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Tiki-Ti Closing 7/26/03

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SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 07/03/2003

Ok, Ok, calm down. Not THAT type of closing! sheesh!

They're doing that vacation thingy again so the last day for getting a drink at Tiki-Ti's is Saturday, July 26th. They will re-open again on Wednesday, August 20th.

Yes, I'm jumping the gun by announcing it now, but the 26th will be here before you know it, and you'll be sorry if you didn't get your Tiki-Ti fix in before they go on vacation. Maybe a bombardment of TC'ers like last time would be in order?

PolynesianPop posted on 07/03/2003

Coincidentally, Bong and I were talking about this yesterday. We are planning on stopping in next week on Wednesday (7/09)for a drink or two. Anyone else wanna meet us?

modchick65 posted on 07/03/2003

dude, i almost started hyperventilating when i read your subject line. don't scare me like that! :)

[ Edited by: modchick65 on 2003-07-03 12:30 ]

Unga Bunga posted on 07/03/2003

I wish I had their working hours.

twowheelin'tiki posted on 07/04/2003

TOO MUCH TIME OFF!!!!!!!!!!and I told'em so last night!

Shipwreckjoey posted on 07/05/2003

After slaving over a hot tiki bar all day long the last thing you want to see when you come home after work is the wife greeting you with a perfect mai-tai in a classic tiki mug. As W.C. Fields once said - "work is the curse of the drinking class"

CheekyGirl posted on 07/07/2003

I'm game for throwing back another couple of those yummy Grey's Mistakes. What time will ya'll be there?

Mrs. B posted on 07/07/2003

twowheelin'tiki wrote:[/i]
TOO MUCH TIME OFF!!!!!!!!!!and I told'em so last night!

Own a bar, work the grind and then you can bitch about Tiki Ti taking their "earned", 'no pay' vacation. And, Unga - oooga booga....no, you would not want their hours in a million years, trust me I worked the bar biz for 15 years and it's no treat...unless you "suck it up" for a month on the North Shore and that makes it all worth while...whether you people dig it or not.
So...no more bitching....work it or be quiet!

Unga Bunga posted on 07/09/2003

Mrs. B (Now I know what the B stands for),
For your insight, I have been bartending for 20 years in about 7 states, so don't lecture me about the hospitality business. Oh and before your next post, FREAKIN SWITCH TO DECAFF!

Mrs. B posted on 07/10/2003

Two days to respond...and bash at that? Wow, maybe you should get off the decaf and get to the real vein grinder.
Anyway...lighten up...I commend your 20 years. You're 5 up on me, good for you; great for me.
Only 2 people know what the "B" stands for and I can't remember if you're on the list....hmmmmm...don't think so.

Unga Bunga posted on 07/10/2003

And Aloha to you

[ Edited by: Unga Bunga on 2003-08-26 20:31 ]

floratina posted on 07/10/2003

Very nice, UB. You're coming off a little B-esque here yourself :o.

[ Edited by: floratina on 2003-07-10 09:58 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 07/10/2003

Yo Bunga,
You ever own your own biz?

Unga Bunga posted on 07/10/2003

Hi Floratina, I B nice now.
Hi Rev, I was partners with a friend in Flagstaff, Arizona (for about 3 years). Italian \ Bar rest., I sold out to him to move back near family and the ocean. I enjoyed it but, I could only dream of a day off. I knew what was in store and no, it was not easy.
Looking forward to your website!

DawnTiki posted on 07/10/2003

Play nice Unga B or don't play at all...no name calling on the playground. It sounds like your old enough to know better. Not Zazz!

thejab posted on 07/10/2003

On 2003-07-09 12:06, Unga Bunga wrote:
Mrs. B (Now I know what the B stands for),
For your insight, I have been bartending for 20 years in about 7 states, so don't lecture me about the hospitality business. Oh and before your next post, FREAKIN SWITCH TO DECAFF!

I've been served plenty of bad drinks by veteran bartenders. And I've been served excellent drinks by Mike Jr. at the Tiki Ti who's only been a bartender for a couple years. It's not how long you've been a bartender that counts.

Unga Bunga posted on 07/10/2003

I love the Tiki Ti and never said I didn't.

Re. to bartender experience:
Jab, your response of relevance to the post is not undersood.(?)

[ Edited by: Unga Bunga on 2003-07-12 01:56 ]

[ Edited by: Unga Bunga on 2003-07-12 01:59 ]

[ Edited by: Unga Bunga on 2003-07-12 02:02 ]

Unga Bunga posted on 07/10/2003

I apologize to any T.C'er's feathers I ruffled. I should have just ignored the provocation, due to its level.

hanford_lemoore posted on 07/10/2003

On 2003-07-10 11:13, DawnTiki wrote:
Play nice Unga B or don't play at all...no name calling on the playground. It sounds like your old enough to know better. Not Zazz!

