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Tiki Lamps by Trad'r Bill

Pages: 1 2 77 replies

Trad'r Bill posted on 01/05/2009

I've been working on this for a while, and finally finished it yesterday... I always wanted to try my hand at this classic design (and lamp making in general!) I'm pretty happy with the outcome - I made this with a wood frame, Fijian Tapa cloth shade, rattan accents, and bamboo inlay with dyed resin.

Waddaya think?


Bottom view:





Bottom closeup:

Trad'r Bill

[ Edited by: Trad'r Bill 2011-08-28 14:18 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 01/05/2009


tikipaka posted on 01/05/2009

Nice work, let me know when you're making them to sell. Put me on that list..

tikiskip posted on 01/05/2009

Great job!!!

jpmartdog posted on 01/05/2009

great job! Where can one get the tapa cloth? Would love to try to make one myself!

GatorRob posted on 01/05/2009

On 2009-01-05 06:43, jpmartdog wrote:
great job! Where can one get the tapa cloth? Would love to try to make one myself!

You can get tapa cloth just like that at Oceanic Arts. Just give them a call.

Very sweet lamp, by the way!

Robb Hamel posted on 01/05/2009

VERY, VERY awesome - mind-blowingly nice work.

I saw an old (Kahiki?) one like this, but yours is better made.

Trad'r Bill posted on 01/05/2009

Thanks for the words of encouragement everybody :wink: Ben, Skip, and Robb - you guys are my inspiration so I'm glad you like it!

Tikipaka - I'll let you know when I have one to sell... I have to make a couple more for my bar, and for some friends, but I'll let you know.

jpmartdog - GatorRob is right, I got this Tapa cloth from OA... let me know if you need help with your lamp.

...can't wait to start on my next one! :)

Trad'r Bill

The Sperm Whale posted on 01/05/2009

That lamp is feakin sweet!! I really like the different colors comming out of the bamboo on the bottom. That probably took some time!! Thanks for sharing!

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teaKEY posted on 01/05/2009

Very nice. I am finally moving my mug collection from the kitchen to a basement bar. Lighten has now taken over my mind as the top decor to add that tiki bar feel. The glass floats and a lamp like this is exactly what is needed.

What does the top of this kind of lamp look like? That would be helpful. The lamp looks nice. Monkeyman makes a great looking version of this lamp.


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TIKIVILLE posted on 01/05/2009

wow!, really cool and creative , FANTASTIC design too ! I would be damn proud ! ( I'm sure you are ! )

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Unga Bunga posted on 01/05/2009

How did you apply the resin in the bamboo?

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JackLord posted on 01/05/2009

I like it!!! Fantastic.

Trad'r Bill posted on 01/05/2009

Thanks all-

teaKEY - I'll post a picture of the top when I get off work today

Unga Bunga - I used a syringe (below) from tap plastics to inject the dyed resin in the bamboo sections. I used two dye mixtures, and different levels of resin to get the various color shades.

(I used the bigger one):
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tikiskip posted on 01/06/2009

If next time you make this lamp you just do every step two or even three times.
Making three lamps will go much quicker!!
This way you can sell some and keep some.
Selling your light will offset the cost of that high dollar tapa.
But mass production is the way to go.

Trad'r Bill posted on 01/06/2009

Thanks Skip - I was just thinking the same thing... thanks for your tips!

Trad'r Bill

Trad'r Bill posted on 01/06/2009

teaKEY- I just added two pics of the top of the lamp on page 1.

Trad'r Bill

[ Edited by: Trad'r Bill 2009-01-05 18:46 ]

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teaKEY posted on 01/06/2009

Nice detail on the top too

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Big Kahuna posted on 01/06/2009

Once again, blown away by another creative human on TC! Very nice!!!!!

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Swanky posted on 01/07/2009

Very nice! You even made the top look nice. Only change I would make is to have maybe more, and or bigger vertical pieces. Makes me want to get busy making!

Trad'r Bill posted on 01/07/2009

Thanks for the constructive criticism Swanky- I do appreciate it. That would look cool to have fatter pieces of rattan for the vertical pieces... I'll have to see if my local spot carries it that thick. The only thing is, the rattan is already pretty expensive... I could switch to bamboo, but I really like the solid rattan look.

Trad'r Bill

[ Edited by: Trad'r Bill 2009-01-06 18:59 ]

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thisoldhippie posted on 01/07/2009

Keep me in mind when you get ready to sell!

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Mr. Pupu Pants posted on 01/15/2009

Really, really beautiful.
Bill, as an alternative to the more expensive rattan, you could try using large dowels. Home Depot sells all widths. I bought several for another purpose but, with some minor shaping and finishing, they would completely pass for rattan. The ones I bought were 1.5" x 4' for about $5.
Again, fantastic work.

