite to eat - is not too far away. In Orange County, how about Bamboo Ben's.

If roaming in San Diego a must stop is the Bali Hai and other Tiki establishments at Point Loma and Shelter Island.


bigtikidude posted on 12/02/2008

Hello Keren.
its Jeff, Ran's Friend in Anaheim.
PM me off list and I'll give you my E-mail and cell phone,
I can show you some stuff in Orange County.

and I would recommend seeing the 2 Surf Museums.
1 in Huntington Beach really close to Kona, tiki restaurant.
and the other is in Oceanside.

you should go to Bamboo 2 you and Tiki's too in Encinitas on the way down to San Diego. and while there, stop at Lou's Records.

If you have not been to Amoeba Records in Hollywood that is a must see.

I know you have been to the Trader Vics in Bevery Hills and it is closed now, but the bar by it self has moved next door to the Hilton Hotel, Pool area.

Also the Warehouse in Marania Del Rey is not really Tiki but it is a must see cool Resturaunt in LA area.

I could go on and on,
but send me a PM or E-mail Bigtikidude@yahoo.com
and we will hook up.

Hopefully you will be here for New Years Eve, and can go to Kona and See Tikiyaki. That will be a great night of tiki music, food and drink.


[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2008-12-02 08:27 ]

nuKKe posted on 12/02/2008

Oy, so many things to see, eat and drink, so little time.

On 2008-12-01 10:42, tikiyaki wrote:

And if you have no plans on New Year's Eve, that's where the tiki will be....


Thanks, Tikiyaki. By New Year's Eve we'll be back in Tel Aviv, with bottles of Lemon Hart and Appelton XV and probably some mugs.

DC - a revisit to Shelter Island is definitely on the itinerary.

Jeff - emailing you

Keren/ nuKKe

nuKKe posted on 12/28/2008

Thank you.
Thank you Dogbytes for recommending Clifton's - it was indeed quite an experience.
Thank you Tikiyaki for recommending Kona - cool, cool place and a surprising vegetarian selection in the menu.
Thank you so very much Bigtikidude for everything! For meeting us on Saturday in Kona for an early dinner and a drink and for telling us that Tiki Ti was open; for meeting us on Sunday in Hi Times in Costa Mesa for rum shopping (we weren't stopped by customs so all 3 bottles arrived safely to the home bar); and for inviting us over to your house on Monday, to sip some rum, look at your collection, for all your information and for the generousity. The Harvey and the coconut mug are proudly placed in the front of our ikea display cabin and the Tikiyaki Orchestra CD is still in the stereo, 2 days after we returned home and played it while unpacking - we love it.

Thank you, Matt Reese and Bosko, for opening the doors to your private home bars to us. You guys sure gave us something to aspire to.

This short trip to SoCal was one of the best we have taken so far and the human factor is the main reason for it (and the cocktails too, but cocktails are mixed by people).

Hope to see you all again on our next visit.


bigtikidude posted on 12/30/2008

Keren, and Gal,
so good to see you 2 again, and actully spend time and talk and get to know you, last time at Trader Vics was too short and Ran was blabbing to much. :wink:

hope you come back again,
there is always more stuff to see/do in So.Cal.
and glad you got the rum home,
and you enjoy the cds and mugs.

thanks again for the mini grogger mug.

happy new year.

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