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Craigslist Tiki in Crete Illinois

Pages: 1 26 replies

Psycho Tiki D posted on 01/15/2009

These look interesting and old...too bad they are so far away...


Hope one of you get them!


Haole'akamai posted on 01/15/2009

Cripes! $350?! That's a steal....

croe67 posted on 01/15/2009

Psycho D - BIG, GIANT MAHALOS for posting this!!!!!!

I got 'em - they're all MINE - YIPPEEEEE!!!!!!

Now......just gotta figure out which defunct Chicago tiki locale they came out of.

The seller bought them from a resale shop near Lincoln Park in Chicago.

Psycho Tiki D posted on 01/15/2009

On 2009-01-15 08:54, croe67 wrote:
Psycho D - BIG, GIANT MAHALOS for posting this!!!!!!

I got 'em - they're all MINE - YIPPEEEEE!!!!!!

Now......just gotta figure out which defunct Chicago tiki locale they came out of.

The seller bought them from a resale shop near Lincoln Park in Chicago.

Excellent news! I was hoping I could get my dad over to pick them up, but they should stay local. If I were to guess, I would have to say they came from the old Chicago Trader Vic's. Take some pictures and post them in their new home when you have a chance. Glad you got 'em.


midnite posted on 01/15/2009
  • croe67

I got 'em - they're all MINE - YIPPEEEEE!!!!!!

Now......just gotta figure out which defunct Chicago tiki locale they came out of.

Those Mid-West tiki people get all the good stuff. Congrats to you, Ms. Croe, nice to see you finally got a decent carving. I'm sure they have found a nice new home...as long as they don't get relegated to the garage floor. (Big sarcastic, envious, smiley face).

D, we could have gotten those back to California. It could have worked, we have experience in that sort of thing. Oh well, another reason to visit Wisconsin.

The poles, which are only so-so and not that nice anyway, do look a wee bit familiar. This one also came from the Mid-West:

America's dairy...and tiki...land,

Haole'akamai posted on 01/15/2009

On 2009-01-15 09:56, midnite_tiki wrote:

The poles, which are only so-so and not that nice anyway, do look a wee bit familiar.

What's that smell? ...

....oh yeah, jealousy...

...with a hint of heartache.

croe67 posted on 01/15/2009

Excellent news! I was hoping I could get my dad over to pick them up, but they should stay local. If I were to guess, I would have to say they came from the old Chicago Trader Vic's. Take some pictures and post them in their new home when you have a chance. Glad you got 'em.


They won't be in a permanent spot for a while, but I'll post a couple pictures when I at least get them home.
& I'll also send some close-ups of the carving to my contact at Vic's who knows their "stuff" very well to see what they think on the possibility of them coming from there. With so many former tiki establishments in Chicago, there are a lot of possibilities.....

PTD - I owe you a MaiTai - if you're going to be at any of the '09 Tiki events, we'll have to settle-up :D

Tipsy McStagger posted on 01/15/2009

..nice score...now that's what tiki poles should sell for...not those overpriced ones like numatiki posted awhile back that were in an antique store.....

looks like trader vics tikis..they did have a few of those flanking the entrance way off the dining rooms at the palmer house....i think they had a total of about 6-8 of those 8 footers...then there were the 2 really big ones about 10 ft that were down the hallway outside the traders...those had enormous phalasus....

speaking of which, you managed to sneak those out from under a long time friend of mine that lives in munster...which is really close to crete....practically his back yard.

good for you!! and congrats!!

croe67 posted on 01/15/2009

Those Mid-West tiki people get all the good stuff. Congrats to you, Ms. Croe, nice to see you finally got a decent carving. I'm sure they have found a nice new home...as long as they don't get relegated to the garage floor. (Big sarcastic, envious, smiley face).

D, we could have gotten those back to California. It could have worked, we have experience in that sort of thing. Oh well, another reason to visit Wisconsin.

The poles, which are only so-so and not that nice anyway, do look a wee bit familiar.

America's dairy...and tiki...land,

You SO funny, Midnite.
I still want that big-headed Marq that's bolted to your wall.....

