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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Johnnyp Tut 2/19

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Clarita posted on 01/20/2009

Ha! Really cool!

tikigap posted on 01/25/2009

Wow Johnny! These works are great - I especially love the slit gong - well, I love 'em all. Great stuff still! Just fantastic.

JohnnyP posted on 01/26/2009

Thanks guys ( and gals)
Conga-- Yep, Straight from the Sepik river, although I think this one would have stumped them.

Big daddy-- Tikiyaki actually led me in the right direction. He properly named it a marimba, and a google search led me to several clues how to tune these bars (not keys). Thanks for the compliment as well.

AlohaStation-- this has been a fun project. One that took a whole lot longer than I figured it would. What a huge learning curve.

Gman-- What's goin' on in my head? The drums, the drums they just keep beating a different beat than everybody else has.

Mudbone-- If you can hear me over the rest of the Motown music, I had better quite down. Thanks though, we should get together sometime when it warms up. Tiki is rare up here.

Benzart- Sure, I will teach a lesson, but it would be the first one where the teacher keeps asking the student for pointers and tips. I would learn a heck of a lot more than you would. As for what village I came from: it would be an honor if a PNG artist even acknowledged my work.

Grapa-RuHa -- My daughters aren't laughing now, they have banished me to the garage. Actually my oldest says this is the "coolest noisemaker you've (me) has ever made" From a fifteen year old, I thought that was actually a positive thing.

Lake Surfer-- Winter does strange things indeed. It makes us see mirages of swaying palms and gently pounding surf in all the snow drifts. I just wish it were easier to spend some time outside carving. this stint of temps lower than the mid teens is getting old. Any body know of a cheap house in Florida I can buy?

Buzzard-- Thanks, What's next???.... I really dunno.

Gman-- Frozen, yep, afraid to go outside, it's 12 degrees right now, just about the warmest it's been all weekend.

Seeksurf-- Thanks

Tikiyaki, Thanks for tip, a marimba it is, since you gave me that clue, I was able to find some great information to help me tune the bars, thanks again. I really appreciate it.

Bowana-- you are right, we need to get a way to post sound bites here. Then we could sample all the great musicians that call TC home.

Benzart- Finished, less the stand. Your support has pushed me into this, It's all your fault.

Clarita-- Cool? I hope you think it has stayed that way. Nice job on the pendants.

Hey Gap, welcome back. Whacha been carvin'? Nice to hear from you.

Finished, less stand. It is about 6.5 feet long, pine log, hollowed out from below in slit gong fashion. The log cracked and checked pretty severely as it dried and I clamped and gorrila glued the checks that really would have damaged the piece. The cracks were so bad, I would have had to cut one end off, but I was able to save it, the remaining cracks just add authanticity to it. The log is displayed on is under snow, but it is at least 24 inches in diameter. The snow adds a weird element to the pictures and made the exposure setting difficult to show the detail.


GMAN posted on 01/26/2009

Damn Johnny, that is a WAY out there piece. Congratulations on building it so beautifully. Only you..... Now we wanna her some sounds...I think it was Paipo who hosted your last musical link? Can we try that again?


congatiki posted on 01/26/2009

Great looking piece Johnny, I must say an impressive undertaking. I
just wish I could hear it.

TheBigT posted on 01/26/2009

Damn, thats awesome! And look, somebody left it laying out in the snow free for the taking! :o :lol:

How about a sound sample?

big daddy posted on 01/26/2009

damn my crappy monitor. i couldn't make out the details. all i could see was white surrounding the very black, no detail drum and 2 striking mallets. sure would look lovely next to my guitars. and like everyone is posting, when can i hear it?


seeksurf posted on 01/27/2009

So nice! Man that instrument at the tiki bog makin sound next to
the camp fire very cool! so when are you sending it to me :)

Lake Surfer posted on 01/27/2009

Good stuff as usual Johnny!

I photographed some stuff Monday that you might be interested in. :wink:

PM coming your way with some more goodies!

Benzart posted on 01/27/2009

Man Johnny, those PNG Ancients are ALL Over you and your stuff and I'm sure they not only Approve your works but have had a hand in using you to have some good old carving fun of their own. Keep it Coming. As for the learning/teaching thing, we'll just have to get together and give it a go!

Paipo posted on 01/27/2009

Yes...let there be sound! That thing is wicked jp - I dig how you just choose something impossible and execute it perfectly every time!

tikigap posted on 01/28/2009

that guy's awesome! Sounds wood be good!

harro posted on 01/29/2009

Amazing JP - I wanna hear that baby!

you really push the bar on your designs, definitely a pleasure to see your work on TC.

tikifreak1 posted on 01/30/2009

WOW!! You're the man JP!!!

Basement Kahuna posted on 02/20/2009

Damn, Johnny...that's nice!

GMAN posted on 04/11/2009

I've bean searching the jungle for JohnnyPigHammer for weeks....I haven't found him. I did find this boar in the tall grass......was JohnnyPigHammer there? I dunno? Johnny nose......

JohnnyP where are youz?


benella posted on 04/11/2009

Yep, we need a "Johnny P. fix" right now !

Swanky posted on 04/11/2009

That's fantastic! I have a PNG slit drum with the crocodiles on either end. You have taken that, added some serious PNG inspiration, and made a bad ass carving! I love it when you see a creation and it's primitive roots are obvious AND it's new as well.

Perfect! Even without seeing the details for the snow!

JohnnyP posted on 04/18/2009

Thanks everybody.

I haven't had a lot of carving time lately. I do check here daily. There has been a lot of really good work here lately.

Here's a small tidbit of jade I carved for Mrs. JohnnyP.

And clearer photos of the the crocaphone.

