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Forbidden Island New Year's Eve 2008 (now with pictures!)

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martiki posted on 11/26/2008


It’s that magical time of year again!

Forbidden Island is pleased to invite you to our Third Annual New Year’s Eve Celebration!

Just like last year, this event will be an exclusive private party for just 55 people- leaving plenty of room to celebrate, relax, and ring in the New Year in style!

Plus, we are pleased to announce that this year dinner will be catered by Alameda’s own Hob Nob Restaurant!

Each admission includes:

-Three of our famous signature exotic cocktails!
-Gourmet dinner featuring appetizers and desserts from Hob Nob Restaurant!
-The phenomenal sounds of world famous DJ Jab!
-Champagne Toast @ Midnight!
-Party favors & more!

Tickets are just $100 for an incredible night of entertainment and dining.


Don’t miss the best party in Alameda!!


Forbidden Island
1304 Lincoln Ave
Alameda, CA 94501

[ Edited by: martiki 2008-12-02 17:19 ]

[ Edited by: martiki 2008-12-02 22:52 ]

[ Edited by: martiki 2008-12-21 16:38 ]

[ Edited by: martiki 2009-01-04 17:54 ]

GianFU posted on 12/02/2008

Patra and I would love to share NEW YEARS at the FORBIDDEN ISLAND.....

Unfortuntately... we must go south this evening towards a funeral for grandmother tomorrow. We will miss the opportunity to buy Tikits to the event today :(

Hope all will have a good time.....


martiki posted on 12/03/2008


We still have a few tickets!

At this time, we'll accept phone orders for NYE 2008. Call in to the bar with a credit card during business hours (TUE-THU 5PM-12AM, FRI-SAT 5PM-2AM, SUN 3PM-10PM), and we'll charge by phone and hold your tickets at the door. Hurry!


Tikitastic posted on 12/09/2008

Got my Forbidden Island NYE tickets and my hotel room. This year I am trying out the new Hawthorn Suites on Alameda for my NYE crash pad. Anyone else staying there NYE? I believe this is a new hotel on Alameda. I've tried the Days Inn, the Marina Village Inn and the Coral Reef Inn for past Forbidden Island events and these are not new hotels and delivery varying levels of guest experience (IMHO, Marina Village = current best on Alameda to Days Inn = current worst on Alameda).

martiki posted on 12/10/2008

Yeah, the Hawthorne just opened up on Bay Farm. It's going to need a taxi or DD, but it's probably the nicest new place to stay- and they've got some good promo rates.

Just sold 10 more tickets last night, to a bunch of women from a Swedish Nudist Colony*, so hurry in to get the last remaining! It's going to be a great night- DJ Jab promises some kind of rare KC and the Sunshine Band 45 that he found, and now I suddenly wonder if I should not have told you that. (no refunds!)

*not actually true.

JenTiki posted on 12/10/2008

There is a Hawthorne Suites on Webster that has been there for a couple years now. Maybe that's the one Mark is talking about? It would only be about an 8-block walk from FI.

thejab posted on 12/10/2008

KC and the Sunshine Band and nude swedes! Why hasn't this sold out yet? :)

martiki posted on 12/22/2008

We are SOLD OUT! Thank you very much everyone! Have a great NYE if we don't see you here!

Tikitastic posted on 12/31/2008

Tikitastic, Kim the Canuck, Tai Won On, KuKu and the Rum Runner will be there when the doors open at 6pm ready to ring in 2009 tiki style!

Kālai Waʻa posted on 12/31/2008

Pele Nani and I will be there at about 7!

martiki posted on 12/31/2008

On 2008-12-31 03:45, Tikitastic wrote:
Tikitastic, Kim the Canuck, Tai Won On, KuKu and the Rum Runner will be there when the doors open at 6pm ready to ring in 2009 tiki style!

3:45am?! good lord, man- get some sleep! you've got a long night ahead.

See everyone soon!


Tai Won On posted on 01/01/2009

Thanks Forbidden Island for an incredible New Years Eve. Martin and his crew sure know how to throw a party.
What a great time we had.

Haole'akamai posted on 01/02/2009


Where are the pictures? I was in a Disco Inferno.

where's my recreational coke....

johnnievelour posted on 01/02/2009

Thanks Forbidden Island for a fantastic time! It was good seeing some old friends and meeting new ones! And no hangover, I guess I didn't drink enough.

KuKu posted on 01/03/2009

I think I had more fun than anybody this nite cuz I am just now recovering... THANKS SO MUCH to not only Martin but the entire crew of Forbiddin Island for throwing quite a bash. I know I had more than my share of everything and felt as though I was treated like royalty. What a great group of people to have rung in a new year with. Super thanks to Tie Won On for including me! You ROCK bro!!! Oh and Hanford as I was trying to say before my words (and everythig) became blured , much respect and admiration for providing a place for us all to keep in touch...

Is that marpaul or paultin?!?

these guys were there

oooo Ron has a scorpian bowl delivered

see what happens after the scorpian bowl!! but hey it's NYE

just before midnight things started to become a blur

2008/2009 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

and Melissa turned it up and was on FIRE!! HOT!!!

and this is the last thing I can remember...

tikimary posted on 01/03/2009

What a fabulous time! Here are some of my pictures--I will post the rest in on a separate link tomorrow.

There was dancing on the tables

...and thats the last thing I remember too! :)

tikimary posted on 01/03/2009

Here are the rest of the pictures from NYE..
To see the slideshow you will need Flash...

I hope this works...


[ Edited by: tikimary 2009-01-03 11:35 ]

WooHooWahine posted on 01/03/2009

WooHoo! Great pics. Thanks for taking the time to post them. Next year we need to get the Northern Cali Ohana & The Southern Cali Ohana all together to ring in the New Year. Happy 2009 to Everyone at Forbidden Island :)

martiki posted on 01/05/2009

A tremendous thanks to everyone who came out and made it such a special night. We had a blast! Thank you all SO much for all of your support during 2008- and here's to a great 2009!

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[ Edited by: martiki 2009-01-04 17:56 ]

[ Edited by: martiki 2009-01-04 18:03 ]

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