Tiki is slim pickins' in these parts compared to the world you Left coasters are in.
I find ONE awesome tiki carving & you turn green.
Hey - at least I didn't come out your way & have MORE tiki shipped back to WI :D

Since these don't weigh 500+ lbs, they won't have to temporarily hang in the garage with this fabulous guy....

In situ....

& in his temporary spot...

croe67 posted on 01/15/2009

On 2009-01-15 10:11, Tipsy McStagger wrote:

looks like trader vics tikis..they did have a few of those flanking the entrance way off the dining rooms at the palmer house....i think they had a total of about 6-8 of those 8 footers...then there were the 2 really big ones about 10 ft that were down the hallway outside the traders...those had enormous phalasus....

Um....yeah, I think I've got the phallus guy you were referencing....pictured above....

I was thinking I hadn't seen any like these there, but I just checked my pictures of the old Chicago Vic's & found these - Vic's probably is the most likely origin.....timing would be right, too, for when this stuff was torn out of the Palmer House

Lake Surfer posted on 01/15/2009

Very nice score Caroline!

Let me know when you get them home... I would love to take a close look at them!

These guys were the inspiration for the one I created for myself... I would be jealous if I couldn't whip one up myself! :wink:

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2009-01-15 23:05 ]

Tipsy McStagger posted on 01/15/2009

so it is!!!......those tikis you have were added to vics recently....those were not there in the mid 90's, but added later between 98' and 2000...i forget where they were carved but the manager at the time told me....he also said that those tikis with the phaluses where used in many a photo op by the hotels patrons..especially the bachlorette parties, for obvious reasons....

albino tiki posted on 01/15/2009

On 2009-01-15 10:11, Tipsy McStagger wrote:

looks like trader vics tikis..they did have a few of those flanking the entrance way off the dining rooms at the palmer house....i think they had a total of about 6-8 of those 8 footers...then there were the 2 really big ones about 10 ft that were down the hallway outside the traders...those had enormous phalasus....

speaking of which, you managed to sneak those out from under a long time friend of mine that lives in munster...which is really close to crete....practically his back yard.

Anyone else curious as to why Tipsy segued from giant phalluses to Duke? Is there something you'd like to share with the rest of the class, Mr. McStagger?

Nice score on the poles, croe67. Congrats!

croe67 posted on 01/15/2009

Anyone else curious as to why Tipsy segued from giant phalluses to Duke? Is there something you'd like to share with the rest of the class, Mr. McStagger?

OK....so THAT really got me laughing :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Psycho Tiki D posted on 01/15/2009

I kinda felt they may have been from Vic's given what we viewed at the warehouse sale. Price wasn't too bad either, I paid $350.00 for my two and that was a bargain. Glad they went to one of the TC'ers and I hope to have that Mai Tai and see them for myself sometime soon!


Tipsy McStagger posted on 01/15/2009

On 2009-01-15 11:53, albino tiki wrote:

[Anyone else curious as to why Tipsy segued from giant phalluses to Duke? Is there something you'd like to share with the rest of the class, Mr. McStagger?

Nice score on the poles, croe67. Congrats!

..sorry...i think you are making assumptions....i made no such reference to duke....munster is a big town and i do know other people that live there...please do not put words in my mouth or start trouble here on t.c. just because i made a remark about the overpriced tiki you posted awhile back...let's face it....it's not your fault the tiki was overpriced and i wasn't blaming you...fact is, those tikis you posted were way overpriced and i was merely drawing a comparision...i think croe67 got a good deal..nothing more....

now stop being such a drama queen!!! :) LOL

albino tiki posted on 01/15/2009

I was only joking...not trying to start any trouble. Your quote just struck me as funny when I read it.

I wasn't upset by the overpriced tiki comment either. I am in complete agreement that those tikis are overpriced. In fact, I would love to know at which resale shop in Lincoln Park the poles in this thread were originally purchased. The only tiki related stuff that I ever seem to find in Lincoln Park is either mediocre stuff that is overpriced or cool stuff that is really, really overpriced. Oh well, at least TV is finally open so I have a place to drown my sorrows after failed thrift store tiki expeditions.

