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An open letter to Tiki Central from Martin/Martiki

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To the entire tiki community,

It is with a heavy heart and great sadness that I must announce I have left Forbidden Island. It was an amazing and unforgettable part of my life and the decision has been a very emotional one. I was a minority partner in FI, and we just had different ideas about the future of the business, so I made the choice to leave.

It goes without saying, but I will anyway, that this project owes a tremendous amount of its success to the incredible people of Tiki Central and the whole tiki community. I am honored and humbled that you have shown us such kindness in your words and in your travels from points around the world to visit our little bar in Alameda. It was a singular pleasure to serve each and every one of you, and I will miss it greatly. I owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to our amazing employees over the years that have been the engine of the vision, and are the great ambassadors of Forbidden Island.

I also will miss the incredible community of Alameda, which is a fantastic town and well deserving of only the best. The people of Alameda have been warm and welcoming to us, and I have had the pleasure of making many great new friends.

I wish Michael, Mano, and Forbidden Island nothing but continued success, and long may it be a part of Alameda. I’m sorry to say that I won’t be back for another shift, as I really couldn’t face a “going away” type thing, and I hope you’ll understand.

Thank you all so very much for everything, and I will see you all soon.




You're an incredible friend to Tiki Central, the Tiki community at large, and to me personally. What you've done for us with Forbidden Island is simply amazing. While I am saddened to see you leave a place that was so much of your vision, hard work, and dedication, I feel in my heart that it's for the right reasons, and that we haven't seen the last of you! I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors, and I wish Conga Mike, Mano, and the rest of the FI crew the best as well. I look forward to more amazing experiences with you, and the rest of the Tiki community. Okole maluna!

Your friend,


Wow. Damn. Sucks.

I will try to make it up tomorrow to raise a glass in memory and appreciation.

It's a great loss for us all.

SHOCK! Although I know you worked your butt off. Now, you can go as a customer and we can kick back and talk story again like the old daze.


What Hanford said. And also, tell me where you'll be and I'll come drink there.

Your'e a damn good man, and I wish you only the best.
Memories that will be carved in stone (Easter Island stone that is).
Thanks for a great run and I look forward to your next.
And long live Forbidden Island


I am in shock. What'll we do on Wednesday nights now?
Martin, you are a great person, a great friend and I wish you the best. I have no doubt you will find success in your new ventures, whatever they may be.
Man, this feels like a death in the family.

Wow, what a blow to the dedicated followers of Forbidden Island. Although we have only spoke a couple of times, you are the real deal and the genuine article. I could tell you really cared about FI and did so many amazing things to keep the place moving along.

Is there any chance possible at all you might consider coming east a little and opening a bar in the Sacramento area...you would have the support of many local loyal fans.

Take care and Mahalo!



Our hero has left the building! The only person to make a new tiki bar like a classic with absolute perfection was Martiki. It will never happen again.

I'm very shocked and saddened, but I wish you all the best in the future Martiki.

Mahalo for the many, many, many fun nights!

[ Edited by: thejab 2009-02-17 18:26 ]


You're THE BEST. Nobody makes a Vesper like you. You helped make FI the Best Tiki Bar in the West. You will be missed. But you have a lot more to contribute to our tiki community. Wherever you'll be pourin', I'll be drinkin'. (I'll also probably be drinkin' wherever you're drinkin', too.) See ya around soon.

Aloha, your pal Will

[ Edited by: AquaZombie 2009-02-17 18:37 ]

Thanks so much for building a bueatiful tiki bar on our island of Alameda . All the best to your next project. I am sure we will be drinking one of your cocktails soon.

Best to you.

[ Edited by: princessp 2009-02-17 18:53 ]


What a great loss. I was planning on coming to the Forbidden Island and I wanted to see you and have one of your special drinks. I am not sure I am as excited to go there now.

Thanks for the memories...........looking forward to seeing your next project !!!


