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Tiki Central / Tiki Travel

Monster Costa Rica Tikis

Pages: 1 4 replies

In La Fortuna near Arenal Volcano, came across a great shop with monstrous tikis. The big one on the left is actually part of the building. We left with a modest example for $50.

[ Edited by: ChrisTikipher 2007-12-21 18:12 ]

Very cool.
Excellent shoot of a smoking volcano cone!

Pele would be proud.

...and I always loved that colorful plastic clothes line lawn furniture they have in Costa Rica, in all sizes and shapes. Someone should import that stuff, it is so mid-century!


Zeta posted on Mon, Mar 23, 2009 7:57 PM

That Tiki is HUGE and the chair is cool indeed... What's the story with those Tikis? What's that style? Is it supposed to be primitive or pop? Who did them and why? Where do we come from and where are we going? :-?

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