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tiki mugs - a guide to collecting

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Hi Everybody, Jay Strongman here......I hate to be the bearer of bad news but due to production delays I've been told that the book will not be released until March next year. Obviously, this is beyond my control but I would still like to apologize to all those who were looking forward to seeing the book out before Christmas. Because the delays meant that the book wouldn't be ready for the Christmas market, it was decided to hold it's release over until March because January & February are traditionally very, very slow months for the book trade and the retail market in general. The good news is that the printer's proofs of the book look amazing and the art director for Korero (the publishers) has done a great job in the lay-out and presentation for the book.If I can get permission from the publishers I'll try and post some sample pages here on Tiki Central so that you'll be able to get some idea of what to expect in March. Again, I'm so sorry for the long delay and I'm going to try to find out when Amazon will be listing it again. Thanks for your patience.

Too bad, Jay, you must be disappointed. But this is just the way it is with books, to get them out there is always more time consuming than one assumes. I know from experience. That this project did not get out for Christmas is certainly not because you weren't trying, I can attest to that. Anyway, the most important thing is that the book is perfect, because it will be out there for a while. And from what I have seen, it will be a great boon, for Tiki mug aficionados and for the spreading of the art form in general!

Hi Jay, Anything really good is worth waiting for so we get to be on pins and needles a while longer. Let us know when we can sign up on Amazon.com again for all the copies we need. We'll hope for a tax refund check so we can buy a stack! Wendy

I put myself on the email list at amazon for this book, here's the link:


Hey and Mahalo Jay for the update, Really looking forward to getting your book...


Available again, Just pre-ordered mine..

I just re-ordered ours too, thank you for the update on Amazon.com, Wendy

Some nice interior shots of the book on the Korero website..


..they have an active buy me now button for it but I take it, its not yet available?


i just ordered this from korero today and it went through.it seemed like it was in stock when i did.

Hi Folks ,
Well, some good news at last. As ron-tiki mentioned above, the book is now available via the Korero website and also on Amazon UK. The copies for the States are on a ship somewhere in the mid-Atlantic and, depending on US customs, should be available here sometime in the middle of March. I think someone in the customs department is a tiki fan because I'm still waiting on my preview copies which should have been here days ago but I finally have some images as a small sample of the book's contents. Again, thanks to all those who helped me put the book together and have stayed patient with me while awaiting publication, Mahalo, Jay.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Lookin' good Jay, lookin' very good. Now the world will finally SEE! Har Har!
Still no preview copy, hmm? They should Fedex you one copy that makes it.


Jay, can't wait to see it. It looks great.

On 2009-02-02 17:42, Kon-Tiki Viking wrote:
...Well, some good news at last...The copies for the States are on a ship somewhere in the mid-Atlantic and, depending on US customs, should be available here sometime in the middle of March...

This is good news, Kon-Tiki Viking!

I just did a pre-order on Amazon, so I'm hoping for "fair winds and a following sea" for the scow that's bringing 'em! :D



i just received my copy today in the mail..looks great--i will post more after reading..

Got mine, what a great book good broad exploration of the subject coupled with drool worthy images of great mugs. I like the way its mostly centered on the tiki mugs of the revival, I must admit to swiftly flicking through it to see if my Captain Hold Fast was in it, and after the shitty day I've just had I can't think of a better pick me up than spotting the Captain.

My only niggles are that the Spanish mug section only has Porcelenas Pavon mugs and no mention of the Arte 4. The other I was half hoping that their might be an image of an original Mayfair Beachcomber mug, just on the off chance that Mr Strongman might have had sticky fingers when he used to drink there back-in-the-day.

In all a great addition to your tiki library.

Just received my copy today as well. At first glance I'm really happy with the way it's turned out. Kudos to Yak, Korero's art director, for doing such a great job on the lay-out...Yak and I spent many hours over several weeks poring thru countless photos of mugs to make sure we got the best images possible in the book. The sad thing is that we had so many great images & mugs to chose from, that, inevitably, we couldn't fit them all into one book...but maybe if this one does well we can start on Volume 2 :0). Glad you
were happy finding the Captain in the book, atomictonytiki, and I agree with you about the Spanish section...it would have been nice to get a couple of Arte 4 examples in there but it was a question of time and availability......maybe if Korero decide to do a second volume (hint, hint). Yes, having a London Beachcomber Bar Tiki Mug in the book would have been awesome as that was my first introduction to Tiki back in the early 1980s...at the time though I was more concerned with the rum then the mugs and I haven't found anyone since then who actually has one. Even the former head barman of the place didn't know where to find one, so the search continues. Anyway, I'll try to get more images from the book to post on this thread...so stay tuned. Jay.