[ Edited by: JohnnyP 2009-04-18 14:46 ]

teaKEY posted on 04/18/2009

Looks like its jade?

big daddy posted on 04/18/2009

shadow puppets?


GMAN posted on 04/19/2009

Very nice Johnny! The crocophone looks great in these pics - thanks for taking some more. The other pics just didn't do it justice. That is one killer piece. I wish you could put up a link to a sound file for use to hear? Maybe a video posting on youtube? Maybe Buzzy can help you out with that?

That seahorse is also very fine. I like the layout and surface ridges. Very realistic, yet stylized and refined too. How large/small is it? Congrats on a fine piece of jewelry. Mrs. P has gotta love that one....


seeksurf posted on 04/19/2009

Nice JP that crocaphone is sick!

big daddy posted on 04/19/2009

wow! now that the photos appeared on my computer the pieces look great and the crocaphone? dude you rock! great piece. how does it sound? can you make it sing? and if you can how about posting a few bars, that would be awesome.


Benzart posted on 04/19/2009

Ditto the other guyz, your "crocophone" is really Impressive and the new photoz Really show him off much better. WOW, What a piece and HOW did Mrs JP get so lucky to get her own JP Rocking sea horse? Nice one there too.
3 Cheers for JP
Rah Rah Rah and that is only the Beginning.

JohnnyP posted on 05/19/2009

I have been reminded that I have a picture to post. It's been a long spring and I think I have most of my non-carving to do list behind me so I should be able to carve again. I roughed out a lono. It'd been a while since I had a saw in my hands doing something other than carving firewood, so I felt kinda lost when I started.

It is poplar wood and is just over 5.5 feet tall.

There is a lot of nice work here lately. Keep up the good work.

congatiki posted on 05/19/2009

About frikkin' time! Good to see you back around here,
but I know you've been bizzy with the log canoe.

Benzart posted on 05/19/2009

YES! Johnny, Can't wait for this one. Take your time and do it badass for us. yesyesyes

benella posted on 05/19/2009

Oh yes, Johnny P.'s back :) Nice debut, can't wait for the next steps.


Lake Surfer posted on 05/19/2009

Right on!

JohnnyP is back in town!

NIce cuts!

Looking forward to seeing this classic Hawaiian coming to life!

surfintiki posted on 05/19/2009

JP! Nice choice on doing the Lono...can't wait!

seeksurf posted on 05/19/2009

Yes, Right On JP! is looking like a classic.

GMAN posted on 05/21/2009

Its really nice t have you back on the boards Johnny. Like Benno said, take this one to the top of your ability...thn push further. We want to see a personal best out of you. Glad to hear you got the feel of the saw back quickly.


GMAN posted on 05/25/2009
tikifreak1 posted on 05/25/2009

Looking cool Johnny!!! Can't wait to see how you finish him off.

JohnnyP posted on 05/31/2009

Thanks guys, I appreciate the feedback, yes, I'm back and happy to be able to have time to carve again. Here is the latest update (G- I wasn't able to post exactly were you said to). It still needs a massive nose job.

More rough work and rough sanding, next is finish sanding and chisel work.....

If you look at the bottom, the feet section of the log fell off do to a stress crack in the log, so I will have to Gorilla glue it back on some time this week.

Keep carving...

[ Edited by: JohnnyP 2009-05-31 15:13 ]

GMAN posted on 05/31/2009


That is a LOT of saw work. Too bad about his Feetz...nothin' a little glue can't fix tho....

He's looking great! Now I can't wait to see you labor over him for months on end - chippin', sanding, nippin', tuckin', a little more chippin'.......repeat until Christmas. Then I guess you'll want to finish sand and stain, right?

We're looking for a career best here.... :)


Lake Surfer posted on 06/01/2009

Nice chops Johnny!

Nice to see an update from ya.... slacker. :wink: :wink:

No worries, life gets in the way of carving sometimes!

Nothing has kept you from a killer carve job on the Lono!

I know he's bigger than he looks, how about a scale shot?

seeksurf posted on 06/01/2009

Yes! JP This lono is going to be so COOL! He is coming out strong.
Gotta love the Gorilla Glue.

Benzart posted on 06/02/2009

Cool Johnny, Glad you found the time and inspiration to do more work on this Lono and from the looks of him he's gonna just be Spectacular, hope you don't drag it out too long! :) ( I should talk hey?)

GMAN posted on 06/06/2009

Aloha, Johnny! Are you chipping this weekend?

hodadhank posted on 07/30/2009

Yee haw Johnny!! Good looking foreheads. Historically the number of foreheads indicates this beings level of conciousness, the more foreheads the more enlightened.

I just learned that from Bowana. Cool huh?

Hey man Guess who's making a guest appearence my galleries first art show alongside some bitchin Johnny P weaponry???

Give up?


He's black and hung like a horse...

Tikilizard posted on 07/30/2009

He's looking rally nice. Good luck with the glue.

GMAN posted on 08/07/2009

JohnnyP...where you B?

JohnnyP posted on 08/08/2009

Here's the lono update, weathering up right nicely isn't it?

See previous page for pre-weathered condition.

JohnnyP posted on 08/08/2009

Actually, here's the latest project started. A drum to be finished in marq style. It will be a gift.

The lono has too many stress cracks in the log from when they took the tree down. So it will be a lawn tiki. :( Ill finish it up with a saw and some rough chisel work to make it presentable. There is a two foot ruler leaned up against the tiki for scale.

Thanks for the support.

It is fun to watch all the carving and creating going on here. Keep carving.

GMAN posted on 10/13/2009

pot eht revo PMUB

GMAN posted on 11/07/2009

?ereht uoY

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