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Tiki Ti's apple/cinnamon cocktail

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nuKKe posted on 01/09/2009

We were fortunate enough to be in Los Angeles in a December night when Tiki Ti was open. Being overwhelmed by the selection we asked Mr. Buhen to mix us whichever rum-based cocktails he fancies mixing. Naturally, after the third drink we could not remember the names of whatever we drank.
One of those cocktails had a cinnamon/apple flavour, Mr. nuKKe's favourite food combination.

Does anybody know the name of the drink or even the recipe (if it's published somewhere)

or rather - have an idea of a drink that contains apple-cinnamon?

bigbrotiki posted on 01/10/2009

The 151 Rum Swizzle has the cinnamon, but apple? Maybe it was AppleTON? :D

Jason Wickedly posted on 01/10/2009

No doubt it was the 151 rum swizzle..it does taste a lot like apple pie, although I doubt there is actually any apple in the drink. The Grog Log version of the 151 Swizzle has lime juice, sugar syrup, pernod, ground nutmeg, and of course 151 demerara rum. But the GL swizzle doesn't tatste much like the Tiki Ti one, so good luck with the exact recipe.

PiPhiRho posted on 01/10/2009

I don't know about apple, but the 151 Swizzle is cinnamon flavored and one of the best drinks on the menu. There is a recipe for a 151 Swizzle in the Grog Log, but it contains no cinnamon except for a cinnamon stick garnish. I suspect that Tiki Ti makes it their own way, so any recipe you find will likely not taste like the Tiki Ti version. But you can experiment. Start with the Grog Log recipe, use cinnamon syrup for the sugar syrup, you can even add a little unfiltered apple juice or applejack if you want some apple flavor in there, too.

nuKKe posted on 01/15/2009

thanks! will try to improvise on the GL recipe come summer (thumbs down to the veg shop staff who lead me wrong by saying that they carry lime year-round while apparently they don't).

GatorRob posted on 01/16/2009

On 2009-01-14 23:58, nuKKe wrote:
thumbs down to the veg shop staff who lead me wrong by saying that they carry lime year-round while apparently they don't

Wait, you mean you can't get fresh limes year round? Oh, the horrors! Okay, well I suppose you all in Israel have more pressing matters at the moment.


CucamongaChango posted on 01/24/2009

Okay, I dunno... but... let me just relay this story... and let me preface by saying I wouldn't be angry about it at all but instead honored as hell.

One day awhile back, this past summer at the Tiki-Ti on one of my many excursions into L.A. from the wilds of Cucamonga, I told Mike Sr. about a drink I had been working on. When finished, he raised an eyebrow and said something like, "hmm... interesting".

The drink is what I call the "Garden of Eden". It has Myers's Dark, passion fruit juice, a generous pinch of cinnamon... and a secret ingredient. Not so secret, really, but not something you'd normally reach for to make yourself some liquid Tiki.

This ingredient is Berentzen Apfelkorn.

I fell in love with the apple/cinnamon/dark rum combo and drank these continuously on the Tiki balcony of my apartment in Cucamonga looking out on the Empire Lakes golf course and Mt. Baldy out beyond. Even though I am now loving NorCal... I really miss those evenings.

So, I don't know if the drink you're talking about is the 151 Swizzle. I've had my share of those, and I don't recall a particular apple flavor to them. Maybe there is a new drink at Tiki-Ti?

I am probably delusional about this whole thing though, as Mike Sr. is a master and I'm just a goofball. But... if my talking to him about my "Garden of Eden" triggered some sort of inspiration, then that's just completely friggin' amazing and I would be humbled immensely by the connection.

Garden of Eden:
Equal parts Myers's Dark Rum and Berentzen Apfelkorn
Double parts passion fruit juice
Big pinch of cinnamon
Shake that sucker big time

tiki leki posted on 02/01/2009

Nukke, if you like apple try "Lizzies Pippin" it's delicious! 1.5 oz. apple brandy, 1.5 oz. apple juice, quarter oz. St Elizabeth allspice dram, quarter oz. balsamic vinegar, and quarter oz. simple syrup. Sounds funny with the balsamic vinegar but you'll love it!

nuKKe posted on 02/03/2009

On 2009-02-01 08:54, tiki leki wrote:
Nukke, if you like apple try "Lizzies Pippin" it's delicious! 1.5 oz. apple brandy, 1.5 oz. apple juice, quarter oz. St Elizabeth allspice dram, quarter oz. balsamic vinegar, and quarter oz. simple syrup. Sounds funny with the balsamic vinegar but you'll love it!

Thanks, sounds interesting, but I'm afraid that St. Elizabeth (as well as other pimento brands) are unavailable in this country...

Oh well, 5 months til lime's back in the market.

bigtikidude posted on 02/03/2009

Hey Nukke,
I wonder, since it was the holidays,
if it could have been a Hot Buttered Rum?


nuKKe posted on 02/08/2009

hey Jeff,
it wasn't a hot drink.
Do I reveal my sheer ignorance here? Would HBR be used in a cold drink?

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