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KONA : Last call - Friday February 6th

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As per the sad news - http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=31205&forum=1&23, a few people mentioned going to Kona this friday for a (hopefully not forever) last get together.

This MAY be the last time we get to enjoy the place, so who's up for a Kona Happy Hour get together with the TC Ohana ?

Anyone ?

I'm in,
are we meeting at the bar?
or getting a room, or a big table?

what time?
I say 6 or so before it gets too busy.
but I'm good whenever.


I'm also wanting to go Sun. for the Brunch.
I haven't been to that yet.


Being that I haveto go to HB early to avoid traffic...I'll be there whenever everyone else decides to go. I say between 5 and 6 ?

On 2009-02-03 18:33, tikiyaki wrote:
Being that I haveto go to HB early to avoid traffic...I'll be there whenever everyone else decides to go. I say between 5 and 6 ?

I'll try to get finished with work and back down there by 5.
drive safe everybody its supposed to be raining on Fri.


BooHoo! We can't make it :( We will be at The Charles Phoenix Show at The Bob Baker Marionette Theatre


The Mongoloids will be representing!


Manuel and I will be there! Sometime between 5 and 6pm. Will Jason Wickedly be there? He can get started on his 9,000 mai tais!

I will be there before 5:00. I will never make it through traffic if I don't make my plans to be there before 5:00 so, see ya in the bar. Anyone else have to set out early?

On 2009-02-03 21:55, tobunga wrote:
Manuel and I will be there! Sometime between 5 and 6pm. Will Jason Wickedly be there? He can get started on his 9,000 mai tais!

I'll do my best....I don't see myself getting out of work in Signal Hill before 5, but hopefully people will be there later!

I'm in for Fri.
was there tonight and Saw SHAG.
he said thats he's itching to play with the Huntington Cads at Tiki Oasis this year.

if anyone wants to go to sun brunch see post here:


squid posted on Thu, Feb 5, 2009 10:39 PM

I'm in!


GROG posted on Fri, Feb 6, 2009 9:10 AM

Will the Tikiyaki Orchestra be playing?


Got a tough deadline today, but we will try too.


On 2009-02-03 19:27, WooHooWahine wrote:
BooHoo! We can't make it :( We will be at The Charles Phoenix Show at The Bob Baker Marionette Theatre

SoccerTiki and I are going to stop by briefly before we head up to L.A. :)


Wish I could be there!

Would someone please have a Zombie or two for me? Too many states between here and there for me to enjoy those drinks in person....


I will try to get down there, but there is no way that I can get there by 6 or even 7. I don't think I have gotten out of work before 8 any day this week.

See ya there, I'm sure we will be there most of the night for you the late arrivals... :)


Can't make it tonight, Dani and I will be at the brunch: http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=31227&forum=17&start=last&6


At home sick as a dog with a narly fever, and even sicker to my stomach that i wont be attending tonight! Sending positive thoughts and aloha towards the ohana thats there enjoying libations as i type this.


I made it home safe!!

sick with the Flu . damm cold weather

good turn out of about 15 or so last night,
Plus I think Jason brought about 12 to 20 of his friends.



Ao good time last night....Man, I'm overloaded on sliders. Food there is so yummy.

yeah that later round of sliders wasn't such a good thing,
I had bad indigestion last night.
and boy was I hungover this morning.



I made it home safe!


Yay Coco Joe made it home in one piece!

Had a great time last night, as we closed Kona... hanging out in front with the cool kids (Squid, Hiphipahula and PiPhiRho) afterword, Chuck invited us in out of the cold and back into the bar!

That was fun, although we seemed to pick up the Brothers of Doom who were starting to bum me out with their grim economic predictions.

We left at 1.30... how late was everybody else there?

I left at 10 pm, it felt like it was 2 am.
I must be getting old.



I left around 7:30ish me thinks..I made it home safe!!

WooHoo! What a fun TGIF :) The bar at Kona was packed.

When I was there for the bruch today, I tried to buy a mug - they told me you guys bought them out on Friday! Who wants to sell me one? C'mon, just one? :wink:


I don't recall one of us walking out of there with a mug, tho, I had planned to buy a green one and forgot.


mugs? are we talking Sam's Seafood mugs?

Huh, that's weird, Jim. The waitress said, "The Tiki Central people were here Friday and bought us out."
Coco Joe, I just wanted one of the KONA mugs, you know, ode to the end of an era.
In any case, they told me the had none left at all, completely sold out.


On 2009-02-09 11:33, Kiki von Tiki wrote:
Huh, that's weird, Jim. The waitress said, "The Tiki Central people were here Friday and bought us out."
Coco Joe, I just wanted one of the KONA mugs, you know, ode to the end of an era.
In any case, they told me the had none left at all, completely sold out.

Tiki Farm still sells the Sam's mugs. Did Kona get new mugs after the name change?


Good times on Friday night...even though Kona was out of more than just mugs. The bartender told us that they were out of pulled pork, ahi tuna, and Myers rum, among other things. The lady sitting next to me wanted wine and they were down to almost nothing on that. I did happen to see other folks getting pork sliders after we ordered, maybe they found some. Oh well...the cheeseburger sliders and sticky ribs were excellent, and after the second mai tai, I didn't much care. Oh and Jeff..no idea who those 15 or 20 people were, they weren't with me!

Jim, did I hear right about a little bit of encouraging news about Kona's future? Or was I buzzed off of the pineapple mai tais?


[ Edited by: Jason Wickedly 2009-02-09 14:04 - changed "reassuring" to "encouraging" :D ]

[ Edited by: Jason Wickedly 2009-02-09 14:05 ]


There was some encouraging news, and as soon as Chuck confirms it, I'll post it here.

The Pulled Pork was just not prepared yet. The waitress told us it would be ready in an hour, which it was, That stuff takes time to make, I guess.

A good time indeed.

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