Some more images from the book...hope to have more soon...


SHAZAM! I've just discovered this thread - and holy smokes I am placing my order for the book in a matter of minutes! Did I spy my Trepanning skulls in some of the book artwork? I am giddy beyond belief. Jonesy - a big mahalo, you brought a tiki tear of happiness to my eye. Can't wait to feast my eyes on the smorgasbord of ceramic goodies. The layouts look fantastic. I'm off to Amazon.com!


Well for your next volume you can get pictures of my three Arte 4 mugs.

As far as Beachcomber mugs go, a salt and pepper set have been posted here before..

Beachcomber Salt and Pepper

..and the mugs look like these..

..and also there is a kava bowl.

I can't believe I got my copy last monday (almost a week ago) in a bookstore here in Barcelona. Hooray for the distribution!

Jay, congratulations, the book looks great, and has very good info about certain manufacturers and artists I didn' t know. Great research. And the Spanish Tiki Mugs section makes me so proud! Mahalo nui loa.

What a great book it is,Jay and Yak have done good job of not rehashing tiki quest etc and gone mostly for modern mugs and the forward by Holden is good,The photos are well produced and include many from our own and Trader Jim's collection.We have the book in stock on our website (www.hotrodtiki.com) if any body is interested but the postage on the site is for UK only,I will find a price to ship to the US and mainland europe.

Thanks for the kind words, folks. Here's a couple more images from the book....The first one (for the intro page) features a very cool, atmospheric photo by Sven

Hopefully, I'll be able to add more images soon....

Wow, I'm honored to be alongside such truly talented mug artists. Can't wait to get this book!

I am glad I could contribute. Jon Paul did excellent photography for most of the other non-Farm mugs.


I admit you guys got me hooked. I'm not an avid mug collector but all these pics here made me order this book. So when I'm through with work today I'll pick it up at the post office and hope for an evening of mug madness :sheckymug:

Got to thumb through it at Tiki Ti tonight, really well done, can not wait to get a copy to read. Really a sharp, beautifully laid out, book, presenting the artform with the utmost respect and class

Really, Jay, no reason to hide behind your book!

Ah, that's better :) :

What a horn of plenty of eye candy! I mean I have seen all these mugs before (by being a regular follower of TC), and I still had to look at every page again and again. That's what really made me so happy, there was no sense of repetition, no boring sameness, but only continuous curiosity, and wanting to see more and more. Great job, a definite eye opener to the bottomless creativity embodied in the Tiki revival!

And I have to amend my earlier

On 2009-02-10 19:00, bigbrotiki wrote:
Jon Paul did excellent photography for most of the other non-Farm mugs.

He did a lot of the pics, but the guy who shot the Munk Tiki mugs did a fine job, too, and Travelling Jonesy's "floating" mugs against tropical textures are genius, what a great concept!

I haven’t seen a copy yet but was wondering if there are any mugs in there back when the tiki bar was called a Polyenesian restaurnt? I’m blown away my the design but for me I have a little higher reveremce for mugs that were used for drinks and unearthed in someones attic. Also it would be nice to see the way a classic mug goes from its original form and given a makeover,like when the Tiki Bob mug became Boskoed.

I'm afraid you will be disappointed then, for it is not a tome in such a scholarly vein, and mainly a (long awaited) treatise on the MODERN mug -the multi-faceted creations of the Tiki revival. Though there is an ample smattering of vintage mugs in there, THE book for the vintage Tiki mug fan is, and always will be, Duke Carter's TIKI QUEST.

Thanks, I’ll still pick it up, there is a lot to be said about eye candy you could live on the BOT on that along (and many have), But I may have to arrange my book shelf with books before the BOT and after.

