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Holiday Tiki Mug Trade-Off... any takers??

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AceyTiki posted on 11/22/2008

I'll do it!!!

TikiMeplus3 posted on 11/23/2008

Im interested but I think Im too late. let me know.

TikiHula posted on 11/24/2008

Doh, I missed posting on Friday. I'm in if it's not too late...

Bogielocks posted on 11/26/2008

Happy Thanksgiving all you traders...

I'm still waiting for about 15 addresses, so I haven't been able to do the trade matches. If you haven't sent my your address, please do so ASAP.

I'm on the road for the holiday, so hopefully by the weekend I'll be able to match everyone up and we'll be ready to go.



Tiki Kupcake posted on 11/27/2008

Thanks for the update!

Big Kahuna posted on 11/27/2008

Do you still have our addresses from the last time or do you need them again?

Bogielocks posted on 11/30/2008

Greetings All!

I have everyone matched up but I'm still short on a few addresses until I can send of your matches. So here's who I'm waiting for..

Big Kahuna
Matt Reese
Joe Banks
Brenda's Tiki Hut

Hopefully have this ready to go by tonight...



Big Kahuna posted on 12/01/2008

Hey! Chucklehead! :lol: Did ya read the post above yours!?!? PM sent! I'm so excited!

Dustycajun posted on 12/02/2008

Hey Bogielocks,

Did you get everyone's info sent in? If not, post again and we can help find those rascals. I'm sure everybody is raring to go now that it is officially December.


Bogielocks posted on 12/02/2008

Hey DC..

Nope, still waiting on...

Matt Reese
Joe Banks
Brenda's Tiki Hut

I'm itching to get this moving...

Santa needs a new tiki mug and a bottle of Lemon Hart..

Ho Ho Ho!

Tiki Royale posted on 12/02/2008

On 2008-12-02 00:00, Bogielocks wrote:

Nope, still waiting on...

Matt Reese
Joe Banks
Brenda's Tiki Hut

Since its an even 4 holdouts, how about just paring them off 2 and 2?

Dustycajun posted on 12/03/2008

Tiki Royale that is brilliant! You must have been a math major. I vote for pairing off the tardy check-ins and proceeding with the festivities.


bongofury posted on 12/03/2008

I hope this starts soon as the Post Office is already getting busy...

Bogielocks posted on 12/03/2008


I just wanted to let everyone know that you all have been matched and have your secret trader's address in your TC mailboxes.

Thanks again for everyone who wanted to trade. We've had a great time the last two swaps and I love to see what everyone gets.

Just remember..

  1. Ship as soon as possible
  2. When you ship your mug, PM me so I can check you off.
  3. When you receive your mug, let your trader know.
  4. Post some pictures when they arrive (if you want)
  5. Just have FUN!

As before, I will keep you posted as to who's packages have shipped.

So, The Holiday Tiki Mug Trade-Off 2008 has begun!

Happy Holidays!!


leleliz posted on 12/03/2008


Now the box that has been packed and sitting on my table for a few days can finally meet its owner :)

Thanks again Rick.

Can't wait to see what everyone gets!

Joe Banks posted on 12/03/2008

Packed and shipping this afternoon!

Bogielocks posted on 12/04/2008

Howdy everybody.. Looks like Santa the mailman my be busy pretty soon...

The following folks had their packages shipped today...

go tiki
Coco Joe
Mrs TikiPug

What a great start. I will do an update tomorrow when I get home from work.



Coco Joe posted on 12/05/2008

Just got home from work and there was a special gift waiting for me! It ends up that Scott aka Joe Banks was selected to be my tiki mug provider who is actually a good friend of mine.

Scott-Much Thanks! I've really been wanting the Polynesian Village mug. You made this dude very happy

and now the goods:

Bogielocks posted on 12/05/2008

Oh yes, the packages have started to arrive..

Well, the following folks should keep their eye out on the postman..

House of Ku

That's it for today, I'll keep you posted.. Until tomorrow...


Matt Reese posted on 12/05/2008

Sent mine out today.

TikiMeplus3 posted on 12/05/2008

sent mine today too !!!

Dustycajun posted on 12/05/2008

Ship-Pity Do Da, Ship-Pity To-day

Mine is off too!

catmomma posted on 12/06/2008

mine went out yesterday.

Bogielocks posted on 12/06/2008

Great, looks like we got lots shipped. Please don't post that you shipped in the thread, just PM me. "If" only one person shipped, and then I post who it's going to, the surprise may be gone..

So, I'm going to hold off to tomorrow's shipments before I post the next round of mugs shipped.

See ya tomorrow..


SilverLine posted on 12/06/2008

I was feeling pretty awful yesterday thanks to some leftover turkey, but getting these goodies from Caffeinated set my spirits right! Included was a very nice, hand-done Tiki holiday card, bamboo swizzle and Brass Monkey swizzle, OMC peanut mug with mini-me shot mug and the paper umbrella to cap it all off. Thanks Steve! Behold the healing power of Tiki!

GO TIKI posted on 12/07/2008

This is all ways a Great one! I hit the mother-load! I love the old school mugs, My favorites to collect, Thank You! And that bumper-sticker is all ready on the Go Tiki mobile machine, Cheers! Closettiki and Happy Holiday's too you! I'll enjoy all the stuff for years to come, Thanks a bunch! Gogo

Bogielocks posted on 12/07/2008

Hey everybody..

Here's a list of packages that have been shipped. Hopefully your name is there...

Joe Banks
Unkle John
Slacks Ferret
LOL Tiki

I hoped that mixed things up a bit.

Next update will be late Tuesday night. I'll be computer-less on Monday..

Have a great rest of the weekend..


tiki410 posted on 12/07/2008

Special thanks to Bongo Bungalow. I especially liked the extra effort you put in the packaging. I think I am going to frame it and put it up in the bar. This has really been a lot of fun.