I am truly stunned and shocked. My heart goes out to you. Not only did you create something out of nothing, you created an establishment that not only qualifies as one of the top 25 bars in the country/world, but also can be argued as one of, if not the best Tiki Bar ever. This strikes a big blow for all of us. It has been an honor to imbibe some of the finest elixirs expertly crafted by you and your fantastic staff. And in hindsight, it was great to be able to hang out with all of the out of towners this past weekend. It was indeed an exceptionally great weekend, and even though we didn't know it, a great way to ride out the end of an era. Sigh, Alameda is never going to be the same again.

Can I hear a Huzzah for the classiest act alive, Mr. Martin Cate?


Despite our differences, like in any partnership, it was always a pleasure working with Martiki. I learned a lot from him and stepping into your shoes will be a challenge indeed.

I'd like to let all on Tiki Central know that NOTHING at Forbidden Island will change!! The drinks you've come to love and dream about over the years will remain, as will all the incredible rums that can be found nowhere else!!

Forbidden Island was created, by Martiki and I, with Tiki Central in mind. This is your bar and will forever be. Our managers Jim and Susan and our incredibly talented bar staff will take great care of you any time you frequent. The tasty specials and awesome events you all look forward to will continue. I ask for your continued support moving forward.

Martiki will be missed and we are sad to see him go. At the same time, I assure you that the Forbidden Island you've all come to love and adore will not wither away. Together, we will reach new heights.

[ Edited by: Conga Mike 2009-02-17 19:46 ]


Martin, I wish you all the best. Thanks for helping make Forbidden Island the stellar benchmark of Tiki bars (or of all bars for that matter). Now it's time for you to publish a book of all of your F.I. drink recipes!

[ Edited by: Hakalugi 2009-02-17 20:15 ]

Damn! If I could count the times Martin helped me find my way out the door or gave me a "lookie loo" during numerous "Rum Blamed" hookups.....You poured the Volcano Bowls ...( 3!!!!!) when Yvette and I went on our first date....2 years later and we're still at it....Thanks for the memories dude!

At a loss for words here... Martin I can only imagine how it must feel to leave F.I. after pouring your heart and soul, along with some tasty cocktails, into building such an outstanding establishment and world class bar. I am saddened too hear this news, yet know that you will be bounce back with the same Martiki panache that never disappoints or falters.

I am sure the Congas an the F.I staff will do everything in their vast repertoire to keep F.I. up to the stellar standards that has made it world famous and continue to raise the bar of excellence. Maybe it's time to take a vacation over to Kauai and let me by you a drink or least crack a can of budweiser for you.

malamapono a hui hou


But where will I get a perfect sazerac now?!?

I know Mike says nothing at FI will change, but the best thing about FI already has.

Best wishes to you Martin. The rest will be in a PM once I've processed the shock.

Brice posted on Tue, Feb 17, 2009 8:36 PM

Dear Martin,

We lived in Alameda when you opened your doors to us. We have compared every Tiki bar we entered, to yours. We had no idea how high you set the bar, but every visit to FI made us so happy. I even took my now wife to Hawaii because of the tropical paradise you portrayed (I surprised her at FI with the invitation to Hawaii, thanks to the help of Thayer and your staff) and I proposed to her, only to return home to FI where you made us a congratulatory Fugu For Two with your masterful hands. These are big moments in our life! -- and you were involved and they've made our lives richer by far. Please know we are thankful for everything you have done for us and the Tiki community. I know where ever Pele takes you it is because that is where you are needed...thanks again for all the Tiki you have brought to both of us!!!

Brice & Lisa Ginardi

Martin, you're the tops! I'm sad to hear you are leaving FI (to me - knowing you were there - made FI a very friendly establishment). I also know FI will continue, but it won't be the same.

Here's to wherever your creativity takes you next! And if it happens to be another bar/restaurant-let us know!!!! Best of luck!


Three years ago, three creative, talented, productive people found that the best configuration of their abilities was to create Forbidden Island. I don't need to tell you what happened after that -- the clouds parted, the angels sang, life has been lovely.

Now, three years later, it makes total sense that these three creative, talented and productive people would find that the best configuration of their abilities is a bit different, and that the time is right for Martin to move on.