Received some more images from the book......I can't wait for them to arrive in the States so people can get to see the complete thing for themselves..

I can't wait either Jay... Thought about putting an order in overseas, but the shipping would kill me,,, I'm just going to be patient!! Thanks for the teaser pics... It really looks good..


Okay, more news on da book......Holden Westland and La Luz de Jesus Gallery have organized a book signing for Saturday March 7th between 6pm and 9pm at Soap Plant Wacko/ La Luz de Jesus Gallery, 4633 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90027. This is part of the press release...

"Tiki Mugs; Cult Artifacts of Polynesian Pop by Jay Strongman, forward by
Holden Westland of Tiki Farm

Join us at La Luz de Jesus for the much anticipated release and signing party for “Tiki Mugs; Cult Artifacts of Polynesian Pop.” Author Jay Strongman, Tiki Farm’s Holden Westland and many mug artists will be on hand to sign the book. Tiki Farm will be unveiling some new limited edition Tiki mugs and we'll be serving up scrumptious Mai – Tais. "

I'll post more info as I get it and will also post the event on the Tiki events thread..

Rad! Book looks super super nice!
So should I(munktiki) make plans to head down to L.A. for the book signing?

Uh Oh! Chongo!

hell yeah Munktiki should be there!

Yes, stuckie......it would great to see you there !! Here's a sample of some of the Munktiki
gems featured in the book.....


Thought you guys might want to know that there is a seller on Amazon.com that has the book in stock. It is $23.06 with $3.99 shipping. I just ordered one. Get your copy now :drink:

On 2009-02-13 15:43, Tiki_God wrote:
Thought you guys might want to know that there is a seller on Amazon.com that has the book in stock. It is $23.06 with $3.99 shipping. I just ordered one. Get your copy now :drink:

SWEET!! Tiki God Thankxx for the heads up on that... and I was all prepared to not sleep for the next month.. nice.. :wink:


I heard this book will be available on Tiki Farm..is this confirmed? Also, I don't suppose there will be any autographed copies to be had for those of us Right Coast folks who can't afford airfare to LA?? Perhaps there could be something worked out for us TC peeps (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)

This is a great book, a really interesting mix of mugs. The layout is fab with many great photos. Plus the bonus - my mug's in it! An honour to be in the same book as some of the great artists out there.

hm. Thanks for the pics everyone!

So now I'm just and enjoying a :drink: while I wait for the boat to dock at Amazon...

...and enjoying the "spoilers" in the meantime! :D

Can we assume that you will have plenty of books at the signing event for us to buy it there? There isn't any mention of that. Or should we purchase from Amazon and bring them with us?

Well, the books have finally arrived at the New York distributor's warehouse, so it looks like we'll have plenty of books available for sale at La Luz/Soap Plant for the book signing. I'm sure Tiki Farm will also be selling the book and people who can't make it to the signing should be able to get signed copies from them. Will get definite information from Holden this weekend and post an update in the next 48 hours or so. Mahalo, Jay.

the book looks pretty cool. i only wish some of my stuff was in it. i see a lot of braddah jonesEy's pics though.

On 2009-02-20 21:07, kingstiedye wrote:
the book looks pretty cool. i only wish some of my stuff was in it. i see a lot of braddah jonesEy's pics though.


Don't be getting all Postal now.....


Yup, Jonesey really has them wowed with that free-floating glass table/halo concept! -Rightly so, I think it beats my attempts by a mile! I also know that Jay collected TONS of images from the various makers and collectors of Polynesian pottery, and only a comparatively small amount made it in.


On 2009-02-20 21:07, kingstiedye wrote:
I only wish some of my stuff was in it. i see a lot of braddah jonesEy's pics though.

Yeah, I hear you. Your mugs Bullit, were an introduction to collection bliss and the Gecko and tOny mugs you have are unmatched. A big group shot would have been cool. The book isn't complete without what you did for modern collecting! I wish that my Dad's mugs could have made it into the book. Even just one. They were the Hand-Built mugs from before the big H.B. movement explosion. They showed what could be done.

But regardless, I'm a total mug head and if this book is half as good for any reason it will still be a MUST BUY. cheers

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