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official trader vics chicago thread

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Numatiki posted on 01/20/2009

Albino tiki and I spent about three hours in Trader Vic's a couple of weeks ago. Sat at the bar and observed as much as we could, talked with the staff, and got to know some patrons. A fantastic way to spend an evening.

We had and enjoyed the Mai Tai, Singapore Symphony, Rum Giggle, Trader Vic's Grog, Samoan Fog Cutter, & Black Stripe. All quite good for what they were each going for. Also had the "Chicago Trader", which I guess is only served at this location, but didn't care for it much. Too medicinal.

Spoke with Adam and another bartender (whose name I forget) at length about the place. Mentioned Tikicentral to Adam and he knew right away what I was talking about. We also noticed that Adam served the Mai Tais without spanking the mint (as tikibars taught us was important to do), then noticed later that the other bartender DID spank his mint. I mentioned to the other guy that Adam wasn't spanking his mint and he laughed and remarked, "And HE'S the bar manager!", which I found pretty funny. So, Adam, if you're reading this, please spank your mint before you stick it in our drink. :wink:

We also had some sushi, which was phenomenal. We both highly recommend the Mount Vic's roll, which we ordered without eel because we both despise it. The best piece of sushi I've ever had. And quite a large roll, makes an entree by itself or an appetizer for 2 or 3. We subsequently went back for dinner this past Saturday and enjoyed everything. I recommend the miso-glazed sea bass. Great service, too.

As for the drink controversy. This makes the third Vic's we've been to, and the Mai Tais here tasted, to me, exactly like they did at each of the others. Seeing as how they use the same recipe and mix, I'm not sure how different they could be. We watched the bartenders work and they do measure everything, though often a bit sloppily (though nowhere near as sloppily as Tiki-Ti). I'd imagine that if you find a drink you like, you're bound to get it the same way each time you go in.

People watching and fraternizing was part of the experience as well. We watched a "high maintenance" type girl who sat next to us try three or four drinks, sending each back, before settling on a glass of white wine. :roll: Much respect for the patience the bartender showed, as well as his dedication to service by not charging her for the ones she didn't like. Can't say that I would have been as gracious, as I nearly scolded her myself. I also observed Adam comp one of the two drinks a guy had ordered as an apology for making him wait (he really hadn't waited all that long at all). Cool move for any bartender. Also made friends with "Bob", an old-timer from the Palmer House, who regaled us with tale after interesting tale. Ended up buying his Samoan Fog Cutter for him as a thank you for the stories.

In any event, we're both ecstatic to have a tiki bar back in Chicago proper (only a $6 cab ride home!), and even more overjoyed to have it be an excellent one like Vic's. We'll be there as much as humanly possible.

BambooLodge posted on 01/20/2009

On 2009-01-19 18:21, bigbrotiki wrote:
Uh oh, the "Chicago Schism" is rearing its ugly head!

What the heck are you talking about now?
Everybody in Chicago gets along just fine, contrary to what you might believe! We don't have a split in our tiki community here. We are allowed to have our own opinions,aren't we? This is still a free country isn't it? Hope this helps clear things up for you.

[ Edited by: bamboolodge 2009-01-20 05:48 ]

Bongo Bungalow posted on 01/20/2009

I hope this location does well and sticks around for decades.

I'll go whenever possible, but that's not often, as I live a good two hours away. Will patrons with memories of the old location, like the guy Numatiki spoke of, keep it going? That'll help, I suppose. Does this concept need the 20 somethings to catch on to it? Will conference attendees support it? Is there substancial residential in the neighborhood? I've never learned how big city restaurants get and maintain high volume. I suppose there's lots of people, so build a good reputation and they will come.

There are many more run-down, low volume, Asian themed restaurants with a little tiki than there are quality tiki establishments like Trader Vic's, and I certainly prefer Trader Vic's. I like what they're doing. I hope it does well.

TabooDan posted on 01/20/2009

Am I in the right thread?
I don't know if I believe that this new Vic's is even open as I haven't seen any damn photos!!! LOL!!
I saw some in the beginning but come on....show us that great decor you speak of!!


