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eBay: caution: giant squid - handmade mug by vantiki

Pages: 1 4 replies

VanTiki posted on 03/07/2009

Aloha Folks,

I'm sorry to inform you that the beach is closed until further notice due to giant squid activity!

More photos and info on the VanTiki site!

The Caution: Giant Squid VanTiki Page:

The auction on the Bay of E:

Mahalo for peeking -
Henrik "VanTiki"

leleliz posted on 03/07/2009

Can't wait to see how high this goes VT!

leleliz posted on 03/08/2009

Yeah so I was high bidder on this for all of 4 hours.

But what a great 4 hours it was! :)

Tipsy McStagger posted on 03/08/2009

you're timing is perfect...saw on the news that there is a huge population explosion of the humbolt squid up and down the west coast, attacking anything in their path.....experts are puzzled as the squid have expanded their territory beyond mexico up to near northern caliufonia..

better hurry up with those signs and t-shirts.....you could make a bundle selling them.

squid posted on 03/09/2009

I'm having my attorney look into this matter :wink:

Nice work, Van!


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