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Back To The Beach! Meshugga Beach Party returns to Forbidden Island Feb. 22nd at 4pm!!

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martiki posted on 02/04/2009

There's only one all-surf, all-Jew, all-shtick, all-the-time supergroup on this Earth, and that's MESHUGGA BEACH PARTY!

And they're back at Forbidden Island Sunday, February 22nd, 2009 starting at 4PM. Don't miss it!

SEE: The majesty of the beard!
FEEL: The healing power of Manischewitz!
HEAR: The groan-inducing gags of the Dead Joke Scrolls!
KNOW: The power of Meshugga!

MORE HERE: http://www.meshuggabeachparty.com


SHTICK: A shtick (Yiddish: שטיק) (or schtick) is a comic theme or gimmick. "Shtick" is derived from the Yiddish word shtik (שטיק), meaning "piece"; the closely-related German word Stück has the same meaning. The English word "piece" itself is also sometimes used in a similar context. Another variant is "bits of business" or just "bits"; comic mannerisms such as Laurel and Hardy's fiddling with their ties, or one of them looking into the camera shaking his head while the other one would ramble on. A shtick can also refer to an adopted persona, usually for comedy performances, that is maintained consistently (though not necessarily exclusively) across the performer's career.

bigtikidude posted on 02/04/2009

wish this was the 15th.as I will be up there that weekend.
or I could stay in Bay area for a whole week.

I have the vacation time, just not the funds to stay for 8 days.


MelWaldorf posted on 02/12/2009

This will be an exciting show folks - new songs, new jokes, new, er, hats?

See you there!

Meshugga Mel

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