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Tiki Central / California Events

see Martini Kings new EXOTICA VIDEO and catch them at the 81st Academy Awards at the Kodak theatre

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martini kings posted on 02/17/2009

aloha tc friends. we are back performing for our 6th straight year at the kodak theatre this sunday in hollywood for the 81st academy awards!
if you can't dig up a pass don't worry- you can see our new exotica inspired video
"nylon jungle" featuring erochika bamboo at http://www.myspace.com/themartinikings

tiki mick posted on 02/18/2009

Good stuff!

Son-of-Kelbo posted on 02/19/2009

Excellent! Congrats on your booking at this year's 81st AA, and looking forward as ever to your performance. "Dance of the Virgins" gets more fun with every listen -- may we hope for more Martini Kings' exotica soon...? Do say yes.

Aloha nui!

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