Tipsy McStagger posted on 01/20/2009

On 2009-01-20 06:10, Bongo Bungalow wrote:
I hope this location does well and sticks around for decades.

I'll go whenever possible, but that's not often, as I live a good two hours away. Will patrons with memories of the old location, like the guy Numatiki spoke of, keep it going? That'll help, I suppose. Does this concept need the 20 somethings to catch on to it? Will conference attendees support it? Is there substancial residential in the neighborhood? I've never learned how big city restaurants get and maintain high volume. I suppose there's lots of people, so build a good reputation and they will come.

There are many more run-down, low volume, Asian themed restaurants with a little tiki than there are quality tiki establishments like Trader Vic's, and I certainly prefer Trader Vic's. I like what they're doing. I hope it does well.

well i hope to see you there sometime....and the first lousy mai tai is on me!!! :)

GatorRob posted on 01/21/2009

On 2009-01-20 06:10, Bongo Bungalow wrote:
I'll go whenever possible, but that's not often, as I live a good two hours away.

C'mon now. I live 3 1/2 hrs from the Mai-Kai and still manage to get there 4 to 5 times a year! :wink:

I've never learned how big city restaurants get and maintain high volume.

This is something that has baffled me about the Atlanta Vic's, one of the last great vintage ones remaining. The times I've been, there weren't more than a handful of diners all night. They get convention traffic, but I don't think it's ever busy in there. Yet they (thank god) remain open and maintain their high quality.

Bongo Bungalow posted on 01/23/2009

Had dinner and drinks at Trader Vic's Chicago night before last. Group of 20 and we had a blast! They are doing a great job, and the place was very busy on a Wednesday night. Do not miss this restaurant when in Chicago.

I've decided my two favorite drinks there, right now, are the Navy Grog and the Tutu Rum Punch.

Took some snap shots of a few of the tikis. There's no way to get decent pictures in a dark restaurants with flash photography, especially when it's filled with people, but at least you can see some of the carvings.

edit: Looking at the picture of the back bar, I gotta add this place has a great look, a perfect vibe, again, flash pictures do not show how this place really looks.

[ Edited by: Bongo Bungalow 2009-01-23 06:19 ]

martiki posted on 01/23/2009

more pictures! more! more! more!

croe67 posted on 01/23/2009

We've got a group going in early Feb, too.
I promise to post more pics, then, too :wink:

Tipsy McStagger posted on 01/23/2009

todays chicago suntimes.....entertainment/food section....2 page spread on trader vics entitled "treasured island"......

tikibars posted on 01/23/2009

Let me clarify something that seems to have been misunderstood and/or accidentally twisted:

I stated that everything about the new Trader Vic's is rockin', except for that I had consistently poor drinks.

I have gleefully imbibed Trader Vic's mai tais in the following cities: Chicago (v 1.0), Atlanta, Scottsdale, Destin, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Emeryville, London, Tokyo, Seattle, and probably a few more.
These mai tais, on three continents, have all been reasonably consistent.
When I sat down at every one of those bars, I knew what to expect, and I was served more or less what I expected, every time.
What I was served in Chicago 2.0 wasn't even close.

I stated that I was confident that the problem was that bartenders were all new and that I was confident that the situation would improve.

Somehow, this statement was lost, as were my praise for the service, the food, the decor, and how freaking amazing it is to have a Trader Vic's back in my hometown.
My sole significant criticism (among a sea of praise) ought to have been taken as constructive, not as an excuse to begin a flame war.

When and if Trader Vic's management ever read this thread, they will now see two pages of bickering and snippy bulls**t instead of the enthusiasm and praise (tempered with a few bits of constructive advice) that they OUGHT to be seeing.

With no further rebuttal (i.e. rabble-rousers please refrain from adding more damage than you have), can we get back to making this thread an enthusiastic celebration of something that we're all rather happy about?

For example...

There will be an announcement about a grand opening party very soon; I have had some conversations with Pallava (General Manager) about the entertainment and some other details. Looks like it will probably be on a Thursday in February (subject to change).

