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Barefoot in the Park by Neil Simon July 5 - 20 in Marin County- Hilarity!

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martiki posted on 07/02/2003

Has anyone ever seen this play? It's so funny! Classic Simon wit! And the cast is really top notch- great actors. And did I mention that your very own Martiki is in it? What a coincidence!

Come check out a great show and support local theatre.

And only MINUTES from Vise Grip's Bamboo Bar in Fairfax- so you no good drunks can get your heat on before or after the show (or both!)

Barefoot in the Park
By Neil Simon

July 5-20

The Playhouse
27 Kensington Road
San Anselmo.

Shows are Thursdays thru Saturdays at 8pm, and Sundays at 2pm (Opening night is a Saturday)

$18 General, $15 on Sundays, $10 Thursdays.

You can buy tix at the door or at 866-468-3399

check out http://www.mctheatre.com for more info.

Or give me a call: 415-999-7929

Hope to see some Bay Area tiki types there and anyone else who might be in town.

(seriously- it's really good)

cynfulcynner posted on 07/14/2003

On 2003-07-02 12:04, martiki6 wrote:
Has anyone ever seen this play? It's so funny! Classic Simon wit! And the cast is really top notch- great actors. And did I mention that your very own Martiki is in it? What a coincidence!

It's cute, hilarious, and you get to see Martiki with Pan-Cake on his head!

martiki posted on 07/14/2003

Thanks Cindy!

It's all true, especially the bit about the pancake. This old shiny dome o' mine casts quite a glare under the lights, so it must be given the matte treatment.

This is the last weekend, so come on down!

Bumpity Bump Bump!


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