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The mother load... and its new home.

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GROG posted on 11/11/2008

Absolutely gorgeous. An incredible job you're doing with the place. It looks awesome!!!!

The Sperm Whale posted on 11/11/2008

Can I come over? Your place and your collection is freaking awesome!!

Jason Wickedly posted on 11/11/2008

You need more cool tikis and furniture and Witco stuff.



Tipsy McStagger posted on 11/11/2008

i agree..that ceiling in the living room is my favorite shade of white!!

McTiki posted on 11/12/2008


Very nice getaway you got der.

Well done!

TIKI DAVID posted on 11/12/2008

Hey DUKE.Your place looks great! (by the way , there are ONLY 2 colors that ceiling could posibly be ,natural or white. i like the white)
I will be driving up to the windy city Dec.3 staying that Wed through that Sun Dec.3-Dec.7 (Donnas flying) HYATT on S.MLK. We should try to hook up.i have one quick job to do at the HYATT when i get there then totally flexible.

This is my first trip to Chicago.i hear there are Tiki places to see. plus i have to find a place called the Golden Triangle. It is a must see for me.

Kahu posted on 11/13/2008

On 2008-11-12 07:38, TIKI DAVID wrote:
Hey DUKE.Your place looks great! (by the way , there are ONLY 2 colors that ceiling could posibly be ,natural or white. i like the white)
I will be driving up to the windy city Dec.3 staying that Wed through that Sun Dec.3-Dec.7 (Donnas flying) HYATT on S.MLK. We should try to hook up.i have one quick job to do at the HYATT when i get there then totally flexible.

This is my first trip to Chicago.i hear there are Tiki places to see. plus i have to find a place called the Golden Triangle. It is a must see for me.

Ah Tiki David, as best I know, they do not live in Chicago anymore or even Ill. for that fact. But I could be wrong.

TIKI DAVID posted on 11/13/2008

"Ah Tiki David, as best I know, they do not live in Chicago anymore or even Ill. for that fact. But I could be wrong."
thanks , i know.

Sneakytiki posted on 11/13/2008

The basement and house are beautiful! So MCM-lishus! Ditto the Atomic Ranch Magazine comment.



[ Edited by: sneakytiki 2008-11-15 23:35 ]

boutiki posted on 11/15/2008

Thanks for the kind words bout our place. We did move out of Chicago. Sorta. We searched for over three years for our dream house. From North (as far as Gurnee, Racine and Milwaukee), to West (all the way to Aurora) to East (Michigan City, IN and even Kalamazoo, MI) to South. We looked a a lot of vintage modern houses in South suburbs like Homewood, Flosmoor and Olympia Fields before we discovered the hidden treasures in Northwest Indiana. Just over the state line, a mere 25 miles from downtown Chicago lies a community of wonderful people living in a variety of houses including an enclave of modern homes. Some designed by important architects like Keck + Keck (among our personal favorites). The schools are rated blue ribbon, the taxes are very reasonable (and thanks to a new cap, getting cheaper if you can believe that!) and the home prices are far more affordable than any of the other 'burbs that we looked at.

I could tell you we now live in Indiana, but that is not entirely correct. We live in PARADISE in the middle of the country. There are times when I have to stop, pinch myself, and say "my life is too cool". Like when I was working in our yard this summer and our 70 year old neighbor came walking over with her terry-cloth wrap over her bikini, her beehive hairdo atop her cats-eye sunglasses and perpetual Chesterfield cigarette with not one, but two cocktails in her hands asking if we wanted to join her and her 82 year old husband in their pool. They took a vacation the following month and gave us the keys to their place saying "remember to clean the skimmer and have a party". Their house is twice the size of ours and was done by the same architect. Or just tonight when we went out with our little guy to a pizza parlor housed in an old silent movie theater where they installed an antique pipe organ complete with all these crazy percussion and novelty instruments around the proscenium that light up when they are played. They have a organ player perform live every Tues. and Friday night and he takes requests. We put in our request, and just as our pizza arrived we heard the first strains of Quiet Village. Hot pizza, cold beer, and live Exotica (complete with bird calls) all in an old theater on the Illinois/ Indiana border. Does it get any better? OK– well, Arthur Lyman live at the New Otani hotel with a mai-tai in hand is hard to top, but for blissed-out experiences, this is pretty good for an average Friday night out with the family!

