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Beverly Hills Trader Vics This Tuesday Night Jan 20th

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tikiyaki posted on 01/18/2009

A few of us are gathering at Trader Vics Lounge in Beverly Hills for Mai Tais this Tuesday Evening, Jan 20th around 7:00.

Please feel free to join.

bigtikidude posted on 01/18/2009

wish it was monday.
as I am off mondays

I will try to make it,
but not sure.


tobunga posted on 01/20/2009

Hey Jim! Manuel and I will be there (not at 7pm, but we'll be there!)
The TV lounge will finally be super-tikified with TIKIYAKI in the house... or, er, lounge!

bigtikidude posted on 01/20/2009

I had a thirst for TV's Navy grog on sunday,but went to Tony's on the Redondo pier instead.
I'm gonna try to make this.
its been too long since I've been there.


tikiyaki posted on 01/20/2009

How is Tony's ?

I've always wanted to go.

I was in redondo myself this past Sunday. I also went to Sunday Brunch at KONA, which was unfortunately very under attended. I wonder if the Hawaiian Slack Key guitar festival in Redondo had anything to do with that. The spread of food they put out was first rate... Tons of great stuff, all you can eat, and it was ll good.
Tupua put on a great show, and for $26.95 ( I had $5 off coupons from the email list, so even cheaper for me) this was a great deal, compared to most Champagne Brunches that are out there.

Anyway, I hope to see some TC peeps at Vics tomorrow Nite.

bigtikidude posted on 01/20/2009

The Mai Tais at Tony's are not TV's Mai Tais, but they do pack a punch.
I am always in the crows nest. so you can only order appetizers up there.
they are always good(aka bad for you fried type stuff) which is great when drinking.

I was at the Slack Key Fest,
it was 20 seats shy of being sold out,
packed man,
I have never seen more Hawaiian shirts,
even at Tiki Oasis.
But I have no idea if there was TC people there.
I didn't recognize anybody.
how many people does the Redondo Performing arts center hold.

anyways is JP going to Vics tomorrow,
hes seems lost in action after the Geek fest.


[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2009-01-19 21:55 ]

tikiyaki posted on 01/20/2009

On 2009-01-19 21:54, bigtikidude wrote:
The Mai Tais at Tony's are not TV's Mai Tais, but they do pack a punch.
I am always in the crows nest. so you can only order appetizers up there.
they are always good(aka bad for you fried type stuff) which is great when drinking.

I was at the Slack Key Fest,
it was 20 seats shy of being sold out,
packed man,
I have never seen more Hawaiian shirts,
even at Tiki Oasis.
But I have no idea if there was TC people there.
I didn't recognize anybody.
how many people does the Redondo Performing arts center hold.

anyways is JP going to Vics tomorrow,
hes seems lost in action after the Geek fest.


[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2009-01-19 21:55 ]

Yea, it sure looked like there was ALOT of people there. I perused the vendors outside, but didn't go into the show.

Man, I wish I could get that many people to a Tikiyaki show :)

I need to go to Old Tony's, I love the Redondo Pier....Alot of it still looks relatively untouched from the 70's. Need to cherish that while it lasts.

bigtikidude posted on 01/20/2009

you should get in touch with the people that do the shows at the redondo performing arts center,
there is going to be a Hawaiian vocal music show coming up soon.
anyways ask them about getting you guys involved somehow.
not with those shows, but just in that scene somehow.

also check out this.

as for Tony's yeah we need to go there.

Back to the Trader Vics.
is the Lounge closing?
as lame as it is,
I still dig sitting under the 60 ft palms, like the ones at the Hanalei in SD and drinking Navy grogs and looking at the swimming pool.
sometimes they show old surf movies on the giant wall.


tikiyaki posted on 01/20/2009

On 2009-01-19 23:04, bigtikidude wrote:
you should get in touch with the people that do the shows at the redondo performing arts center,
there is going to be a Hawaiian vocal music show coming up soon.
anyways ask them about getting you guys involved somehow.
not with those shows, but just in that scene somehow.

also check out this.

as for Tony's yeah we need to go there.

