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Beyond Tiki Finds

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sputnikmoss posted on 07/09/2008

OMG! I went to estate sale a few years ago but instead of owls it was camels. It was crazy...I kept wondering if the old guy had had died in some sort of camel avalanche..and which one was the camel that broke the dude's back..groan sorry!

seafoamer posted on 08/07/2008

One of my most prized possessions is this space age lamp that I scored about 10 years ago in a MCM store in Boston:

The top of the light is orange, not yellow as the picture makes it look like.

tikipaka posted on 08/12/2008

This hanging ashtray I picked up a few weeks back. Not Tiki, but I love it. I had to put it in the cabana. Not sure if it will be used, come to think of it someone must have realized what it was since I did find a few matches in it the other day.

Looking at it from the back of the bar.

[ Edited by: tikipaka 2008-08-12 00:43 ]

dogbytes posted on 08/30/2008

55 T Bird: 292 cid, original 6V system, convertible top & hardtop with opera windows, 3 speed with overdrive.. just drove it back from San Francisco on Thursday with my 83 yr old uncle richard, who served as my mechanic and co-pilot.

so between, oh i'd say Pinole (45 mins outside SF) and Redding, i couldnt put my feet down. it was SO HOT ~ over 100 degrees.. the engine heat plus the radiant heat = misery. i made a "hillbilly air conditioner".. bought a cat litter pan and a bag of ice to rest my feet in and towels to cool off. ahhh...so by Medford, all the ice had melted, and we stopped for dinner ~ then i finally got to drive my own car. lets just say "luckily no one was killed". drum brakes. geez. gotta stand on the pedal to get the car to stop.

we made it home at 4:00 am friday morning. we stopped LOTS for gas (not sure the gages were working ~ they did "in town" .. but on the freeway, stuff started to friz out).. we're buring oil at 1 qt / fill up (uncle richard believes its the dual chamber fuel pump burning the oil, not the engine itself). the car fits in the garage. we have 2 single car garages.. one was 90" wide, the other 107". thankfully the 107" garage is also just deep enough to fit. i think we'll remove the workbench for a little bit more room.

Jungle Trader posted on 08/30/2008

Oh I just turned a little greener dogbytes. Lucky you.
That car is definitely a town cruiser. Can I have a ride when I come to The Space Age City please? She's a beauty!!

Big Kahuna posted on 08/31/2008

Nice ride! I've got a 59 Impala with drum brakes! Unfortunately, a couple months ago, Bambi decided to put those brakes to the test. I've got a dented fender & Bambi won't be frolicking anytime soon! Damn deer! Disc brake conversion is on the way.

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 09/01/2008

I think I just wet myself some. :blush:

No room for the dogs though. :)

Swanky posted on 09/01/2008

Does it have that great vintage feature the vacuum vent? It took me a while to figure out what those doors under my feet were for. In the days before AC, those doors blow some fast air to cool you off. I had a 65 Cuda and just cleaned it all up, vacuumed it out and everything. Got on the interstate and at 65 mph opened the vent door. 30 years worth of dry leaves came out at 65 mph and pelted my body and FILLED the car with leaves...
My '99's AC is out and I wish I had a vent door down there!
Probably leaking oil, not burning it. When it's warmed up. look for white smoke in the exhause, especially as you rev it for evidence of burning oil. If it is, it may stop as you drive it and the rings loosen up.


twitch posted on 09/06/2008

Signed print (felt tip, 1965) of Tretchikoff's "Lady From Orient". I actually didn't notice the sig until I was washing off what must've been several decades' worth of nicotine... ($1)

Big Kahuna posted on 09/09/2008

Didn't score much Tiki at Brimfield, but I did find this game I've been looking for for years & some kool fezzes complete with a Shriner dude!

TIKI DAVID posted on 09/19/2008

Big Kahuna posted on 09/20/2008


TIKI DAVID posted on 09/21/2008

Big Kahuna posted on 09/21/2008

Hey, T.D.! Do you have a giant Mid-Century magnet attached attached to your butt so this stuff keeps gravitating to you? You never cease to amaze me. You just come up with great find after great find. What's your secret?

TIKI DAVID posted on 09/22/2008

On 2008-09-21 15:02, Big Kahuna wrote:
Hey, T.D.! Do you have a giant Mid-Century magnet attached attached to your butt so this stuff keeps gravitating to you? You never cease to amaze me. You just come up with great find after great find. What's your secret?

i wish. it takes a little work,like chasing down baddly discribed items in the paper,scrolling though endless postings of junk on 'craiges list',getting up at 5:00am to get a 'low' number for an estate sale that opens at 9:00am.,only to find that the things in the sale were not even close to being as discribed, or already pick through the night before by the liquidators dealer friends.
which garage sales to avoid from the street ,before you waste time walking all the way up the drive way to find nothing but a mini "KIDS are US" store.
but sometimes things do just fall in your lap , so there is a little balance in the universe.
it's the thrill of the hunt.