Our area is basically a bedroom community for Chicago so we still are a part of "Chicagoland". My business and a number of Amy's clients are still in Chicago and I am in town usually 3 or 4 days a week. My studio is still there as are a lot of friends and family– so we do stuff like go to the opening of the group show I was in last weekend and hang with friends at the Chef. We just have to drive a tad farther to get home at the end of the night.

I've said it before, and I really think it's true. The Midwest NEEDS Tiki more than the West coast or Florida. With winter setting in now, you can bet we'll be hanging out downstairs in the Tabu Tiki Lounge sipping rums, dreaming of swaying palms, saving up those airline miles for that trip to the big island to escape the cold and waiting until the weather turns and we can again open up our sliding glass doors and let in those warm summer breezes.

Meanwhile we'll be lounging downstairs.

If you are in the area, give us a shout.


Check out Tiki Quest at http://www.pegboardchicago.com/TCintro.html
Tiki Central members get a discount and a special premium!

[ Edited by: boutiki 2008-11-14 20:58 ]

hala bullhiki posted on 11/15/2008

more pics of the whole place, it looks amazing!cant wait to see the full finished basement too wow. and it sounds like your relentless search to find your dream place was more than successful. cool neighbors,mcm homes, and cool places to take the little one. we are oh so jealous...glad to hear you guys found your paradise

Bongo Bungalow posted on 11/15/2008

Gorgeous Duke! We DO need more tiki in the midwest, you certainly are doing your part.

Going to to Trader Vic's in Chicago when it opens at the end of this month. Should be some tiki there. sounds like that's where Tiki David is headed.

coruscate posted on 11/15/2008

Simply WOW, WOW, WOW, love it!

Since I prefer to live in the Craftsman Bungalow I will have to live my Modern Home fantasies vicariously here.

I abused myself once upon a time with a degree in Architectural History and I would have loved to take or teach a class about the atomic ranch and its contemporary the tiki bar.

It's like a metaphor for your conscious and subconscious coexisting.

Fantastic work!

Tiki Diablo posted on 11/15/2008

Nice place Duke, I love it. Love the mix of tiki and mid century rumpus room !

Tiki Kupcake posted on 11/15/2008

Your home really is beautiful. Love the fire place. Love the tiki bar, even more. Please post more pictures!

boutiki posted on 02/05/2009

Here are a few more shots taken as we've added decor and collections. Still lots of details to address.

We are not digin' this long cold winter. This is has been our view for the past couple months:

But then, we can tell when our friend the red fox has cut through the yard:

And we do get to do this:


danlovestikis posted on 02/05/2009

Wow, Dan and I just loved this thread. Outstanding. When we began we use to hang leopard and zebra throws on the wall to cover all the white. Then we started building the jungle. We've never made the effort to go to bamboo but it truly is the best decor. Your rooms look terrific.

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2009-02-04 16:34 ]

Tipsy McStagger posted on 02/05/2009

..lookin awesome, duke.....if fact, i don't mind the orange cinderblock anymore like i posted earlier...seems to be covered up quite nicely by the decor.....your photography is sharp and clear (except for the one blurry photo) which really brings out the detail.....your collection never ceases to amaze....

...I can hardly wait till the estate sale.!!! :)

" In a perfect world...Elvis would still be alive ....and all the elvis impersonators would be dead!!"

[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2009-02-04 17:23 ]

Tiki Royale posted on 02/05/2009

VERY nice Duke!
Say, what's the story on the United relief maps? I have the one on the left... The one on the right looks like the older United style. Is the middle on lit from behind?

bigbrotiki posted on 02/05/2009

S' okay, I guess, if you like such a thing.....

FRIG! THAT IS SOOO FINE...it is beyond words!!! Congrats, friends, what a haven. You have emerged from the collector's closet to a full-fledged living space, where the objects can be appreciated one by one, without overwhelming the inhabitant. And what fine objects they are. Dream on, rest of the Tiki world.

