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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Buffbad-Bags a Big One

Pages: 1 3 replies

BUFFBAD posted on 02/12/2009

While hunting the neighborhood for prey (palm wood for carving) Buff spots a wounded palm and goes in for the kill. With the use of his trusty 1.5 HP 14 inch REMINGTON electric chain saw he goes if for the kill avoiding the Florida Room to the east and powerlines to the west. Buff poses next to the beast weighing in at 500 lbs, 4ft. 5inches long and circumfrence of 47 inches. Truly one for the record books. I have no idea yet what I am carving yet. Pics below and more pics to come as I start to carve. BUFFBAD

Note: In the background is the base of the palm which was smaller than the middle of the tree. Got a total of 4 sections of the palm for carving.

Well I accepted the challenge to try to carve a Queen/Royal type despite Aloha's advice and my better judgement. Here is a photo of the first cuts into that bad boy.

As you can see, there is almost no wood but many loose fibers in this type of wood so any small details will be lost.

I will continue anyway even though this may be a big waste of time with disapointing results. As you can see I have more wood to carve if I give up on the Big Guy.

I did not give up. I perservered and it still looks crappy LOL.
It weighs a ton still and takes 2 men to lift it to vertical. The eyes were made of craft store wood so they would hold the detail and at the last minute of inspiration I velcroed them in place to make a "mood" Tiki (maybe u remember mood rings) which can change his expression.

MOOD eyes in action !!


[ Edited by: BUFFBAD 2009-03-13 09:27 ]

seeksurf posted on 02/12/2009

Tear into that sucker badbuff!

AlohaStation posted on 02/12/2009

Looks like either Queen or Royal Palm?? Not the greatest for carving, but still a nice log. Keep us up to date.

Aweulekuula posted on 02/13/2009


Now lets see what spirit already sleeps inside that log. Can't wait to see it come to light.



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