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Pics, pics, pics of Tiki paintings!

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RenTiki posted on 07/09/2003

I have a few pics of paintings that I have or am doing right now. Here is a few.....


[ Edited by: RenTiki on 2003-07-08 21:19 ]

[ Edited by: RenTiki on 2003-07-08 21:20 ]

[ Edited by: RenTiki on 2003-07-08 21:21 ]

RenTiki posted on 07/09/2003

Anyone else who has tiki paintings is welcome to post here.

RevBambooBen posted on 07/09/2003

Hey Ren-

Where in O.C. are you? Those are cool! Stop by the store and leave a card. I get people's who want your art style, all the time. We refer for beer! (or trade)

Basement Kahuna posted on 07/09/2003

Very cool stuff...

shakatiki posted on 07/09/2003

Very tiki-delic man! Are you doing prints for the general tiki public? Do you have more? Enquiring minds want to know!! Cool stuff...

bongofury posted on 07/09/2003

I am attracted to the painting with the bongos.....Why?????? I.....must........have......it.......

Jungle Trader posted on 07/09/2003

I want one.

Chongolio posted on 07/09/2003

How big is a that Mutha Ren? It looks killer, lets see more soon. Thanks for posting this thread, I wish I thought of it! Here is a cartoon I posted a while back.

RenTiki posted on 07/09/2003

Ok, first, thank you all for the compliments! I've been viewing most of your artwork also and it is flattering to me to hear this from you talented crazy nuts! :wink:

Second; Bamboo Ben; No problem. Can do that in the next few days. I think I will be down there this weekend. Im in the city of Orange. I was raised in HB. Went to Dwyer then HBHS. Im like, old. Not sure how old. I think Im 41? Hmmm. Refer for beer,huh? Cool. What kinda beer? Lowenbrau? Rolling Rock? Or Mickey's Big Mouth? Do they still make that? LOL!

Third, thank you BK. Its nice to hear a compliment also from you.

Fourth, um.... prints? Wow, havn't even begun to think that far ahead! I just started painting about 6 months ago! Yes, I do have more.. I will try to post them today, my digi camera is acting fidgi. Maybe cause I spilled some bacardi on it? Hmm.

Fifth, Thank you Bongofury. You will probably like my other painting of 3 Tiki dudes jamming on the bongos then..I'm gonna try that fidgi digi cam later and we'll see..
Sixth, Thank you the most, Jungletrader! You were the one that suggested I do this! :wink: This particular painting is at a friend of mine's shop waiting to be framed, and then displayed to be sold there. Its just taking alittle longer than expected due to his expansion of stores. (Jungle Safari) I plugged it a little while ago so check out announcements on Main discussion page.
Seventh, Way cool image you did, Chongolio! I can relate to it totally! My mom worked at D-land for 15 years. Nothin but busloads of ornamental people. Nice people, but kinda focused on a little to much Mickey Mousesism. LOL
Size of painting is approx. 32" wide by umm 45" high. Im kinda guessing. But its about that size. This is unframed size.
Anyway, thanks again all for your supportive opinions! I raise my hand holding my mango margarita and say Mahalo!

Kava King posted on 07/09/2003

Wow, not bad for an old goat (I've got a couple years on ya)! Lots of tiki action - kinda' reminiscent of Flournoy Holmes* only with a much finer touch. I'm still "hoarding potential", but you guys are inspiring me to pick up some implements and get on with it. I for one would love a nice repro of that painting to go with my Ltd. Ee-dition BK® shrunken head mug...

Chongolio posted on 07/09/2003

Feeling inspired, I busted out my digicam and took a couple pics of two of my most recent attempts at painting. I do not consider myself a painter by any means but I do enjoy making a mess and it does get me out of the computer mode. Here is one named after the Aquavelvet 's song "Summer at Dreampoint"

And here is a painting that took me over 2 years to paint because I would get really frustrated with it then stash it out of site for months on end. (I must of reworked the girls face over 10 times) I recently spent some more hours on it out and finally got it to a point where I can at least live with it. I am calling this one "Island Girl" after the Eden Abhez tune. If you look close there is a tiki right next to the girls face. Thanks for peekin.

-- I believe that our Heavenly Father invented the monkey because he was disappointed in man."
... Mark Twain

[ Edited by: Chongolio on 2003-07-09 16:34 ]

RenTiki posted on 07/10/2003

Hey Kava,get painting! Tis the season for paintin Tikis! I think your not that much older, maybe physically. :wink:
And Chongolio! Dude! Awesome artwork!! I love the way you create water!! I find it difficult to do that. What medium do you use?
I use oils. Can't really work with anything else.
Here's a couple more shots of another one I just completed. "Crusin'"
My camera sucks. Gotta invest in a new one.

Jungle Trader posted on 07/10/2003

HEY Ren, that looks like SugarCaddyDaddy cruzin in his cad. HAHAHA!

