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Looking to buy: Bamboo Aquarium

Pages: 1 15 replies

rugbymatt posted on 03/19/2009

I am looking for one of those bamboo pedestal aquariums (terarium) to convert into a humidor. If anyone has one they want to get rid of let me know. Mahalo.

Psycho Tiki D posted on 03/19/2009


There is one here in Sacramento on craigslist:


Seems like a good deal, but I don't know how much it would be to ship it?


rugbymatt posted on 03/19/2009


Mahalo, that is exactly the style I want. There is a larger version for sale on the Philly CL for only $200 but that style won't make as good of a humidor. Alas I think the shipping from out there would be killer unless the price was a lot lower. They need cash, so maybe they'll deal?

wentiki posted on 03/19/2009

I just got one last month, similar to this, insanely cheap...far lower than this asking price. So they are out there and my hunch is they are not super rare.

I find people hang on to things like these because they don't know others would want their junk. Maybe try posting your own Craigslist ad looking for one of the type you like? If you don't mind the haul, post it in a couple metros around you. Better than settling for crap you don't want or paying freight costs and risking damage.

rugbymatt posted on 03/19/2009


I know TurboGod has one at his place in B-more that he doesn't use. Maybe i'll see if he'll part with for $50 when I am there on Saturday night.

Psycho Tiki D posted on 03/19/2009

I agree with wentiki, you could probably find one closer and perhaps cheaper, I have seen the hexagon version of this tank on craigslist for as low as $20.00 and have seen bigger ones at antique stores for over $1,000.00+, in fact, one similar to this is in a local shop at a reduced price of $950.00.

If I had the room, I wouldn't have a problem with the price on this one. Look at what a new aquarium set-up costs and this is looks like a real bargain!


Turbogod posted on 03/19/2009

On 2009-03-19 12:59, rugbymatt wrote:

I know TurboGod has one at his place in B-more that he doesn't use. Maybe i'll see if he'll part with for $50 when I am there on Saturday night.

I use it as a mug/cocojoes display, the back of the aquarium had a crack in it when I got it (way too expensive to fix), so it wouldn't ever hold water.

rugbymatt posted on 03/23/2009

I don't care about it's functionality as an aquarium, I am looking to convert it into a humidor.

amicicuriae posted on 04/03/2009

There are a few listed on Ebay...

30 Gallon Bamboo/Glass Aquarium w/stand!!
Item number: 270367067882

Item number: 110372229445

I found one by searching "craigslist bamboo tank" and worked with the seller by sending over a shipper. By posting a quote request on http://www.uship.com - I was able to have my tank and stand picked up, blanket wrapped and delivered to my residence for a relatively low price as many shippers are already scheduled to travel... my tank was just another added bonus that could fit in the truck.

amicicuriae posted on 04/03/2009

One more source - Donna at cadeauxcaches@aol.com 251-990-6460 or 251-625-4296 imported some new tanks from PI.

boutiki posted on 04/03/2009

One here in Chicagoland on Craigslist:

tikiauction posted on 04/03/2009

How are these things constructed? Are the glass panels siliconed into the wood frame directly?

Turbogod posted on 04/03/2009

On 2009-04-02 21:54, tikiauction wrote:
How are these things constructed? Are the glass panels siliconed into the wood frame directly?

Mine was...Hence the leaking and crack.

tikiauction posted on 04/04/2009

No wonder. That is defintely a design flaw. The bamboo is not meant to stay immersed and the silicon seal will eventually give out. Need to pop out the glass panels and set it to take a standard AGA tank with glass to glass seams or alternatively a formed acrylic tank.

1961surf posted on 04/04/2009
amicicuriae posted on 04/06/2009

Regarding construction-- there are 2 types. TYPE 1--The older models have the glass framed inside the bamboo. Be careful about the old silicone as there are stories of it killing the fish. If you get a nice vintage model, try having the old silicone removed and resealed with aquarium silicone. TYPE 2-- Newer models are being made and imported WITHOUT the tank and are made to fit a standard size aquarium.

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