I'm so excited for Martin. I have no idea what the future holds, but come on, we all know it's going to be great. The guy is Midas without the downside.

And I'm also very happy to know that Forbidden Island is in very capable and experienced hands. I look forward to raising my glass in tribute to Martin tomorrow (It'll be like the Ray toast at Tiki-Ti! Only he's still alive!).

Warmest alohas and wishes all around, I know the future holds great things. And massive mahalos for creating the best damn tiki bar in half a century.

I heard through the rumvine

that Martin is now a nurse

and will be taking care of

LeRoy!! :wink:

Your rock Martin!

Keep up the good work!

On 2009-02-17 18:57, Mai Tai wrote:
I am truly stunned and shocked.

Can I hear a Huzzah for the classiest act alive, Mr. Martin Cate?


Mai Tai-this sucks-who is going to make your "Quicksand" now?

Martin, we are glad for your strong contributions to our community and to our happiness. I hope happiness surrounds your future, too.

Holy crap! I am shocked, and sad. You really just can't count on everything being as you left it the next day, can you?

It was great getting to know you and thanks for all the bitchin' times!

xoxo Dina


Mike: Thanks for reassuring us that things won't change. I hope that you didn't get the impression that any of us will stop going to Forbidden Island. I will really miss seeing Martin there, but I will continue to be a frequent visitor.

I wish you all the best. Thank you for the eloquent and kind words and thank you for sharing your sincere thoughts.

I always knew that the Forbidden Island was too good to be true. Like Faust, Martin sold his soul to Satan to achieve Tiki enlightenment and I fear the devil has come to collect.


SO SAD to hear of this news upon my arrival at Forbidden Island TONIGHT - of all nights!! I guess my timing SUCKS, as tonight (of all nights....) I decided to take an extra-long layover at SFO to hang at FI..... & I can say that I truly missed Martin tonite at FI :(

A heartfelt thanks for all of the wonderful things you did at FI - you are truly the heart & soul of the place & we will all miss you tremendously. It really wasn't the same without you. I very much look forward to seeing you in the future & wish you absolutely ALL THE BEST!!!!!

MAHALO for everything, Martin!

Martin, with Forbidden Island, you created such a wonderful Tiki bar and ambiance. The kind of place a person wants to go back to over and over. You have made the Tiki community a better place, and have set a high standard for anyone dreaming of opening their own bar. Thank you! Please keep us all posted on whatever you're doing next.


When one door shuts a window opens - or some such saying is appropriate :)

I am sure you will do great things post FI but I thank you for what you gave to make it as amazing of a place as it is.

Good thoughts for good things down the road!

Wow...Wow...Wow!! Such a shock! Thanks Martin for all the great times, superior cocktails and incredible hospitality at Forbidden Island over the years!!! What you did with Forbidden Island made me do things I thought I would never do, such as:

  • Choosing a neighborhood bar that is located 45 miles each way from my house
  • Driving to that bar approx. once a week for a couple of years.
  • Drinking 97 different rums to complete the Kill Devil list in just over 6 weeks.
  • Spending 3 New Year's Eve's at said bar
  • Having my living room built out by Bamboo Ben to give me the same feel as Forbidden Island
  • Building my personal rum collection from 3 bottles of rum to nearly 90 different rums.
  • Deciding that it was a good idea to hold a rum tasting in the NorCal Ohana suite at Tiki Oasis with
    over 40 people sharing 30 bottles of rum.....and then most of the people passing out and missing Friday
    night at Tiki Oasis
  • Hauling my team from work, who does not get tiki, 30 minutes north for our annual holiday party at
    Forbidden Island...3 years in a row
  • Standing in line for 4-5 hours for a tiki mug!
  • Buying a professional-grade breathalyzer so I could be sure that I was ready to make the journey home
    after a night at Forbidden Island
  • Trying to always keep fresh limes and fresh mint at my house....it does make such a difference!

One of my favorite memories of you at Forbidden Island...the burning Ohana Hut!

Thanks Martin for the fun times and Best of Luck with your next endeavor!

