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hand-built art for next Tonga Hut art show in March or April

Pages: 1 2 replies

GROG posted on 12/27/2008

The next art show at the Tonga Hut in either late March or early April will feature hand-built, one-of-a-kind art. So, all of you artists that have been slinging some mud at Babalu's, you have until late March or early April (no set date yet) to get stuff finished. And all of you Tiki art connoisseurs, have until that time to save your pennies for some nice one-of-a-kind art. No mold-poured mugs, and no prints. Only originals.

RevBambooBen posted on 12/28/2008

handbuilt art for next tonga hut art show in March or April 3 GROG 40 Today; 6:52 pm
by little lost tiki
handbuilt art for next tonga hut art show in March or April 0 GROG 7 12: am
hand-built art for next Tonga Hut art show in March or April 0 GROG 1 12: am
hand-built art for next Tonga Hut art show in March or April 0 GROG 3 12: am
hand-built art for next Tonga Hut art show in March or April 0 GROG 5 12: am

Sticky key board?

( lay off the Ornpay!)

GROG posted on 12/28/2008

TC was F---d up. Each time GROG hit submit, the damned thing wouldn't do anything.

Pages: 1 2 replies