BTW, the Swampfire Lounge sign that you posted under "creating tiki" is very cool. Can't wait to see more photos when it's finished!

Cretiki seller posted on 01/16/2009

I'm the seller of the tikis. I bought these in the Logan Square neighborhood back in I think '97. I can't remember the name of the shop, but it was on Milwaukee Ave. , just north of Diversey & Kimball where my old studio used to be. I paid $400 for the pair, and I had no idea of the demand for these things or I'd have asked more. My wife talked me down to $350. Anyway we're thrilled that these are going to a real tiki enthusiast. Do we deserve a mai tai?
We have a couple of wall hangings (tapestry like drawings) that we bought when we were in Tonga in the South Pacific on a sailing trip years ago.
If anyone's interested, we can post some pics. They're pretty cool.

Haole'akamai posted on 01/16/2009

Welcome! For being a stand-up seller, if you (and your lovely wife) make it out to TikiOasis, I'll buy y'all that Mai Tai. :)

"If you can't be a good example -- then you'll just have to be a horrible warning."
-Catherine Aird

[ Edited by: Haole'akamai 2009-01-16 08:44 ]

Tipsy McStagger posted on 01/16/2009

On 2009-01-15 20:15, Cretiki seller wrote:
I'm the seller of the tikis. I bought these in the Logan Square neighborhood back in I think '97. I can't remember the name of the shop, but it was on Milwaukee Ave. , just north of Diversey & Kimball where my old studio used to be. I paid $400 for the pair, and I had no idea of the demand for these things or I'd have asked more. My wife talked me down to $350. Anyway we're thrilled that these are going to a real tiki enthusiast. Do we deserve a mai tai?
We have a couple of wall hangings (tapestry like drawings) that we bought when we were in Tonga in the South Pacific on a sailing trip years ago.
If anyone's interested, we can post some pics. They're pretty cool.

..hmmmmmm,,,,logan square??.....97'?.....studio??....i lived in humbolt park about that time....had a studio there.....I wonder if i know you....What bars did you frequent back then?

anyway, you definately deserve a mai tai!!

croe67 posted on 01/16/2009

On 2009-01-15 20:15, Cretiki seller wrote:
.....I bought these in the Logan Square neighborhood back in I think '97........Do we deserve a mai tai?........We have a couple of wall hangings (tapestry like drawings) that we bought when we were in Tonga in the South Pacific on a sailing trip years ago.
If anyone's interested, we can post some pics. They're pretty cool.

So - that makes them from the earlier remodel of Vic's - probably from when they turned the side room into "nautical", rather than "tiki". Anyone know what year that remodel was done?

And, yes, you deserve a MaiTai - I'll see what I can do :wink:

Yes - would love to see the tongan wall hanging, too.


Cretiki seller posted on 01/16/2009

Here are the Tongan drawrings...
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Cretiki seller posted on 01/16/2009

They've been folded for awhile. The creases should come out. These are on some type of layered pulp, or something. The layers separate a bit. The ink is a dark brown
Measurements are...
44&1/2 x 74&1/2"
46 x 84"

[ Edited by: Cretiki seller 2009-01-16 11:21 ]

Psycho Tiki D posted on 01/16/2009

Those are pieces of tapa cloth. Check the posting out on collecting tiki entitled "Giant Tapa Cloth".



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Unga Bunga posted on 01/16/2009

On 2009-01-15 09:56, midnite_tiki wrote:

It's probably because I smoked a lot in my younger days, but kinda looks like American/Canadian Indian.

croe67 posted on 02/02/2009

Brought them home on Friday :D

They need a bit of polishing, and are really BEAUTIFUL!!!!

For your viewing pleasure.....

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Lake Surfer posted on 02/02/2009

Wow, really nice.

I don't remember those poles from the Chicago Vic's... at least from 2000 - 2005.

Could have been earlier years, or maybe not from Vic's at all, a different tiki establishment in Chicago.

There were some Marquesan poles, but these have the extra faces on the top of each tiki.
Also different, the horizontal grooves cut in the mouth and the pattern in between each tiki.

These look even better than the poles I have photos of from the Palmer House... more defined and deeper cut.

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2009-02-02 15:10 ]

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