I expect to see you all there (maybe some of us can offer couches to those coming from two hours away - or further), and I am also confident that the previous two pages of this thread will be rendered obsolete when we are all served cocktails that definitely conform to the baseline standard exhibited in all of the other Traders world-wide... a situation, I am sure, which is already in place here in Chicago (after all, my visit was a few weeks ago already, and the guys behind the bar seemed like enthusiastic and fast learners).

The drinks there are, and have been, fully up to snuff, as predicted, since January. :)

[ Edited by: tikibars 2009-06-10 22:48 ]

rugbymatt posted on 01/23/2009

I still can't wait to get out there!

Tipsy McStagger posted on 01/24/2009

On 2009-01-23 11:21, tikibars wrote:

When and if Trader Vic's management ever read this thread, they will now see two pages of bickering and snippy bulls**t instead of the enthusiasm and praise (tempered with a few bits of constructive advice) that they OUGHT to be seeing.

..no.......what they will see is you trashing their drinks.....and the rest of us defending them.....

aside from that, i don't think the management is really interested in what we like or do not like.....if they did they would have opened the doors to us on new years day...

none the less, the traders is great which is why i originally started this thread so let's get back to posting some much awaited photos of the place and sharing our experiences there...

......thanks for clearing things up as well


exotica59 posted on 02/09/2009

Thank-you Croe67 for setting up the fabulous time we all had at T V last night. About 20 of us drove in from all parts of IL and across the state lines of WI and IN to join in for a fun night. This was my first visit to the new location and I really enjoyed myself. The staff treated us like royalty. Beautiful decor, and great food and drinks all enhanced our night out on the town. I sampled treats from the pupu platters that were brought out to our tables , and the sushi. Roger had the 9 spice chicken and I had the stir-fry veggies and tofu. I was surprised at the little chocolate tikis that came with the fortune cookies. If you're looking to have a special night, this is the place to go. From the manager, right down to the girl who welcomed us in at the door, I felt that the staff went out of there way to make our party feel special. A big thank-you to Trader Vic's! To me this was well worth the wait we had after the Palmer House location closed.

Ran into Tipsy, Bamboolodge and friends after dinner who were in the bar having cocktails.
Good times!
I didn't take any pictures, but Roger Danger did try out our new Flip video. If I can figure out how to brighten up the footage, I'll link it in at some point.

Bongo Bungalow posted on 02/09/2009

What the world... What the tiki world needs is to see some professional photos of this location. Other tiki places have done this. I would think Pallava would agree to this and everyone will see this decor in its true glory.

Until then, you have to just believe those that have been there, 'cause snapshots don't cut it.

croe67 posted on 02/09/2009

I've heard that patience is a virtue.

I did get some very nice shots, but I will not be able to get them up until Wed or so.

Patience, grasshopper, I believe a wise man once said.......

But some of the coolest shots will be next time we visit when Lake Surfers tikis will be adorning the walls!!!!

BambooLodge posted on 02/09/2009

On 2009-02-09 06:30, croe67 wrote:
But some of the coolest shots will be next time we visit when Lake Surfers tikis will be adorning the walls!!!!

That's for sure! Congrats again Dave!!!!!!!!

croe67 posted on 02/11/2009

OK everyone......here are some more pictures of Chicago Vic's for your viewing enjoyment. It is BEAUTIFULLY done. They are still finishing-up details, but it is mostly there. Our crew that invaded Saturday evening was THRILLED with not only the DECOR, but also the DRINKS, which were totally up-to-snuff, and the Management & Waitstaff that took EXCELLENT care of us!!!!!!

A few portraits of Trader Vic's Chicago to entice some of you to come visit us in the Windy City!!!!!

A BEAUTIFUL Hand-Carved Trader Vic's shield greets you at the entrance....!

And some views from THE BAR....with our Fabulous Bartenders....

YES!!!! MAI TAIs from our lovely waitress who kept our glasses full :wink:

And ONWARD to the Dining Room.....

fenrir posted on 02/11/2009

Wow the place looks great. I'll be going there on Saturday, and I can't wait.

bigtikidude posted on 02/11/2009

very nice,
maybe a tad too bright on the lighting side,
but thats not that big of a deal.

