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Pages: 1 10 replies

voodrew posted on 12/02/2008

I was bored one night and had tiki on the brain. i had finished off a bottle of wine and was staring at the cork,,,
looked like a miniature log... got out an exacto knife and got to work..
Give it a try,,cool christmas ornament gift idea.



[ Edited by: voodrew 2008-12-01 20:28 ]

tikiskip posted on 12/02/2008

Now that is cool!!!

tikiyaki posted on 12/02/2008

DAMN !!!!

Those are SWEET !

I say sting em' up and make pendants out of em'.

Dustycajun posted on 12/02/2008

So simple, yet so Tiki! Very nice. I should have lots of opportunity to practice over the upcoming holiday season.


Sneakytiki posted on 12/02/2008

Inspired! Great fun.

nuKKe posted on 12/02/2008

how cute!

MadDogMike posted on 12/02/2008

Good thinkin'. Great contrast combo with the rough and smooth.

voodrew posted on 11/17/2010

I posted some shots of my wine cork tiki's two years ago. Since then I have been
trying to keep up w some carves... here are a bunch; most are corks from wine bottles,
a couple are from random wood I found along local beaches here in RI. and my big tiki
is from a palm log I brought back from FLA.

voodrew posted on 11/17/2010

I have dozens of older cork tiki's, hoping to use them as models for future larger tiki.
this was my first cork, and my latest

been using an xacto knife, end up going through a couple for each cork, they get dull quick...
I learn alot checking out everyone's posts and images, love TIKI CENTERAL... great to see that i'm not the only one
with a tiki obsession...

Haole Jim posted on 12/18/2010

Outstanding. Inspiring.

Re dull x-acto style blades, maybe try a scalpel on the corks.

Make sure to get Kevlar gloves!

beadtiki posted on 12/18/2010

Super cute! Wish I could carve! Your first carved cork looks like rice cake and I was thinking "That's probably the best use for those things when not using them for glass coasters!"

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