"Pets are welcome,Children 'MUST' be on leash" TD

[ Edited by: TIKI DAVID 2008-09-22 10:48 ]

[ Edited by: TIKI DAVID 2008-09-22 10:48 ]

Big Kahuna posted on 09/22/2008

I bow to your hunting prowess!

TIKI DAVID posted on 09/22/2008

A Wink,and a Nod.

TIKI DAVID posted on 09/28/2008

tikipaka posted on 09/28/2008

I love the barkcloth shade on it!

TIKIVILLE posted on 10/14/2008

shaving .....yes to be a man!

Psycho Tiki D posted on 10/14/2008

In addition to this amazingly fabulous Bettie Page poster...

I was "gifted" with these items as well...

This was all stuffed in a tote with some other magazines and junk! I found the Headhunter's Lounge and Jungle Room menu I posted on Tiki Finds mixed in this stuff.

I don't need any of this stuff, so if you see anything you like, PM me and maybe we can trade for something I that I like! (Except Bettie Page)!


Psycho Tiki D posted on 10/19/2008

Picked up another vintage speargun today...

Older "Sea Hornet" model made by JD Preece and Co Pty. Ltd. Sydney Australia.

"You'll shoot your eye out".


Big Kahuna posted on 10/19/2008


leleliz posted on 10/21/2008

To go along the same lines of that awesome Betty Page poster I found 3 amazing 1940s Adult Movie posters off Craigslist. Each one is about 4 foot high by 3 foot wide. Made of pressed cardboard they are in superb condition. On the backs there are labels which show what theater they originally belonged to.

Here is a bad camera pic of 2 of the posters.

They have great titles like "How To Get A Man" and "Sex Maniac". I need to upload a bigger pic and one close up but because they are so tall this was all I could get right now.

Oh and I also scored this sweet Arco lamp which is on the floor in front of the posters.

Tom Slick posted on 11/06/2008

Found these 5 mold-o-rama Marineland of the Pacific wax machine figures/molds at an estate sale all thrown in a bag. Flipper's base is half eaten, the blue marlin has cracked finline and missing a nub of his sword, and the walrus has a qtip sized hole near his nose. The octopus and seahorse look good. All of the bases say Marineland.

Not the exact machine, but this is a simliar one that these came from at Marineland.

OceaOtica posted on 11/07/2008

Tom, i love those wax animals. when i started going back to the local zoo regularly it brought back childhood memories of having those, so now i buy a new animal everytime i go. have thought about looking for vintage ones, but figured being wax they probably did not survive. Nice score

Tom Slick posted on 11/07/2008

Thanks Ocea...You know its funny,because i still have my original wax figures from Marineland, the Zoo and Universal Studios. My original Marineland Octopus is pink vs the light blue one pictured. I still have a yellow giraffe from the zoo, and a teal colored Frankenstein bust from Universal. I seem to vaguely remember destroying at least one unknown by chewing on it. :lol: I actually talked to the guy who owns/operates the zoo machines this past summer, and they are to be replaced with newer machines/models anytime now. :( I think half of the fun was watching them being made, and smelling the mixture of plastic and wax! It is an unforgettable smell, and I actually don't mind it! :::Brain cell dead!::: :D

hiltiki posted on 01/03/2009

Big Kahuna posted on 01/03/2009

Kool finds, hiltiki! Very swanky pad-like.

naugatiki posted on 01/04/2009

I found a 4 of these type of storage units gathering dust in a downtown garage, they were so covered with dirt that the yellow looked muted at first and it took 6 rags to get them shiny.

drgoat456 posted on 01/05/2009

Found this great cigarette dispenser at a yardsale (5$) and got this fantastic scorpion mask, (central american, I think) down in Bisbee. It is something you either love or hate and we love it. It's about 4' X 2.5'.

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Big Kahuna posted on 01/05/2009

I gotta say, as a militant non-smoker, that dispenser is way kool! I dig the scorpion too!

Tom Slick posted on 01/06/2009

Went to an estate sale, and found a cocktail shaker, but no information on how old it is? I've already tried researching the net, and haven't come up with anything like the one pictured..

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I bought that, and a couple of vintage(?) Trader Vic's coconut mugs...I think they are vintage, because they do not say the since 1923 date....Only "Aloha" and on the back "Trader Vics"...$5 for the 3 items...

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Unga Bunga posted on 01/06/2009

On 2009-01-05 18:45, Tom Slick wrote:
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I have never heard of a "clairidge".
I wonder if it was named after the Clairidge Hotel or bar. (?)

Ingredients to use:
1.0 oz Apricot Brandy
1.0 oz Cointreau
2.0 oz Gin
2.0 oz Vermouth

By the way, there are different measurements for this drink on the web.
First one I found.