I would love to go there someday.
thanks for the pics.


Lake Surfer posted on 02/11/2009

On 2009-02-09 06:52, BambooLodge wrote:

On 2009-02-09 06:30, croe67 wrote:
But some of the coolest shots will be next time we visit when Lake Surfers tikis will be adorning the walls!!!!

That's for sure! Congrats again Dave!!!!!!!!

Many thanks Caroline and Dave!

I can't wait to see them on the walls.

And hopefully more in the future!

thejab posted on 02/11/2009

Great pics, croe67. Thanks for posting those!

alohacurrent posted on 02/11/2009

man that's beautiful. Can't wait to see it in person- Hooray Chicago!!!

GatorRob posted on 02/11/2009

Now that's a good looking space! (Some Asian-looking Tikis, but eh.) Modernized, but still retaining elements of the past. Chicago Vic's looks like a winner guys! Hope to visit myself someday soon.

TabooDan posted on 02/12/2009

Now we're frickin talking!!!! That place looks awesome!! Much of the decor and style that you would see in the old Vic's!! That's exciting!! It's gotta have some modern elements/decor as times have changed, but that has to be expected.

To each his/her own with the food or drinks!
Some are gonna like it and some aren't but it looks like a very cool place to go and I am sure, like every Vic's, there will be good and some not so good but at least you have one!!

Pretty jealous over here in Vancouver, Canada!!

sneakyjack posted on 02/18/2009

if you went there valentines day then you could have one of these:

I bet there are some left

croe67 posted on 02/27/2009

And here's a little write-up of our group gathering at Trader Vic's for your reading pleasure :)


MNZombie posted on 03/26/2009

Finally made it to Trader Vic's on my most recent trip to Chicago from Minnesota. I had to say it, but I was disappointed. First, let me tell you that my brother and I were there at about 4:30pm on a Sunday, due to time constraints. That's about a half hour after the bar opens and a half hour before the restaurant opens. That may explain some of our complaints, but not all.

The atmosphere was OK, if anything it seemed a little sterile. Too well lit, too well planned out. We sat a table because I didn't want to be at the bar where several guys were discussing and watching the NCAA tournament on the TVs above the bar. We sat down and immediately noticed the "Asian influenced" music that sounded like it was straight out of the local sushi bar. About 10 minutes later it was replaced by the worst music of all, smooth jazz!

Service was lacking (the waitress couldn't be found when we were ready to order and kept coming back every 30 seconds after we had our drinks, very annoying). None of our drinks tasted very well mixed. We had the egg roll appetizers which came with a sauce that was clearly a mix of ketchup and teriyaki sauce. Everything was just of kind of average (except the prices)

Some people may like the new Trader Vic's Chicago, but for me, it was a let down. Maybe it was the time of day, I don't know. I just know next time I'm sticking with Hala Kahiki, Chef Shangri-La or even the Tiki Terrace instead.

Ragbag Comics posted on 03/27/2009

I was VERY glad to see Vic's reopen!

Admittedly, I was a bit apprehensive about the locale- After a decade in Chicago, Rush St. is handily one of my most hated areas in town (especially on weekends...) But one look at the entry way soothed my nerves which had been severely jangled by the clouds of club-goers outside. The decor is definitely subdued (not the 'crazy interesting crap everywhere' we all love so dearly) but it makes a lot of sense. They're attempting to bring in regular people who don't know a 'tiki bar' from 'Pirates of the Carribean.' It's classy- I very much dug it, though it's a totally different urge to want to experience it than, say, Hala Kahiki. But then- the old Vic's wasn't Hala Kahiki either (Or the Kona Kai for that matter...)

First visit on my birthday back in January was excellent- the drinks were solid (we tried six different ones- the Mai Tai's were decent, but certainly not the best I've had. The Fog Cutter and Navy Grog were both awesome, however...)and the dinner- wow. It was fantastically good! The Macadamia Mahi Mahi, in particular, was unbelievably delicious.

But we went back with a couple of our friends for their Valentine's Day special, and...well... it was not terribly special (just expensive.)

