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Tiki movie sighting

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My girlfriend recently told me that she spotted tikis in that horribly retarded cheerleading movie, "Bring It On". I don't know if someone had already posted this stuff but they filmed scenes at Humphry's Half Moon Inn on Shelter Island in San Diego. I guess there are shots of the outside of the hotel and shots poolside too. If anyone sees it, let me know what you see because I won't go near that movie.

That Spike kid must be gay.
"Bring it On" is one of the best movies for checking out the chicks I have ever seen.
It must be good eye candy or else I would not have missed the Tiki sighting after I watched it for the 4th time.
Try it MAN you will like it!!!!!

Oh, yeah? I'll show you gay Bax! Come on over here sugar.

I guess I'll give the movie a shot, but only if it happens to be on HBO. I'm not renting it.


I saw it (don't ask) and I don't remember any tiki action. So if there are any, it must be so minimal that it's not worth putting yourself through watching it to see them...

"Brrr! It's cold in here... there must be some tikis in the atmosphere!"


Yeah I saw the movie, and yeah I saw the tikis and NO, I'm not gay.

Not much to talk about they just briefly walk by them. Its when they go to the finals.

*Oh Girl, next time you better BRING IT!...

...Oh it's already BROUGHTEN!*

Did anyone see "Bachelor in Paradise" last night on TCM? It wasn't scheduled but they showed it because Bob Hope was the star. Aside for all the great mid-century houses and furniture and other stuff, there was a scene where Bob goes to this Hawaiian restaurant and has a couple drinks called the "Scorpion's Kiss" and the "Bikini". There is a live Hawaiin band in the restaurant and hula dancers wearing those shiney plastic grass skirts. When I started watching this movie, I thought there has to be a tiki bar scene in this film, so I was psyched that there actually was one.
The premise of the movie is Bob moving into a southern California suburb to write a book on American culture called "How the Americans Live". Including the tiki aspect as a typical American activity of the time, totally verified Sven's premise for the BoT.
Sven: You need to see this movie, if you haven't already.

[ Edited by: Kailuageoff on 2003-08-01 08:29 ]

On 2003-08-01 08:28, Kailuageoff wrote:
... Including the tiki aspect as a typical American activity of the time, totally verified Sven's premise for the BoT.
Sven: You need to see this movie, if you haven't already.

Seen it, what a time capsule. And what a miscast with Bob as the "Playboy". I love the guy, but it should have been Rock Hudson. And a great example of 50s prudish suburbia.
I am a big fan of Paula Prentiss, ever since I saw her in Howard Hawks' "Men's Favourite Sport" (?), with Rock. What a great mixture of hip, funny and sexy she was. Know any other films with her, she wasn't around that long it seems..?


I am a big fan of Paula Prentiss, ever since I saw her in Howard Hawks' "Men's Favourite Sport" (?), with Rock. What a great mixture of hip, funny and sexy she was. Know any other films with her, she wasn't around that long it seems..?

Actually it appears that until 1971 she did quite a few films, and then went on to do TV appearances.


The most unlikely and incongruous appearance of a tiki (bar)was in that Eminem movie, "8 Mile." The short scene took place at a real and rundown tiki bar in Detroit (I think) whose name escapes me. You really got the feeling no one in the scene had ever heard of the term "exotica." No Mai Tais were evident, either. What a waste. But still, it saved the movie from being completely alien to me.

As I recently viewed an old videotape I compiled from tv, there was an tribute to bikin bathing suits, must have been the swimwear’s anniversary, there was a big round thing, floating on a lake or a quiet bay with quite a number of people on it, 8 maybe. The thing had a roof and at the edge it had Tiki, looking like 80 cm high. it was a bottle container or some small mini bar. i have no idea where the original footage came from, but it looked pretty much mid-60s-ish.


[ Edited by: Kawentzmann on 2003-08-05 07:21 ]


On 2003-08-01 08:28, Kailuageoff wrote:
Did anyone see "Bachelor in Paradise" last night on TCM? It wasn't scheduled but they showed it because Bob Hope was the star. Aside for all the great mid-century houses and furniture and other stuff, there was a scene where Bob goes to this Hawaiian restaurant and has a couple drinks called the "Scorpion's Kiss" and the "Bikini".
[ Edited by: Kailuageoff on 2003-08-01 08:29 ]

This is one of my favorite movies of all time. I love the era, I love the "style" of everything in it. And I especially love the long Chrysler convertable autos everyone drives.

The tiki bar scene is funny, because it was probably very authentic for 1961, the time of the movie. The bartender spent so much time arranging the vegitation on those drinks. Having been in the food-and-beverage industry for many years, I will say that a busy bartender today doesn't have time to arranged plants in a drink like that guy did. The manager would never spend the extra dough that all that vegitation costs. And, I don't think the health department would allow that in drinks!!

But Lana Turner could float my boat any time.


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