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don the beachcomber book available on amazon.com

Pages: 1 4 replies

Tipsy McStagger posted on 02/05/2009

i just recieved a notice from amazon.com about a book on the life of don the beachcomber....anyone else have it or know anything else about it??

Bongo Bungalow posted on 02/05/2009

Seems like it's been discussed and dismissed as inacurate and poorly put together... or maybe I'm thinking of a different one...

Tipsy McStagger posted on 02/05/2009

I found the thread refering to it...thanks!!

" In a perfect world...Elvis would still be alive ....and all the elvis impersonators would be dead!!"

[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2009-02-05 08:15 ]

[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2009-02-05 08:17 ]

Beachbumz posted on 02/05/2009

Was this the same one Tipsy??


Tipsy McStagger posted on 02/06/2009

that's the one....thanks!

Pages: 1 4 replies