Firstly- even though the special was all over their website, nobody seemed to know much about it.

The food was good, but not anywhere near as good as it had been on the previous visit. My beef medalions were burnt, and our appetizers were cold.

The Mai Tais seemed to be made at about half the strength (the strength, here, was replaced with the rummy's arch nemesis- ice)

Even though the place wasn't operating even close to capacity, we could never seem to find our waitress. And everything came out unspeakably slow. I got no problem eating on island time, but this was kinda crazy- dinner took almost 3 hours.

The one expected perk (which was advertised in no less than two spots on the website) was a special take home cocktail glass (which: I assume was a tiki mug of some kind.) We asked our server about it, and she said it was a "mistake" on the website. She also said there was a special drink that night that came in a take-home glass, but since no one told us about it (and we were racing out the door, over an hour late for something else we had happening that night) we didn't get one. So we asked a manager. He said the same thing.

Did anyone actually GET the glass? What did it even look like?

Anybody else have a similar experience on V-Day?

I sent a complaint letter to the head manager there- he sent a very nice reply back and said he'd like to call me to apologize. Of course, that never happened.

I'm sure he has much better stuff to do, but after shelling out close to $200 for two people to eat, I was pretty bummed.

I will probably go back- but with the kinda bucks they're charging for grub, I can't say when that'll be.

The saddest part was leaving without a special valentine's tiki mug... Just a lonely, naked Menehune on a stick.

Tipsy McStagger posted on 03/27/2009

..well....here's the glass.....it was posted on the previous page had you bothered to look....

Koolau posted on 03/27/2009

I had a similar crappy experience at the old Beverly Hills TV - maybe we TC'ers just expect too much of Trader Vic's. We want perfect drinks, food, and service, and are sorely disappointed when the restaurant fails to deliver.

The best Trader Vic's experience I had was in Las Vegas - we just walked in, ordered tons of pupus, drank and laughed. I didn't have high expectations, and didn't get all bent when the bartender gave my girlfriend a Menehuene Juice that was much darker brown than my Mai Tai - we just switched drinks, moved on, and ordered Navy Grogs next round.

Ragbag - doesn't seem like complaining does much good, eh? What to do?

Bongo Bungalow posted on 03/27/2009

On 2009-03-27 01:32, Koolau wrote:
I had a similar crappy experience at the old Beverly Hills TV - maybe we TC'ers just expect too much of Trader Vic's. We want perfect drinks, food, and service, and are sorely disappointed when the restaurant fails to deliver.

The best Trader Vic's experience I had was in Las Vegas - we just walked in, ordered tons of pupus, drank and laughed. I didn't have high expectations, and didn't get all bent when the bartender gave my girlfriend a Menehuene Juice that was much darker brown than my Mai Tai - we just switched drinks, moved on, and ordered Navy Grogs next round.

I think you've got it right Koolau... we expect too much. TV Chicago is only what it is and on any given day either we and all the guests there create a transcending experience... or not. The decor is not the ultimate tiki decor, the drinks are not the untimate tiki drinks.

I've had two memorable evenings there, but the next time I might leave feeling that I've just paid too much for too little.

Yet, as one in the business, I appreciate what they've created. I know I'm not as good as these guys.

When I went with a group of 20, the manager insisted on buying the first round of drinks- Mai Tais for everyone! This set the stage for a great evening. This kind of hospitality really makes a difference, but is not going to happen for every guest on every visit. (And, I have to admit, it's not likely to happen at my restaurants, by my managers either.)

I hate it when there's a new movie out I want to see and a friend tells me, "It's the best movie ever!" I struggle to keep my expectations low, because I know I'll enjoy the movie more. This is true of restaurants and tiki bars as well.

I don't get to Los Angeles often, but on the last visit I sought out the famous Tonga Hut. I was at first, quite disappointed. THIS is what all the fuss is about? Then I started to think about how unique it truly is and how cool it must be when they're putting on one of their big, crazy events. There's much to appreciate, if you have the right attitude.

So, TV Chicago is, in my opinion, only what it is... And I can't wait to go again.

Tipsy McStagger posted on 03/27/2009

right on, bungalow and koolau..