Promise me you won't let any of those home improvement shows shoot in your temple, they don't deserve something this fine!

Big Kahuna posted on 02/05/2009

Holy Crap! Holy Crap! Holy Crap!!!!!

bongofury posted on 02/05/2009

Looks great! A nice warm escape from the outside (snowy) world. Good job.

bigtikidude posted on 02/05/2009



Unga Bunga posted on 02/05/2009

Nicely done Boutiki!

Bongo Bungalow posted on 02/05/2009

MY place looks just like YOURS! I'm not kidding... I have exactly the same tiki mug as one of yours, so we have the same stuff, so my tiki room is like yours and who would have thought there'd be two of us creating the same tiki rooms in our homes? Wow.

Now all I need is all that other stuff you have. :)

BambooLodge posted on 02/05/2009

:o Wow, you sure have been busy during all that lake effect snow you been getting!
Looks great, when's the party? :D

GatorRob posted on 02/05/2009

Well, the bamboo looks nice and all, but it's that amazing collection that's the star! Just an unbelievable collection now given the perfect setting in which to immerse yourself in it. Jealousy is not a virtue, but let me tell you, it is RAGING at the moment! Congratulations on your new room Duke. Enjoy it!

tiki mick posted on 02/05/2009

Good lord! THat's a great looking pad!

TikiG posted on 02/05/2009

Mecca - that is what I call this space.

Duke, Thanks for sharing with us. Inspiring, lofty, ideal - an oasis right smack dab in the middle of America.

metikiman1705 posted on 02/05/2009

Wow man! I mean Wow. Congratulations on the beautiful room.

Beachbumz posted on 02/05/2009

UNREAL, WOW, DAS NUTS, DAKINE... Sorry still in shock...
Heaven on earth for all us TiKi FreaKs...hummmm what a great book you could make... :wink:

Thanks for sharing..


tiki1963 posted on 02/05/2009

good god, that's purty!!!

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Dustycajun posted on 02/06/2009


Looked through the whole thread again, amazing job from start to finish. And to think, this project started with the Bamboo Basement find and the Econoline full of goodies (and maybe a little collecting along the way). Thanks for sharing your place, look forward to more photos. I wouldn't mind a video tour on youtube someday either.


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uncle trav posted on 02/06/2009

WOW !! Flat out amazing. Some people get it and some don't. You my friend have nailed it. What a treasure for you and your family. Thank you for sharing the photos of your home.

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Enchanted Tiki Guy posted on 02/06/2009

Positively AMAZING!!!! That is the coolest tiki room I've ever seen! I wish you lived in Los Angeles so I could visit!

boutiki posted on 02/07/2009

Aloha gang,
Thanks for the kind words and positive response. We are just trying to carve out our little slice of paradise to make life livable, especially during these long winters.

We are fortunate to have a decent collection with which to outfit the place. But as much as we have done, and still have yet to do, I know we will never meet the high water mark set by Alan and Michael:
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And Rick and Monica at the Ona Tiki. Now THAT is a home Tiki environment that is worth being jealous about! They have the same attention to detail as A&M's' HaleKahiki as well as the wonderful density that takes a lot of time to build up.

Speaking of density... Wendy, you and Dan have the lushest indoor Tiki room I've seen. Just from the one photo I can hear wild jungle calls. You must have cleaned out every artificial flower shop for miles. Impressive.

We are privileged to have been invited into the homes of other collectors and Tiki fanatics and I have to say they are all great and I love the diversity of approaches and styles. I wish everyone would share more photos of their home bars and provide more motivation and inspiration to others.

Tiki Royale, all three of the maps are United advertising pieces. two I know were made by Universal Statuary (same folks who made the Tikis and Menehunes), the early one I've yet to confirm. The middle one has the same frame as the one on the left but it is a light box. The rich blue of the ocean is really great when lit.
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We still have quite a bit to do including adding more stuff to the ceiling, doing up the staircase to the basement and addressing lighting, including somehow working in more of the vintage hanging lamps. We'll take more photos as we progress.


