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Conga Mike is now Molokai Mike

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Molokai Mike posted on 03/10/2009


As of 2003, having just opened the Conga Lounge in Oakland, I joined this forum as Conga Mike, in part to promote my new bar.
Things are a little different now. As owner and co-founder of Forbidden Island, I find myself needing a more neutral moniker and so I've chosen Molokai Mike.

Why Molokai Mike? It's the first drink I ever mixed form the Trader Vic's recipe book I received as a gift years ago - and one that in part, inspired me on this amazing journey. Yet, it still provides an association to the moniker you've all known me by for the last six years.

As owner and representative for the Bay Area's Premier Tiki destination, you'll be seeing a lot more of me...


[ Edited by: Molokai Mike 2009-03-10 00:23 ]

freddiefreelance posted on 03/12/2009

Conrats on the new Moniker! Maybe in celebration of the renaming you'll mix up some Missionary's Downfalls for Father Damien, famous for his missionary work with the lepers of Molokai! :D

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