..for as much as i have propped up the chicago trader's, it is what it is.....the times I have been there have never been a dissapointment but that doesn't mean a bad time or a stinky drink isn't lurking around the corner there on occasion....I have found most service in this town from wait staff to be horribly slow and incompetent no matter where you go...perhaps my reputation precedes me and they see me comin when i walk in the door....maybe they are lurkers on tiki central and have decided it's payback time for me!! :) ......also seems like tips have become an inalienable right these days as opposed to something earned for exceptional service.....

anyway, take it for what it is....due to location and cost we hit the traders least of all tiki places which makes each outing there a little more special since we don't go that often....

Lake Surfer posted on 03/27/2009

On 2009-03-26 18:56, Ragbag Comics wrote:
I was VERY glad to see Vic's reopen!

The one expected perk (which was advertised in no less than two spots on the website) was a special take home cocktail glass (which: I assume was a tiki mug of some kind.) We asked our server about it, and she said it was a "mistake" on the website. She also said there was a special drink that night that came in a take-home glass, but since no one told us about it (and we were racing out the door, over an hour late for something else we had happening that night) we didn't get one. So we asked a manager. He said the same thing.

Did anyone actually GET the glass? What did it even look like?

Quite strange, since a week after that on my visit I asked if they had any left and they gave me one.

I love the place, but my opinion is biased because much of the staff knows me and I have work hanging in the joint.

But every time my friends and I go we are treated like rock stars... from the first time we walked in at 4 pm on opening day to the last time a month ago.

A comped drink here or there or a discount on pupus.

In 4 visits I have found all the drinks up to par and the food great.

Next time you're at the bar, ask for Adam the bar manager, a sure way to get a really good drink.

My friends and I have found that if you strike up conversations with everyone there they tend to remember you the next time you come in, and personal service tends to be on the better side.

At the Palmer House Vic's my favorite waiter was Eugene, we had him hopping on Tabu Tiki Nights with the Zombie special in effect!

But as the other guys said, places have their good days and bad, sounds like you landed on one of the off days... its too bad it happened on Valentine's Day.

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2009-03-27 10:00 ]

Ragbag Comics posted on 03/28/2009

I agree with what's been tossed around here wholeheartedly:

I think my crappy time on V-Day was an isolated incident.

Honestly, if things hadn't been so good the first go-round, I probably wouldn't have been quite so disappointed- I just would've filed away that things weren't A+ material for the next time I'm looking to lay down some hefty bucks on dinner. And truly, the fact that management responded as they did as quickly as they did (regardless of the lack of follow-through) was impressive to me.

Law of averages tells me that TV's is most often a great experience at any locale, and I'll continue to rally behind 'em. After all- they're still keepin' it going as they have been for a long damn time, throwing in twists here and there that keep things interesting.

Tipsy: I agree with what yer saying as well- it ain't exactly the kinda place I'd be hitting up every weekend anyway. Drinks on a Wednesday during happy hour (if I can make it to the neighborhood), sure. But I'm not really running around Rush St. on a regular basis. Otherwise- special occasions.

Chicago's damn lucky to have what we do tiki-wise (the rest of the Midwest is a relative dead zone with a couple of exceptions) and I'm very glad to see TV's back in action, occasional stumbles or no. I've forgiven lesser places for bigger infractions.

I think I'll go back and hope for a repeat of my initial visit to the new locale- best 2 outta 3 ain't bad.

PS: I think the reason there were extra glasses was because the wait staff didn't seem to want to give them to anyone the night I was there. But I'm glad some of them got to the right people, and also kinda glad to see it's not an actual mug... That would've bummed me out to miss out on a one-shot TV mug.

