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Ohana, Luau at the Lake - Lake Goerge, NY.

Pages: 1 13 replies

Hinano_Paul posted on 03/20/2009

Hey everyone. I know there is a thread on this in "other events" but thought I'd post it here since it's being held at The Tiki Resort in Lake George, NY, and for many (The Cali Ohana especially) this will be quite a road trip.

Just looking to feel it out and see who's going or might be going?

And yes I know it's many months away but taking the current economy into account I wanted to see who might be joining Mrs. Lurker and I at what appears to be a great party in a town that time forgot.

Just trying to drum up some interest to show the East Coast Ohana some support, as they do for us at Oasis.


May your first child be a Moai child..

[ Edited by: Hinano_Paul 2009-03-19 23:00 ]

[ Edited by: Hinano_Paul 2009-03-20 11:06 ]

rugbymatt posted on 03/20/2009

I am sooooo there. Tiki Resort and Lake George rock!

Hibiscus posted on 03/20/2009

Matt and Paul - Barry and I will be there! Hotel room is booked and tickets are bought.

I can't wait! It looks like it has the makings of a truly legendary tiki outing!

bigbrotiki posted on 03/20/2009

I really WANT to go, but as a freelancer, I never know what (and how!) I am doing from month to month, so we'll see....

Tikiwahine posted on 03/20/2009

I really want to go to this, there are so many wonderful tiki folks out this way I need to meet!

bigtikidude posted on 03/21/2009

would love to go, but don't see it happening.
have a great event.


tikiauction posted on 03/26/2009

does anyone know how many rooms they have at the tiki resort? couldn't tell from the website.

Hinano_Paul posted on 03/26/2009

On 2009-03-25 18:19, tikiauction wrote:
does anyone know how many rooms they have at the tiki resort? couldn't tell from the website.

Tikiauction, I would PM RugbyMatt or Bargoyle, they are both very familiar with this place and I am sure they can answer any and all of your questions.

KuKu posted on 03/26/2009

Sounds like such a blast but alas, what with Hukilau in June, TC Bay Area Bar Crawl in July and then The Big "O" in Aug. jeez I'm gonna be tapped out...

velveteenlounge posted on 03/30/2009

I cannot WAIT for this!

rugbymatt posted on 04/02/2009

Don't despair my west coast brethern (and sistern) there are some sweet transcon flight deals going on now. I just got A-town to OC for $250 on Continental. So before you write off Ohana and miss out on seeing the classic Tiki resort do the Expedia thang and keep a weather eye for bargain fares.

Rum Runner posted on 04/04/2009

West Coast will be there
I think we are in the "California Suite" or "Left Coast Room"

croe67 posted on 04/04/2009

We expect great things out of a Left Coast suite.....looking forward to seeing what drink concoction you N Cal folks will come up with for the crawl :wink:

Bargoyle posted on 09/16/2009

Just a quick "Vaya Con Dios" to all our traveling attendees.

Safe journey, and we'll see you this weekend!

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