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Tiki Central / California Events

APE 7/11 in SF!!!

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Anyone going to the APE show in San Fransico Friday night?


It's some big OP surf gig and all sorts of media will be there. It's at 111 Minna Gallery @ 2nd. Behind the SF MOMA. 7pm to?


YOU are!
Have a great show you guys!

Well, all you San Fran people missed a "Crazy Al" and "Ape" show last night that was Top o the line! They oooed and awwwed the "Surf Industry" to the tee! It was an Awesome show!

Didn't have enough time to visit the Tiki joints (I flew in at 6:30 p.m. and left at 8:a.m.) but we all (Ape and Bamboo Ben) went bowling at that Mega Mall downtown! They had Shag colored balls! It was a blast! Sorry to have missed you all. Maybe next time.


Hey Ben, I wish I knew sooner. We already had a birthday bbq all planned out. I would have arranged for everyone to go to the show. That Ape cd has been spinnin' non-stop at my place...I can't get enough of it.

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