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Klez Virus sent in email

Pages: 1 10 replies

Turbogod posted on 07/26/2002

[edited by hanford to remove the email address]
I don't know if everyone got this but I got an email with an "XP patch". Virus software detected the Klez Virus. So don't open it. It attacks email address books and then screws around with *.exe files. I see this one at work all the time.


[ Edited by: Turbogod on 2002-07-25 18:02 ]

[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore on 2002-07-25 20:37 ]

hanford_lemoore posted on 07/26/2002

Thanks for the heads up on this.

FYI the Klez virus is tricky in the fact that the emails it sends out fake the "from:" address to be somone else from the infected's address book. So it probably wasn't the person who actually sent it.

And to calm everyone: tikiroom.net has nothing to do with tikicentral.com and I'm running all the latest and greatest in virus scanners and stuff.


[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore on 2002-07-25 20:38 ]

Turbogod posted on 07/26/2002

I didn't mean to freak you all out. Just a heads up. This Virus truly sucks. If your running windows 98 and up you can tell if you have it by going to START-RUN type in MSCONFIG and go to STARTUP it usually shows up as some program called WINKQF.exe or wink something. There are several fixes at symantec and pandasoftware for this virus.

TikiHula posted on 07/26/2002

My system is not infected with the klez or any other virus. I run the latest virus updates and scan my system regularly.

mahalo and 135 to you all!

[ Edited by: TikiHula on 2002-07-25 20:34 ]

[ Edited by: TikiHula on 2002-07-27 10:19 ]

hanford_lemoore posted on 07/26/2002

On 2002-07-25 20:01, TikiHula wrote:
And Turbogod....when were you gonna apologize for making me look like the bad guy?!?!

Don't be too hard on him, he got an email from your address that had a virus attached, and he reported it here (possibly thinking that tikiroom.net and tikicentral.com were related?)

I've removed it from the subject line and from my message. It shouldn't freak anyone else out.

~Hanford :drink:

TikiHula posted on 07/26/2002

Thanks Hanford.

Turbogod posted on 07/26/2002

Sorry about that, I didn't mean any disrespect. This virus is just so nasty and unpredictable. I guess we are both in someone elses infected address book. I get people at work with this all the time, I admit I jumped the gun. I never meant any harm. Again, sorry. Everyone else, there is nothing to see here. Get a virus scan, I need a drink to wash away the guilt.

Trader Woody posted on 07/26/2002

I just checked my Hotmail this morning and discovered that same virus was attached to a message I never sent. (To a person I've never heard of). shrug

It's a weird one, alright. Should be named the 'Not me, boss!'.

Trader Woody

Swanky posted on 07/26/2002

Someone I know has it and I can't tell who. Maybe more than one. I have a few email accounts and it gets sent to both. At one point, I got an email with it from myself! It will grab any email address to be the from. Not just in the address book. So I keep watching the "from" lines to give me a clue who has it. We get about one a day.

TikiMaxton posted on 07/26/2002

So nice to be on a Mac and not have to worry about most of these viruses. Hackers seem to really hate Windows, but they usually leave leave us Appleheads alone...

TikiMaxton posted on 07/26/2002

This should not be confused with the "Klezmer Virus", which infects all your MP3 files and re-arranges them, using lots of clarinets, accordians and big-ass bass drums in place of the original instruments...

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