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BRAINS! Zombie Night at Forbidden Island Sunday, January 25th 5-10pm

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martiki posted on 01/08/2009

You fled from the scattered, shambling undead that came staggering up to your farmhouse. Armed only with a cricket bat, you managed to evade the ravening revenants roving in the streets. You held up for a while in a shopping mall with some other survivors, only to face slow starvation. Making a break for it, you braved hordes of hungry ghouls in a frantic scramble to the marina. A boat! The open sea! Your only hope!

Twenty-eight days later, delirious from thirst, you finally spy a speck of land on the horizon. An island! Salvation! Washing up on the mysterious beach, you cast about for a fruity drink when a chorus of ghastly moans rises from just beyond the treeline.

Oh no! You’ve landed on FORBIDDEN ZOMBIE ISLAND!

Come join us on Sunday, January 25, 2009, from 5:00 to 10:00 p.m., for Zombie Night at the Forbidden Island Tiki Lounge in Alameda. Reanimate yourself with our themed food and featured cocktails! (Hmm, I wonder what one of the drinks might be…) Hula like a ghoul-a to the haunting tunes spun by DJ Fitz! And, as an extra treat, guests arriving in zombie makeup will receive a free special drink!

Zombie Night on January 25 – Brought to you by those big, tasty brains , Retro Diva, The Vicar and Forbidden Island. It promises to be an evening of infectious good fun!

And remember, kids:
“In the brain and not the chest, rum shots are the very best.”

Staredge posted on 01/08/2009

You people suck and I don't like you.

I like zombies.

I'd dress up.

I wanna go.

:cry: :cry: :cry:

Y'all ever thought about opening up a branch in the DC/NoVA/Maryland area?????

(just kidding about the not liking you part) :wink:

Staredge posted on 01/08/2009

(nice movie references, by the way)

martiki posted on 01/24/2009

Things that go BUMP in the night!


Unga Bunga posted on 01/25/2009

Martin's Zombie seminar at Tiki Oasis was the coolest of all.
I wish I could go.

martiki posted on 01/25/2009

they're getting closer....

CucamongaChango posted on 01/26/2009

I tried to get over there earlier, but the tunnel into Alameda was completely shut down. After waiting a while of waiting and no police officers giving me any info about when it would be open again, I had to turn around and head back to Santa Rosa. This was around 6 or so.

*edit: I finally found a news story about it. Apparently, an 8'x 8' slab of cement fell from the ceiling of the tunnel. CalTrans shut the whole thing down in order to inspect it top to bottom.

[ Edited by: cucamongachango 2009-01-26 10:02 ]

JenTiki posted on 01/26/2009

There are 4 other bridges that will get you into Alameda. Next time, get back on 880 South to the 23rd Avenue exit and follow the signs to the Park Street Bridge. From Park Street, turn right on Lincoln and go about a mile.

martiki posted on 01/26/2009

Thanks to everyone who came out and made it a great night!

CucamongaChango posted on 01/26/2009

On 2009-01-26 10:54, JenTiki wrote:
There are 4 other bridges that will get you into Alameda. Next time, get back on 880 South to the 23rd Avenue exit and follow the signs to the Park Street Bridge. From Park Street, turn right on Lincoln and go about a mile.

Chalk it up to me being a Bay Area n00b.
I kept trying to get the Garmin to show me an alternate way, but it kept trying to take me back to the tunnel entrance. I shoulda had a map with me instead.

So, how was the monkey brain sangria?

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