Back to the Trader Vics.
is the Lounge closing?
as lame as it is,
I still dig sitting under the 60 ft palms, like the ones at the Hanalei in SD and drinking Navy grogs and looking at the swimming pool.
sometimes they show old surf movies on the giant wall.


Thanx for the info, I'd love to perform in a "Performing Arts Center", tho I certainly don't mind playing in our fine SoCal Tiki Establishments.

I'm pretty sure that Vicsin the Bev Hilton is not long for this world.

That's OK, we have Trader Vics LA coming to save the day, and do it RIGHT, by the way.

Swangulo Tikis posted on 01/20/2009

Hey Jim,
If you ever want to check out Tony's, shoot us an email or give a ring... we live a couple blocks from the R.B. Pier and like to get to Tony's as often as possible. Tony's has some decent food - and the best part is that you get to keep your Mai Tai glass. In my pre-motherhood days I used to go down and drink a whole set of glasses at a time :) My artist-extraordinaire uncle, Bob Schuchman, did the bust of Tony T. that is just inside the door downstairs.
Hope to make it to another Tikiyaki gig one of these days soon,
(& Mike)

bigtikidude posted on 01/21/2009

leaving now


1961surf posted on 01/21/2009

Thanks for the heads up and good info Big Tiki dude, I dig hawaiian music almost
as much as surf music .

tikiyaki posted on 01/21/2009

On 2009-01-20 09:41, Swangulo Tikis wrote:
Hey Jim,
If you ever want to check out Tony's, shoot us an email or give a ring... we live a couple blocks from the R.B. Pier and like to get to Tony's as often as possible. Tony's has some decent food - and the best part is that you get to keep your Mai Tai glass. In my pre-motherhood days I used to go down and drink a whole set of glasses at a time :) My artist-extraordinaire uncle, Bob Schuchman, did the bust of Tony T. that is just inside the door downstairs.
Hope to make it to another Tikiyaki gig one of these days soon,
(& Mike)

COOL ! Will do, for sure.

bigtikidude posted on 01/21/2009

good times tonight we had a nice gathering of about 10 tiki peeps.
we should do that more often.


Coco Joe posted on 01/21/2009

it's hard on the wallet being a drunk and into good tiki drinks. Damn you tiki gods! Good times though...can't wait for the downtown LA one to open.

Ojaitimo posted on 01/21/2009

That was a great way to celebrate Ob..... Uh Oh, Sorry Hanford. :)
I meant Obi Wan. "Help us Obi Wan, you're our only hope"

It was a cool get together Tikiyaki! Thanks!
That would be an awesome place for you to perform sometime , right by the pool.

$15.00 bucks for a Mai Tai though. Good but ouch.
But it is Beverly Hills after all. Swimming pools, movie stars.

But seriously Benny, IMHO, the place looks alot better this time with the additional carvings and all the new stuff.
( I remember reading something recently, "Never begin a sentence with but") Where was that? Oh yea, Tiki Bar TV
But anyway, The mini museum with the platinum prints of Marilyn and the movie memorbilia is pretty cool, there must have been thirty artifacts from How the West was Won alone.
Benny, you must have really liked How the West was Won, I guess?
Dozens of new photographs on the walls around the lounge and the long hallway that exits to the now closed Trader Vic's have all those classics.
The big Tiki is still looking good and the murals are lit well too.
Yeah, looks better. But it could be killer.(Great) Hiring Bamboo Ben perhaps?
He just did a place nearby on Bedford you you may want to check out.
Please loan Los Angeles Trader Vic's some of the old interior decor and furniture. Both Trader Vic's will have a cool LA Tiki museum courtesy of Benny Algamen and John Valencia sitting next door to the new Grammy Museum.
Maybe the table Nikita sat at or Kennedy's, Marilyn, Frank and Dino?

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