Tipsy McStagger posted on 03/28/2009

i changed the title of this thread to keep it current....

exotica59 posted on 03/30/2009

I'm fresh back from another trip in to Vic's. We all had a great time! We had a couple small issues with our waiter, which for the most part was straightened out with the manager. Nothing outstanding, and something that one would occasionally run into at any restaurant.The manager came up to our table several times to make sure we were having a good time, and then again a couple of times after wards while we hung at the bar with more friends. Most of my group even got a free round of drinks. The manager even helped bring in the "birthday cheesecake" and sang happy birthday with us to our friend Hep who came all the way to Vics from Ohio.
My drinks were all very well made and consistent through the course of he night. I agree with Tipsy in that we don't go to TV as often due to the higher costs, but when we do go it has always been special.
Here's a few photos of the evening for your enjoyment and my friends embarrassment.

everyone singing Happy Birthday to Hep

Whole gang is here: The Bambooldoges, Lori and Tispsy ( letting my husband know he's still #!1)Swizzle, Hep, tag along Tim, and Tag along Steve and me.

Swizzle with one of the many cocktails we sampled

the Birthday boy Hep and his lovely wife Swizzle

The Lounge Tiki posted on 05/16/2009

Wow! I can't wait to go there for my 21st. Seems only fitting my first legal drink...i mean, first drink is a Trader Vic's Mai Tai....heh...who drinks in college, what a silly notion. :P
Seriously though, as an ID, that is as pleasing to the eye as it probably is to the taste buds and stomach.

rugbymatt posted on 07/15/2009

Heading over to Vic's right now. Who's with me? yaaaaaaa!

Haole Jim posted on 07/21/2009

Hooboy hooboy, got to get there.

Bongo Bungalow posted on 01/22/2010

Was at TV Chicago two days ago, stopping in for a Navy Grog. Chatting with the bartender about things tiki and he says, "We got two of them the managers want to get rid of because we can't use them, they were supposed to go outside but the city won't let them." He proceeds to show me that on the ground in the atrium jungle two carved tikis. One about six feet tall, the other a massive 12 feet tall. He says the big one is really heavy and if I call one of the managers, (John and Allie), they'd probably be glad to let them go for $200.

The atrium was locked, I could see them, but couldn't even get a decent picture. The large one is magnificent. The shorter one I couldn't see well but it looked weathered. [I'll add a picture of the type of tiki the big one is when I get a chance later.]

I'm posting this without calling. I don't know if the bartender knew what he was talking about. But someone with a truck should call and maybe make a score of a lifetime.

If this tip works out for someone, you're welcome and I'll let you buy me a Mai Tai sometime. Good luck.

[ Edited by: Bongo Bungalow 2010-01-22 02:56 ]

Tipsy McStagger posted on 01/22/2010

yeah- those 2 tall tikis have been laying around there since shortly after they opened....they are cool and they certainly are tall....you need more than a pick up truck for these.....city restrictions suck so i am not suprised that they got skunked tryin to put those up...too bad they couldn't put them in the atrium. I'm sure that price of $200 is wrong....after all, look at the prices of the stuff the traders had in their warehouse sale...$200 for a 12 ft tall pole is too good to be true.....they spent more than that just to get them to that location.....I would be suprised if they just gave them away like that.....unfortunately for me, the city i live in would not be thrilled with a 12 footer in my backyard either...and the neighbors are already afraid of us based on what they have seen around here......

Trader Magnus posted on 01/22/2010

I was at Trader Vic's Chicago twice in the middle of December. Saturday evening we had a dinner reservation, and started with a few drinks at the bar. Both the food and drinks were very nice! Monday evening we returned for a few drinks, but when I tried to order from the menu, the bartender told me that they were out of ALL dark and overproof rum, and wouldn't be able to mix most of the drinks... I was very disappointed, and his explanation was that they only got supplies once a week and that they don't last over the weekend. Maybe it's time to increase the order...

arriano posted on 01/22/2010

On 2010-01-22 06:17, Trader Magnus wrote:
I was at Trader Vic's Chicago twice in the middle of December. Saturday evening we had a dinner reservation, and started with a few drinks at the bar. Both the food and drinks were very nice! Monday evening we returned for a few drinks, but when I tried to order from the menu, the bartender told me that they were out of ALL dark and overproof rum, and wouldn't be able to mix most of the drinks... I was very disappointed, and his explanation was that they only got supplies once a week and that they don't last over the weekend. Maybe it's time to increase the order...

That's ridiculous. That's like a McDonald's running out of hamburger.

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