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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food

Cost Plus Drink Doo-Dads 50% Off

Pages: 1 7 replies

leleliz posted on 01/10/2009

(this is more drink/food related than tiki collecting related so that is why i posted this here)

Don't know what you call them but I call them doo-dads-the paper umbrellas and fans and crepe paper fruit on sticks that you use for your garnish or just for flair in your drink. Anyways I was in Cost Plus World Market today and they have them all for 1/2 price. I used most of mine up over the holidays so I stocked up for under $20.00 at about $0.50 each.

They also have "tiki" picks that I use for coconut shrimp and the like also on sale 1/2 off. Couple different styles like bamboo and tiki designs.

Thought some of you would like to know :)

Tiki Shaker posted on 01/12/2009

Awesome, I'll have to stop by there. I just read that they plan on closing 26 stores too... which is a damn shame. They carry a nice selection of drinking/food items.

PiPhiRho posted on 01/12/2009

I always called them "nick-knacks and paddy-whacks". I couldn't tell you what qualifies as making a knick-knack different from a paddy-whack, though.

Thanks, that id good info. I'll see if I can get down to the CPWM this week.

tikiyaki posted on 01/12/2009

One might call them accoutrements.
drink accessories

TikiMango posted on 01/12/2009

Garnish flare?

arriano posted on 01/12/2009


CucamongaChango posted on 01/15/2009

There are also some bamboo-style mugs that would be good, cheap substitutes for the collectible mugware at parties. They had the black ones at my Cost Plus, and they look much better in person than they do in the pic.
$3.99 apiece:

Actually, these turned out to be $1.98 apiece after a further clearance price cut. I grabbed a bunch of 'em.

[ Edited by: CucamongaChango 2009-01-19 18:54 ]

Sneakytiki posted on 02/01/2009

You need at least 15 pieces of flare, at a minimum, but you don't want to do the minimum do you?

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