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Tiki Style book

Pages: 1 4 replies

davejayhawk posted on 03/03/2009

Amazon no longer has this Sven Kirsten book in stock. I recently bought a copy for $7.75 including shipping from a vendor listed in abebooks.com. Also bought the Vic Bergeron books "Trader Vic's Helluva Man's Cookbook" and "Trader Vic's Pacific Island Cookbook". The Bergeron books were a great bargain...somethink like $8 for both including shipping.

bigbrotiki posted on 03/03/2009

'Tis gone. The last remaining evidence of the Book of Tiki is also out of print now. Soon it will all be forgotten knowledge.

thefuzz posted on 03/03/2009

What are we talking about again?

arriano posted on 03/03/2009

I drove by it the other day and sadly it's been replaced by a Book of Sportsbar.

bigbrotiki posted on 03/04/2009

That IS a good one! :lol:

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