Trad'r Bill posted on 01/21/2009

I came across this cool vase, so I thought I'd give the glass float lamp a try:

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The knotwork could be more symmetrical, but I'm pretty happy for my first try. I was going for the white rope new-schoolish look, but I may try to dye it next time.
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My mugs and the lamp:
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Above the bar:
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Unrelated Maori shot: :)
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More stuff I want to make into a lamp:
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My messy bar:
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Blurry lamps:
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Trad'r Bill

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sasquatch posted on 01/21/2009

... love the faux fish float. I bought a circular light fitting the other week with the same idea in mind.

... is there an idiots guide to making the net? Wouldn't know where to start, other than with a bit of string of course!

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sasquatch posted on 01/21/2009

On 2009-01-21 04:14, sasquatch wrote:
... is there an idiots guide to making the net? Wouldn't know where to start...

Try searching TC you idiot! :wink:


Trad'r Bill posted on 01/21/2009

Haha sasquatch - yeah that's the thread I used. It took me a while to figure out the first knot, but it was pretty easy after that (just time-consuming).

Trad'r Bill

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shampoovta posted on 01/21/2009

I am watching you :), this is fabulous stuff.

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kahalakruzer posted on 01/22/2009

The tapa lamp looks awesome, especially with the colored resin on the bottom! Those knots are pretty sweet too. If you make more floats, you can also frost them with an acrylic matte clear and it diffuses the glow from the bulb! Those fish floats re-energized me to make some more for myself!

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TikiMango posted on 01/22/2009

I like the SPAM product placement! Killer lamps!

tikiskip posted on 01/22/2009

Looks great!!
You will get better and better with each ball you tie.

Trad'r Bill posted on 01/23/2009

Thanks for the props friends - Kahalakruzer, I'm going to try your frosting technique next time... the bulb is a little hot on the eyes.

My sis just told me she thrifted a few glass hurricane shades for me - I want to try tying those up next!

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MadDogMike posted on 01/23/2009

On 2009-01-21 16:58, TikiMango wrote:
I like the SPAM product placement!

That's what it was!!! I saw the lamp picture and said to myself "Oooh, pretty. I have an uncontrollable urge for a SpamWich!" :lol:

Trad'r Bill posted on 02/02/2009

I found a fish trap at the antique fair today, so I decided to make a faux float/fish trap lamp - the glass ball was originally gray, so I spray-painted it, and applied a matte finish (thanks Kahalakruzer!)

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tikifreak1 posted on 02/02/2009

Man, you are on a roll!! Awesome lamps!!

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tikifreak1 posted on 02/02/2009

sorry, double post!

[ Edited by: tikifreak1 2009-02-02 05:43 ]

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tikifreak1 posted on 02/02/2009

sorry, triple post!! Damn slow computer!!

[ Edited by: tikifreak1 2009-02-02 05:44 ]

tikiskip posted on 02/02/2009

Can you add an orange light to the top?
As in the inside of the fish trap.
I think it will show through.

Trad'r Bill posted on 02/03/2009

Tikiskip - good idea, I'm going to give that a shot - thanks!!

...more tapa lamps coming soon :)

Trad'r Bill

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kahalakruzer posted on 02/04/2009

Awesome fish trap! I've been looking for one for awhile to do something with. Cool idea for a lamp...Keep em coming!

Trad'r Bill posted on 02/05/2009

I added a second light to the top - thanks for the tip Tikiskip! I'm probably going to try a couple different bulb colors in the top.

It was hard to photograph, but I think the top bulb makes it more interesting.

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Trad'r Bill

tikiskip posted on 06/11/2009

looks great!
Now if you add paper to the top part where the
green light is you could put a amber bulb in there
and it would show up much more.

But that lamp looks great!!

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Tiki Kupcake posted on 06/11/2009

Your lamps are great! Love them!

Trad'r Bill posted on 06/13/2009

Thanks for the tip (I'm learning so much from you - you rock!!) I do have some bamboo paper that would probably look pretty koo in there. I really need to start working on my lamps again - I left my work table over at my buddy's party and don't have a good spot to work right now - I need to figure something out, I'm itching to make more lamps!

Tiki Kupcake-
Thanks, glad you like the lamps! :)

Trad'r Bill

tikiskip posted on 06/14/2009

The paper when hit by the light glows even.
That way the basket will be lit even when you add paper.
Does that make sense?

Trad'r Bill posted on 08/09/2009

Here's another tapa drum-style lamp with colored resin that I finished today. I like the dark red and blue, but I think I prefer the more subdued shades of resin that I used in the first lamp I did in this style.

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Trad'r Bill

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Queen Kamehameha posted on 08/09/2009

Bill, your lamps are very vintage hawaiian looking, with a bit of modern thrown in, great job!


Trad'r Bill posted on 08/09/2009

On 2009-08-08 22:07, Queen Kamehameha wrote:
Bill, your lamps are very vintage hawaiian looking, with a bit of modern thrown in, great job!


Thanks Queen K!

-Trad'r Bill

Pages: 1 2 77 replies