Maybe it's just me, but "So...no more bitching....work it or be quiet!" isn't exactly playing nice, either. IMO That sounds like provication.

EDIT: By the way, this isn't me taking sides, I'm just saying that things like this have a way of escalating, normally not on purpose but from an initial point of miscommunication, that's all. Thanks for not taking it farther.


[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore on 2003-07-10 15:07 ]

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 07/11/2003

Holy Moly People!

I've been away a little while and didn't see how this thread was getting. I just wanted to let some of you know that Mike & Mike will be gone on a well deserved break. Some of us TC'ers were there last night. It was fun. If you're close enough to go to Tiki-Ti's, HAVE A DRINK AND RELAX....if you're not close enough, then by all means, get a drink SOMEWHERE and relax!


RevBambooBen posted on 07/11/2003

So, How was Tiki Ti last night you "TIKI FREAKS"!?

Oooops. You "All" know that I mean that in a good way right?

So, Do they deserve the month off?

Arggggggggggggg! (I need a month off!)

spy-tiki posted on 07/11/2003

So anyway, back to Tiki Ti...

Do you guys have an "in" so we don't end up standing on the sidewalk all night? I'd like to meet some fellow TC'ers over some tropical grog.

floratina posted on 07/11/2003

The best "in" for the Tiki Ti I can recommend is to show up there at 6 pm when they open! You will have some leeway if you choose a weeknight, methinks.

Hey Ben, it was a fun night last night, as you know doubt can imagine. We sat, we blabbed, we drank. The only thing missing was youse all.

RevBambooBen posted on 07/11/2003

On 2003-07-10 09:45, Unga Bunga wrote:
And Aloha to you


Can you lock this post? They're (Tiki Ti) on vacation now............before WW3!!!

spy-tiki posted on 07/11/2003

aren't they open till July 26th?

tikivixen posted on 07/11/2003

Hi Spy-Tiki!

You KNOW who I am, heh heh.

I believe they are open till the 26th, yes. I have high hopes of being there either Fri the 18th and/or Sat 19th w/my film noir pal Al Rode, so...hopefully, we'll see you and perhaps some other TCers there!

I will post again about this in the Events thread, and/or this one, as the date draws nearer!

Cheers! and please, everyone just have a nice, cool, soothing OOGA BOOGA asap!



spy-tiki posted on 07/11/2003

Hey there Vix. Let me know when you're going and I'll swing by. 242-6313. Since the governor changed the rules I'm unemployed with plenty of free time.


thejab posted on 07/11/2003

*On 2003-07-11 00:21, tikivixen wrote:*I have high hopes of being there either Fri the 18th and/or Sat 19th w/my film noir pal Al Rode, so...hopefully, we'll see you and perhaps some other TCers there!

Lisa, if you're going to be in town you really ought to consider taking Charles Phoenix's Pomona bus tour on the 19th. I wish I could go!


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Hanalei_Pirate posted on 07/11/2003

Hey, wait a minute so what happened with the plans for meeting over at Tiki Tis? This conversation has been totally sidetracked. What do you guys think - another Tiki Central night there before it closes? This time I will bring my camera.

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 07/11/2003

Well we already did a Tiki-Ti gathering on 7/9, but it doesn't mean we can't do it again before they go on vacation....and yes, the last day is Saturday, July 26th. It's on the calendar.

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Larry Lava posted on 07/12/2003

Hey everybody! Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lava (Peter and Mary of Fresno) are going LA on vacation this next week. We have never been to the Tiki Ti and it is on the top of our list. Does anyone want to go Wednesday or Thursday of next week (7/16-17)? We are leaving Saturday evening and will have no computer access so post before then if you want to hang out with us there. Also, if any knows anything cool we should do in LA next week pass it on!

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Hanalei_Pirate posted on 07/14/2003

We've got two replies about wanting to go to Tiki Ti's - I wonder if the couple from Fresno can make it on the friday when Tiki Vixen says she is going with her film noir friend, instead of the Wednesday or Thursday? Personally I'd rather go the friday than go thursday and have to deal with work the next day. We got enough locals in L.A. county to make for another happening night at tiki ti's - what do you say, people? We can go there again at 6pm and just take over! Incidentally, I was by there on Saturday night last week and man, it was a mad house. Lines out the street - no way to get in so I seriously suggest as Floretina had posted to go early.

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mrsmiley posted on 07/15/2003

Is anyone going to the Tiki-Ti friday the 18th or Saturday the 19th. A guy I know will be in town and wonders if any Hoiti-Toiti's are gonna be there?

floratina posted on 07/15/2003

Your're more likely to find us at Huntington Beach at Bamboo Ben's Firepit Party on the 19th.

[ Edited by: floratina on 2003-07-14 19:23 ]

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johnnievelour posted on 07/23/2003

Just a reminder to you all... this is the last week untill Tiki Ti's is closed for a month. Open again on Aug. 20th.

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