Tom Slick posted on 01/06/2009

There is also another drink recipe labeled on the frosted glass shaker, calling for Absinthe as an ingredient...Absinthe aka "green fairy" has been banned here in the States since 1915, up until a couple years ago, when they repealed the ban in most states(NY being the first to sell, followed by CA). That was what peaked my interest, to begin with. Thank you for the info on the Claridge, Unga! ...My digging for information continues...

TS Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/343d327a461f68f1f46576809a2f5f9d?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Tiki Shaker posted on 01/06/2009

I've probably owned about 400 cocktail shakers in my lifetime, and I have never come across that one. It's amazing how many have been produced thru the years.

drgoat456 posted on 01/08/2009

Got these for free from a neighbor who didn't want them. He said his Dad gave them to him 20 yrs ago. They are pretty heavy and well made.
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Tom Slick posted on 01/09/2009

Found an early Earl Moran (pinup artist) 1940 calendar with all the months intact. I thought it might have been a repro, but the paper seems old and fragile. I'm still not sure, but if it is a repro, all the months are done authentically, and the dates fall on the correct days of the week. For $3.00 in the frame, I couldn't leave it behind...
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Then I found this 70's/80s halloween lawn decoration...Its Frankenstein,who stands just under 3 feet tall....$5.00 later, he's in my room awaiting a new paint job...(Seems this guy seen quite a few halloweens, and his paint has faded).
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I think I'm going to give him a Kustom touch, using candy paints, and maybe a dash of metalflake! I'll have to test the plastic, first!

**And regarding the Cocktail Shaker I posted recently about, I received a response from the cocktailshakers.com webmaster, Mark Bigler. I think he is also behind The Museum of the American Cocktail(MOTAC)in New Orleans, and here is what he had to say:

"The shaker is more than likely ca 1930's 1940's. There were many companies who all bought glass blanks from a few glass manufacturer's and decorated them differently. Same goes for the lids, many different entities involved and very few can be ascertained with glass that has no markings because they were likely from some of the same glass companies and then customized. Sorry I can't be of better help. There is an excellent book out there. Vintage Cocktail Shakers and Barware by Stephen Visakay."

Both websites are great, and are recommended if you are into Cocktail/Martini Shakers.

[ Edited by: Tom Slick 2009-01-09 10:59 ]

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ManFromT.I.K.I. posted on 01/16/2009

I'm pretty happy with this find from the local thrift. $7.95 each . . .

They had a plastic laminate someone had glued to the top with rubber cement (thankfully) so it pealed off. The one in the back is after cleaning. The residue comes off with Goo Gone and some elbow grease. You can see a seam separation on the back one. I'll probably end up refinishing the tops since they are in somewhat rough shape

What impressed me (besides being modern style) is that these are built like tanks. Surprisingly heavy (all solid birch) and not wobbly at all.

They're Conant/Ball "American Modern (Modern Mates) series. (c.1949 I think.)

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Jungle Trader posted on 01/22/2009

oops, never mind, they are SOLD OUT

[ Edited by: Jungle Trader 2009-01-22 08:35 ]

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 01/28/2009

I was just combing my local beach when I find this...not the quarter.
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Jungle Trader posted on 01/28/2009

a tooth? from what do you think? lucky find.

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 01/28/2009

I am guessing a sea lion.

TS Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/343d327a461f68f1f46576809a2f5f9d?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Tiki Shaker posted on 01/28/2009

Just bought these. Yep, bought the whole bunch at one time. I've owned a couple in the past, but have sold them. Not sure what I'm gonna do with this instant collection.

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Tom Slick posted on 01/28/2009

On 2009-01-27 18:50, Tiki Shaker wrote:
Just bought these. Yep, bought the whole bunch at one time. I've owned a couple in the past, but have sold them. Not sure what I'm gonna do with this instant collection.

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Start your own masonic styled club! haha...nice finds!

leleliz posted on 01/29/2009

Super jealous of all those Fez! If you Ebay them let us know because I would love to try to win a few.

Anyways.....I have been striking out lately on tiki stuff but did manage to come across the best bowling shirt I have ever found at my thrift today for $2.00.

Too bad it isn't barkcloth. I plan on replacing the plain black buttons with ones that look like bowling pins and bowling balls because I am retarded like that.

Made by Hilton Corporate Casuals (their website is defunct) Love that the name "Squimy" is embroidered above the pocket!

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KuKu posted on 01/29/2009

On 2009-01-27 21:24, Tom Slick wrote:

On 2009-01-27 18:50, Tiki Shaker wrote:
Just bought these. Yep, bought the whole bunch at one time. I've owned a couple in the past, but have sold them. Not sure what I'm gonna do with this instant collection.

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/9285/497fc7c1.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=cb8e7ff7547f82c658f74b3cd0739b3b

Start your own masonic styled club! haha...nice finds!

take 'em to the monkey cage at the zoo...

naugatiki posted on 02/05/2009

Scored this mosaic boomerang table a woman got as a wedding gift in 1961. I feel for the guy who lugged it to the ceremony since it weighs as much as a small refrigerator.

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