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Tiki Central / Other Crafts

Tiki Man in the Crescent Moon

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Hi fellow tiki enthusiasts.

Above is a detail from a larger project I'm working on. I have a few questions.

  1. I've seen tiki faces in round, full moons once in a while, but I've never seen a classic crescent 'Man in the Moon' interpreted through the lens of tiki. Do you know of any previous examples? I'm surprised I couldn't turn any up, and I'm curious.

  2. I tried a more polynesian tiki head first, but I ended up preferring the simplicity of the 'Easter Island' look. Do those count as tiki? (I see them lumped in with tiki all the time, and I'll probably do the same.)

  3. Do you know of any tiki-motif stars? I patterned my stars after a design I saw etched in a bracelet. Maybe I'll go with little spirals, or something. Is there a classic 'quick read' tiki star design?

  4. This is a work in progress

[ Edited by: tiki moon 2017-01-06 13:25 ]

Dude, this is awesome. I've never seen anything like this. Now paint it Yellow, or Better yet...turn it into a Lamp and hang it from the ceiling.

Nice work.

As I've always understood...Easter Island is not technically in Polynesia...but you're absolutely correct in stating that the Moai are always lumped in with Tiki anyway...I'd say you're safe to keep this motif.

As far as the tiki-stars, you may want to search ebay and google under "Tapa cloth" (from Tonga, Fiji and Samoa) for examples of star-like shapes in a polynesian theme.

Have fun! Looks great so far.

thanks, everyone

Great idea. It would make a helluva lamp, but is great as is. Rockin'.

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