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1968 Luau Photos - The Tikis?

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I found these in a box of photos from an L.A. Talent agency that appeared to rep Asian actors. The back of the 2 photos says "China Society Luau" 1968. From the size of the place I was guessing it was at the Tikis in Monterey Park, Ca. The volcano in the background looks different though. Any other thoughts?

Oh boy. From my research and from tales from Bob and Leroy do I know that there were a LOT of Luau grounds around in L.A. in the 60s, some we have never heard of, were only open seasonally, and did not have any promotional items that would be proof of their existence. Just an open lot with greenery, palm frond huts, Luau pits, long tables, and maybe the occasional volcano or Tiki.
"The Tikis" started out as such a Luau grounds, but I don't think this is it, either.


I at least recognize the tablecloths -

That's the Samoan Tapa Design from my favorite mug producer Toby Designs. I've got a pack of that around here somewhere.

Since the barware is cardboard cups and there's an abundance of paper plates and plastic spoons, a seasonal luau grounds seems like a logical conclusion.

Interesting that seasonal Bavarian festival grounds have survived in LA (Alpine Village, Old World, etc.) but Polynesian ones are gone. Maybe if there was an annual celebration - sort of a Hawaiian Oktoberfest - more would have survived. I guess Makahiki never caught on . . .

KuKu posted on Tue, Jan 27, 2009 1:01 AM

On 2009-01-27 00:13, Koolau wrote:
Interesting that seasonal Bavarian festival grounds have survived in LA (Alpine Village, Old World, etc.) but Polynesian ones are gone. Maybe if there was an annual celebration - sort of a Hawaiian Oktoberfest - more would have survived. I guess Makahiki never caught on . . .

Yeah, the whole free love thing had faded out by the late '70's ...

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