Mahalo Martiki for being there to help bring the necessary authenticity to us! I raise my mug to you, and know your mixologist magic will never die. Okole Maluna!


You'll be missed! I also hope this is NOT the last we see of the great Martin and his mad mixing skills! I'm certain this wasn't an easy decision, thanks for letting us know. Best wishes!

edited to include an important missing word. :)

[ Edited by: monet2u 2009-02-23 14:58 ]

Martin, to see that I will never see you in "your element" (like F.I. was) pains me. But a man with your talents and knowledge should be snapped up by any mixology-conscious establishment worth its limes, presto.

TikiG posted on Wed, Feb 18, 2009 7:46 AM

Martin -

It pains me too not to have seen you in your element as Big Bro states above.

Thankfully I did get to meet you last year at the informal Tiki-Ti gathering a day or two before Tiki Oasis. I remember talking to you briefly about what makes a successful tiki bar tick (passion)

You have that in spades, man.

But wait a minute! Today there is talk of reopening a certain legendary establishment in So. Cal..it just screams for your presence..

Who is this "Martin" and what could he have possibly done to garner such lauding proclamations?

Hey, Cate...does this mean more or fewer "Ron Moments"?

Respectfully and left wanting,
A Gentleman from Petaluma

Very sad news indeed.
For myself, an out of towner and one who wasnt hip as to when Martin's shifts were, it was always exciting making the trip up with the chance thought, "I hope Martin's working tonight". Unfortunatley it seemed I usually chose his off days. Here's for his next endeavour on meeting up on his on days.

Wow big news. I'm kinda sad Now.
but Happy that I did go there 4 times, and 2 while you were there.
and 2 of those were this past weekend, good seeing you man,
thanks for everything.
good luck in the Future with whatever you pursue.
Hey Come to So. Cal. OC area. we need a great tiki bar down here.

I will continue to go to FI when I come to Nor. Cal. for surf shows.
and It saddens me deeply that I missed Meshugga Beach Party by 1 week.

Mahalo and Cheers to both of you.

i, like Stuckie, have always been missed Martin at FI ~ so it was extra special, when we ran into each other at a tiny restaurant on Lombard Street last December! talked about cocktails (ha, and i dont drink!), tiki and restaurants over our breakfasts ~

Martin will be somewhere behind a bar soon, i hope ~ hey, how about Vessel in Seattle?

Here's an idea, let's build one of these for Martin, and he can run booze-cruises up and down the Estuary... or compete with the ferry to SF!

Whatever you decide to do Martin i know it will be something awesome and i wish you all the best and good luck!


I am still in shock and extremely saddened by this news. This is all very weird and it is going to be a BIG adjustment but I know all of you will be very supportive! Martin, I have to thank you for all that you have taught me over the past two years. I came to FI with zero knowledge of the tiki culture, history of the cocktails and virtually nothing about rum. You've been so amazing sharing your knowledge and being open to answer any of my questions. I also thank you for putting up with me and my "jerseyness" and always taking it with a grain of salt. You've been a good friend and a great boss and i will really miss laughing with you. I wish you the best of luck. I know you will be successful at any venture you choose. I'll miss you...and, don't ever forget THE BOSS.

As a staff member at FI I promise to continue on as always, slinging your favorite tiki libations with a smile or a jersey smile at least.
Wednesdays will never be the same, no jess and no martin but I hope that you all will still come visit ME! I will do my best to craft even the most annoying and complicated cocktails from whatever books you bring in. I'll be there tonight...sad and confused...so please come keep my spirits up.



On 2009-02-18 13:18, the shiv wrote:
I will do my best to craft even the most annoying and complicated cocktails from whatever books you bring in.

Now seriously, who would force you to make "annoying and complicated" cocktails? :wink:

Martin, I send you a gigantic mahalo for your creative talents which made Forbidden Island the ideal. You are a man with vision and I, along with everyone here, can not wait to experience what you have in store for the world. It's going to be grand, I'm sure.

-Weird Unc

Pages: 1 2 91 replies