CruzinTiki posted on 07/10/2003

RenTiki -
I love the volcano and the crashing wave, they set just the right mood! Keep us posted about where your work will be available for sale!

bongofury posted on 07/10/2003

RenTiki......born in the 60s? That aint old!!!!!! Love the mood your paintings set......Chongolio, that's some good paintin too....Love the Aqua Velvets.......have you heard Miles Corbin's solo cd "Songs From The Tiki Hut"?

emspace posted on 07/10/2003

Here's one o' mine...done long before I got into Tiki as such. Guess I should add one!

RenTiki posted on 07/10/2003

Hey Bongofury! Wait till ya see the one Im finishing up today! It's called "The Tiki Trio" Bongo playing Tiki dudes.
Cruzin; My art is for sale. It's being framed and will be sold at Jungle Safari in Santa Ana at South Coast Plaza. Don't have a phone number or address there yet. It just opened in June. Email me if you have any questions. Rentikiart@hotmail.com
Or if you have a pic or idea, I can practically repro just about anything if I have a image of it. :wink:
OH yeah, ems; I love your painting of the beach! Do you work with Terragen? I am quite familiar with that program. Won a contest last year using it! Bizarre image of a nude woman. I'm not sure if I can post it here...
Its not really x-rated, just suggestive. Heehe. Thanks for the compliments all! Let's see more pics too!

[ Edited by: RenTiki on 2003-07-10 12:10 ]

Chongolio posted on 07/10/2003

Thanks for the compliments folks. I pretty much use mostly acryllic paints but dabble with mixed medias. Never tried oils, I already get paint everywhere as it is. I can imagine the mess I could make with paint that does not dry. I dont get to into the blending and shadowing because I am not very good at it and I am more of an Illustrator/ cartoonist than a painter. It also makes doing water a little easier.
Aquavelvets are GREAT! If you ever get the chance to see them live jump on it! I do have the tiki hut CD by Miles. Very cool stuff indeed.
Diggin all the art posted so far. I have done some 3-D modeling and animation in Bryce, strata and poseur but pretty much burned out on it. I would rather draw, carve or paint. I still appreciate the skills invloved and liked your image EM.
Keep postin everybody, I kow there is more out there c'mon dont be shy.


GECKO posted on 07/10/2003

WOW! you braddas get tallent!! keep da pics comming! make it like da carving post.


emspace posted on 07/10/2003

Thanks RenTiki, it's Bryce. Good old Bryce, it's like an old friend to me now. This image is a few years old, I've been working in Bryce since v. 2...


Vaïnui posted on 07/10/2003

Well, just a few of my creations,


Tahiti Jim posted on 07/11/2003


For awhile I was obsessed with trying to paint Shag pictures. Of course I have no creative bones in my body, so I had to copy some of his.

Here are some of my latest. Not sure what I will work on next. My room is plastered with these paintings. I had to start giving them away to my family and friends


Tahiti Jim

emspace posted on 07/11/2003

Wow, Vainui, these are the first posts of yours I've seen. What amazing images but very small, do you have a website with bigger ones?

Great stuff everyone, this is turning into my favorite thread!


Vaïnui posted on 07/11/2003

Sorry about the tiny pics, here's an other try.

Vaïnui posted on 07/11/2003

That's better

Thanks for your encouragements.


Vaïnui posted on 07/11/2003

Monkeyman posted on 07/11/2003


I really like the images you posted. That painting of the lizard/gecko is great. Really nice design.

Between the carving thread and this one, I am privledged to be interacting with such a talented group of people.



RenTiki posted on 07/11/2003

Wow! I am overwhelmed by all of this! I never thought this would become so amazing, encouraging, flattering and uplifting!
Vay: You are gifted dude! You use pencils? You could just kick it at the beach and rake in the moolah! Nice job!
Ems: Wish I had the patience to learn Bryce. Photoshop is more my speed. Got any more pics?
Tahiti Jim: Whatcha talkin bout? You have talent! Don't even think ya dont!

Lets see more, come on now don't be shy peoples!

tikifish posted on 07/11/2003

Here's a few of my older ones... I haven't done anything in a while!

Jungle Trader posted on 07/11/2003

WOW! Nice paintings everyone. More artists coming out of the closet. This thread will be as big as the carving post.

Chongolio posted on 07/11/2003

Yes yes yes. This is the thread I have been waitin for. I still can't believe it did not pop up earlier. Vay, do you sell any of your prints? The stingray is awesome.
Tikifish, Sweet Wahines I like the compositions and the blue faced woman. You workin on any more?
Tahiti Jim you got the talent and the creativity. Bust the chains and do and original. You will probally surprise yourself and get some positive feedback.
Here is one more from me. Not really tiki but more Space lounge. I called this one "Sausage speared by the cocktail satalite" Can anbody guess where I got that name?:


-- I believe that our Heavenly Father invented the monkey because he was disappointed in man."
... Mark Twain

[ Edited by: Chongolio on 2003-07-11 08:52 ]

Tahiti Jim posted on 07/11/2003


I love that first painting!! Great composition!!

Cool stuff everyone!!

Keep on painting!

Tahiti Jim

emspace posted on 07/11/2003

Since I can't paint for dog crap, I'll keep on mousing!