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fatuhiva posted on 02/07/2009

HEY Duke!

Just now finding this thread- Been MIA as usual.

Once again, holy Sh! WOW

Blown away. Utterly blown away.

The tiki room is fantastic- I can't believe you found all that vintage bamboo precut and readied- I mean what kind of luck you have dude!

Your place looks enormous and just crazy awesome. Are those my old chairs in your backyard covered with snow?!? Too much!

Your collection is tops man, and the presentation is impeccable.

We gotta get the kids out there some day to knock over a Ren Clark's mug hahahaha

Post some pics of the front facade of the place and whatever else you've got of the whole pad..

I'm gonna show these pics to the wife- she's gonna freak OUT and then harp on me that I'm still not finished with ours. On a side note I believe I have conquered that thatch smell/mold problem I was telling you about, so lately I've actually been working on the ol tikiroom.. Did you use all that bamboo?

[ Edited by: fatuhiva 2009-02-06 22:18 ]

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pablus posted on 02/07/2009

Looks awesome, Duke.
Except for that nasty Tiki Bob. Blecch.

I'm surprised you haven't made tracks of your own down to Tampa this winter. We had a couple of stellar luaus and then suddenly - it was freezing down here, too.

For me, anyway.

Thanks for the photos. Nice work on the photography and I hope to visit your pad one day, play a tune, have some drinks, smash the Tiki Bob and steal a mug or two.

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RevBambooBen posted on 02/07/2009

fishnet the lid...

Awesome room!

GROG posted on 02/07/2009

Great room. GROG like.

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tikipaka posted on 02/07/2009

Hey Duke, I know this room is the best. And you've always had this great collection. But now you need to show us a post with the collection of clothing you also have.. What are the chances of you posting some close ups of all those items you have hanging on your racks? I always liked going into TFMG and checking out your photos. You've got enough treasures in this room to start another book. Thanks for sharing.. :D :D

boutiki posted on 02/07/2009

On 2009-02-07 10:39, RevBambooBen wrote:
fishnet the lid...

We have Ben. Now we just need to load it up with goodies. I need to do more to conceal the ductwork as well. Ideas?

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Pablus, we are long overdue for a family Florida visit. I did the trip to Miami again this past December, but did not have any play time. We will definitely connect when we get down your way. You too Fatuhiva! In the meantime, send some of your weather up our way. I'll take your "cold" any day.

[ Edited by: boutiki 2009-02-07 13:40 ]

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RevBambooBen posted on 02/08/2009

more fish net....


....and layers...

K Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/7697335aac5c881c99d3700e893b552a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
KuKu posted on 02/08/2009

On 2009-02-07 16:32, RevBambooBen wrote:
more fish net....


....and layers...

What are ya fishin' for Ben?!? The place looks like paradise. Ya got an extra room for rent Duke? I make killer Mai Tais... :)

boutiki posted on 02/08/2009

On 2009-02-07 16:32, RevBambooBen wrote:
more fish net....


....and layers...

Gotcha. I plan to. But first I need to get some more of the cool old lamps we have hung and wired. It's tough to do with the lower ceiling.

KuKu and Enchanted Tiki guy, we do have a guest room but you know what they say about house guests and fish after three days...

Seriously though, our doors are always open to any Tiki traveler passing through these parts. We love to hang out and talk Tiki.

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Swanky posted on 02/08/2009

Can't wait to get to start decorating our Hideaway. I can't imagine the planning that had to go on in yor head to fit all that into the room just right. My little space and small collection keeps me up nights planning. Oy! It looks that good in pictures, you have to know it is cranked to 11 when you see it in person with the correct lighting!

Tipsy McStagger posted on 02/08/2009

On 2009-02-05 18:53, Dustycajun wrote:

I wouldn't mind a video tour on youtube someday either.



[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2009-02-08 09:13 ]

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tikipaka posted on 02/08/2009

Thanks, that clip was great. Way to go, and thanks for sharing. Just how old is that clip any way?

Pages: 1 2 3 110 replies