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Tiki Central / Tiki Music

Mele Kalikimaka Exotica free ringtones The Mars Volta & Casios

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Tiki Tooth posted on 12/04/2008

Aloha TCers

We wanted to pay tribute to the Exotica greats by doing our own twist on the Hawaiian Christmas classic "Mele Kalikimaka". We used the 8-bit Casio SK-1 & SK-5 to sample our jungle calls & Ukulele. We also used various other Casio keyboards to layer their older preset voices to capture the vintage vibe.

This is quite an experimental recording being limited to only using cheap Casio Instruments

Ikey Owens from The Mars Volta & Free Moral Agents, laid down the solo!

We hope that you have a chance to check us out.

( ( ( ( ( Kasio Kristmas ) ) ) ) )



"Mele Kalikimaka" sample is available to preview either at iTunes, Amazon, or myspace

[ Edited by: Tiki Tooth 2008-12-04 16:40 ]

huhutiki posted on 12/04/2008

What a fun idea. Just bought some on your site for stocking stuffers.
Great Job!

Tiki Tooth posted on 12/04/2008

Aloha again!

We've decided to give away 2 free ringtones from our site at http://www.kasiokristmas.com "Mele Kalikimaka" & "The 12 Days Of Christmas". If you have an iPhone, all you have to do is submit the email address that you'd like it delivered to. Please state which ringtone you'd like. (Unfortunately only iPhone ringtones are available for this free offer)

Mahalo for checking us out

( ( ( ( ( kasio kristmas ) ) ) ) )

arsenic posted on 12/05/2008

Thanks for the Ringtone Kasio Kristmas and Tiki Central. Mele Kalikimaka is a great mix of Tiki and Christmas.
I felt like I had to buy the CD, so I did.

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