Tiki-bot posted on 07/11/2003

Vainui, where the gecko and stingray done as tattoo art? They are sweet no matter what, but they would make great tats.


tikifish posted on 07/11/2003

BTW - the blue faced woman painting is an homage to two of my favourite things - the Chin Tiki mug (which I still don't own, and will trade for a painting) and Tretchikoff. On the sides I wrote the names of dozens of tiki bars! All three of these paintings are already sold, sorry!

Turbogod posted on 07/11/2003

Chongo, I don't know where you got that name, but it sounds like a Flaming Lips type of name. AHh but google tells me it's Peter Gabriel.

Tacky Techie Tiki Bar

[ Edited by: Turbogod on 2003-07-11 14:14 ]

GECKO posted on 07/11/2003

Vaïnui, I luv da gecko! sweet paintings from all. Can't wait to see the next familiar name come out da closet and sho ther talent!

eh PPop, where's yours cuz? I tink I remember Chiki saying he's started or is going to start painting to?



Vaïnui posted on 07/12/2003

Ia orana to all you artists, this thread is indeed very inspiring.
Hey Gecko, long time no see! Hunted any wild pigs (poua) lately on your side of the Pacific?

Here's another gecko for any of you who are tattoo art fans. I'm currently working on a dolphin that I'll post on TC shortly.


McDougall posted on 07/12/2003

Wow, you guys are blowing me away with your talent! Great thread, I want all your artwork! I'm new to Tiki and it's the art that gets me the most. Tikifish, nice stuff, love that second one especially, let me know you want sell it. Hope you artists keep posting, love this stuff.

tiki.head posted on 07/12/2003

Here is one I did recently. I am beginning to get back to classic Moai themes. This is a great thread, nice to see everyones work on here.

[ Edited by: tiki.head on 2003-07-12 07:53 ]

GECKO posted on 07/12/2003

eh howzit Vaïnui! no, no hunt fo poua....WAHINES is in season right now!

anyways, That new gecko(MO'O) kicks ass!! I was just tinkin "ho dat would look nice on da back of my calve o'da back of my neck. Those are da Marquesian tikis blendid into da Mo'o ya. I love Tahitian and Marquesian style tatts! I've been looking fo something new to get....I tink i wen found da perfect artisit fo da job.



Skreemn Mimi posted on 07/13/2003

Hi. I think all this art is really cool! I thought maybe everyone would wanna see my stuff. All these are painted on palm tree fronds. They are the big kind. Umm, here goes...This first one is almost 4ft. high and stands up by itself.This one is almost the same size.
Hope they are ok.

[ Edited by: Skreemn Mimi on 2003-07-12 21:21 ]

RenTiki posted on 07/13/2003

Aloha all! Finally finished the latest painting of "Tiki Trio".
Chongo; that painting makes me hungry! Very cool!
Hey Vai, your really good! I made some flash not too long ago, don't look anything like your drawings though! Very nice!
Tiki head has talent also! You use watercolors?
Hey Skreemn Mimi! Nice masks!! Fierce! Your user name kinda fits your artwork! In a good way.
Lets see more pics!

[ Edited by: RenTiki on 2003-07-12 21:58 ]

[ Edited by: RenTiki on 2003-07-12 21:59 ]

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Nui Nui 2 posted on 07/15/2003

Here are a few of my things I posted a while ago with a couple of new ones
Image Missing: http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b2ce11b3127cce91d94fc90d800000001610
oil on canvas 14" x 18"
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oil on canvas 32" x 46"
Image Missing: http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b2ce10b3127cce91c5b91e94af0000003610
oil on canvas 32" x 46"
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8" x 10" print
Image Missing: http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b2ce10b3127cce91c5b08cd4a10000003610
8" x 10" print

Skreemn Mimi posted on 07/18/2003

Heres a couple more of my palm fronds..Image Missing: http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b3d936b3127cce8b76015871960000001610Image Missing: http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b3d936b3127cce8b7607d3711e0000001610
First one is named Loe, second is named Tamati. Their both about 4 ft high and stand by themselves.

Chongolio posted on 07/18/2003

Nice stuff everyone! Nui nui, Hope to see your new stuff soon!!
Those fronds are looking good and colorful, Screemin' I have painted a few palm parts, but nothing as colorful as your stuff. Keep it up!
Oh yeah, "Sausage speared by the cocktail satelite" is a quote from a Peter Gabriel song off the Security album.


[ Edited by: Chongolio on 2003-07-17 23:18 ]

emspace posted on 07/18/2003

Here's a new one with my logo:

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RenTiki posted on 07/18/2003

I can see this thread was a really good idea!
Hey ems; You know Bryce! You should try out Terragen, it's free and simple to use. If you want it just go to their website; http://www.terrasource.net
BTW what are those little hieroglyphics at the bottom of your pics? Do they mean something? Where did you get them? I'm creating a painting right now with a cave and need some kind of writing above it. Where can I get something like them?
Mimi, your fronds are really awesome! Got any more?
Come on Centralites! I KNOW some of ya are still leary on showing your artwork, bring it on, we wont laugh. At least you wont know we will!! JK.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 181 replies