Staredge posted on 12/07/2008

Got mine today!!!!!!! Catmomma hooked me up!!!!! :drink:

Been trying to get a Fu Manchu for quite a while. The swizzles are great. Haven't had any luck finding any good ones locally. The glass elephant survived the trip. Thanks so much!!!!!!

(and I'm reusing the packing material to send mine out tomorrow!!! :lol: )

When's the next major gift giving holiday????? :lol:

catmomma posted on 12/08/2008

glad to hear everything arrived in good shape. I was worried about the little elephant's trunk! :)

tiki5-0 posted on 12/08/2008

I saw GO TIKI's post & it looked exactly the same as what I received. Then I saw it was from Closettiki & that's who I got mine from as well, so that explained why. Thanks so much!!! Here it is:

tikipaka posted on 12/09/2008

Well, :o I came home today to a very nice package. :D But when I opened it the first thing I picked out was all shattered. But the rest of the contents was in great shape. :D :D So I can say now that I have a piece of art by Matt Reese.

Thanks Matt and Happy Holidays to everyone.

Matt Reese posted on 12/09/2008

I'll send you out another of the one that shattered. You New Yorkers need your fixes from out west. Sorry about that.

TikiHula posted on 12/09/2008

I got excellent loot from Coco Joe including a Tiki Ti coconut drink bowl and match book! Man, I have to go there next time I'm in LA. Mahalo Joe and Happy Holidays to all!

catmomma posted on 12/09/2008

I got a great big box of tiki goodness from MauiTiki yesterday!

I really love the Trader Vics ceramic mug. I have never seen that before and it made me laugh as I spun it around to see what all those dirty little islanders are doing on there, lol. Awesome!

The mugs swaps truly ROCK. I enjoy it so much every time.
Thank you MauiTiki for the great surprises.

Unkle John posted on 12/09/2008

Man oh man! I must have been a good boy this year! 8ft grew my name again! LOL

I've been looking for another Al Harrington (Harrington being my last name and all).
Thanks alot! Hope to get you again! LOL

Big Kahuna posted on 12/09/2008

Sent a package on a loooonnnggggg journey today. I hope it arrives in time for Christmas!

Mrs. TikiPug posted on 12/09/2008

The mister and I were on vacation last week and came home to an awesomely wrapped package of goodies from LeLeLiz.

Thanx for all the goodies.

leleliz posted on 12/09/2008

I am so glad you liked everything Mrs. Tiki Pug :)

Mele Kalikimaka to you and yours and I look foward to meeting you in person someday !

Bogielocks posted on 12/10/2008

Season Greetings All,

You miss a lot when you go computer-less for a few days. Great mugs are arriving, and I know there's a few more to arrive shortly..

So, who's up next? Let's see......

Maui Tiki
Mike the Headhunter
Matt Reese
Bogielocks (Woo Hoo!!)
Tiki Royale
Tiki Shaker
Tropical Icebergs
Sweet Daddy Tiki

That's it for the past few days. I will update tomorrow...



suzanne posted on 12/10/2008

Wow, I totally missed the boat on this. What cool packages, everyone!


HOUSE OF KU posted on 12/10/2008

My package of Goodies is here! Mahalo Tiki 5-0! :o

Mr. Bali Hai with lid, Islands Golden Ale coaster, another mug and just in time for corn season...Tiki corn holders...

Mahalo Brent! :) Aloha, Freddie

NOTCH posted on 12/10/2008

I got my package last week and I will post pictures of my goodies when I get my computer up in running(this is my braddahs box)..... I am real happy with my gifts I got and there sitting in my bar at my shop...Oh Yeah!!!!

TikiMeplus3 posted on 12/10/2008

Recieved my stuff from Unkle John and I wanted to say thanks!!! This is my first mug trade and I am just starting on tiki collecting so next year I hope to share in the mug trade and have more interesting items to send but this is a great way to be involved with all the great tiki fans here. Thanks bogie locks for you effort to make this happen and thanks to Unkle John again, Mele Kalikimaka to all :)

Joe Banks posted on 12/11/2008

Aloha! I came home today to find my package awaitin' me. Tiki410 really went all out. When I opened the box there was a lovely card and a beautiful Orchids Pineapple mug. Also, mixed in the box with the packing foam was a virtual Mardis Gras of prizes! Swizzle sticks..pins..Mardi Gras coins and beads! (including Mardis Gras beads with a seahorse!)

Mahalo Tiki410! It's fantastic!

closettiki posted on 12/11/2008

i recieved my bounty today.......thank you tikikate......a great mug from The Royal Hawaiian ...laguna beach....i dont have this one...im stoked
also a great assortment of swizzles from all over to add to my collection..i love hotel and bar swizzles with the names on them....class....
another great holiday trade.......this is fun you just cant get anywhere........

Slacks Ferret posted on 12/11/2008

My package came today. Mahalo Tiki Royale. It got here pretty quickly.
I love the vintage Skipper Kent's surfer girl mug! The Zombie Village matchbook design T-shirt was such a cool bonus, and it's great to have some more swizzles. I didn't have the Forbidden Island one yet. Such a generous helping of Tiki! Thanks again!

Tiki Royale posted on 12/11/2008

Use in good health Slacks!!

Woo hoo! I found a special something on my porch today...

A nice jewel-eyed Orchids mug. I give him the thumbs-up too!
A wicked cool Moai mug cast by SilverLine himself from a vintage mold. LOVE the glaze, beautiful color.
But wait, there's more...
A postcard from the elusive King Kamehameha Tiki House!

I raise a Mai-Tai to you SilverLine and say "Mahalo Nui Loa!"

Mele Kalikimaka,

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