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WooHooWahine & SoccerTiki's HoneymoonTour 2009: 5 year Anniversary Trip: Kauai

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SoccerTiki posted on 01/07/2009

We started our new adventure out with a bang at Kona New Year's Eve party with the Tikiyaki Orchestra!

The next stop..."In Search of Tiki" exhibit closing at Forest Lawn & Damon's after-party on 1/4/09...

Next stop...Viva Las Vegas!! (1/16-1/19) Since my soccer tournament is during the days, we got the nights to party!!! We are looking forward to seeing Frankie's and as much tiki as possible! Any suggestions?

Next Stop...Catalina Fish Kitchen (7-9pm) 1/23 to see the Smokin' Menehunes!

Palm Springs...Here we come! 2/13 Shag show at M Modern. Then the Modernism show. Staying at the remodeled swanky Riviera.

2/27 Catalina Fish Kitchen with the Smokin' Menehunes! Come down from 7-9pm! Bill Tapia will be making an appearance!!

2/28 Art show at Kona (soon to be Don the Beachcomber!) @ 6pm, Then off to the Grand Theater in San Pedro for Bill Tapia's 101st Birthday party show at 8:30pm. Ihear the Smokin' Menehunes will be opening for him!

3/7 WOW! Time flies when you're having Rum!!! It's already time for the Tiki Mug Book Release at La Luz De Jesus (3/7)!!! WooHooWahine and I will be heading out from the SoccerTiki grotto with a few friends (Dani, GoGo & Al-ii) to Fatburger @ 3, Tiki Ti @ 4, then Wacko @ 6. It's gonna be one of those nights-I can tell! (and a 9am soccer game tomorrow-WoooHooooo!)

3/13 In the Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki Room! We're gonna meet up with Al-ii (and anyone else who wants to go) at the Enchanted Tiki Room tonight @7:30.

3/21 The Mystic Order of Tikiyaki at the Mayflower Club in North Hollywood

3/27 Time again to see the Smokin' Menehunes at the Catalina Fish Kitchen. Then off to Don the Beachcomber later in the evening.

4/18 Don the Beachcomber for the Tiki Magazine release party AND Tikiyaki Orchestra!!!

Ok....too many mai-tais! On with the tour!

Next Stop, the San Fransisco Tiki Crawl! 7/10-7/12 Looking forward to our first SF Crawl.

WE HAVE WOOD,WE HAVE WOOD! ITD Beach Burn 8/8/2009 Huntington Beach @ Beach Blvd...Just to the left. ALL DAY!!!

We'll see you at Tiki Oasis IX!!!
THIS IS IT!!!! OUR LAST TIKI OASIS AS...UMM....UH...AS AN UNMARRIED COUPLE? (I can't think of anything better right now!) WooHooWahine and I look forward to seeing everyone Thurs-Sun. We're not decorating our room this year (we did it the last 3 years in a row)so we can spend more time with friends.
We plan on.......

The Tiki Beach Fest in Long Beach the weekend after Oasis will be a good test to see if anyone partied the "tiki" right out of themselves the weekend before! Crazy Al, Smokin' Tikis, Doug Horne & Happy Chi Jewelry will be there to represent!

Sunday 8/23 The Smokin' Menehunes live at Buster's Beach House in Long Beach...Hey, it's right around the corner from our shack! We can't miss it!

This Friday 9/18/09 The Smokin Menehunes are doinga special "mid-month" gig at the Catalina Fish Kitchen...Bong says something about celebrating the beginnng of "Ball-N-Chaindom"??? I can't imagine what that means!!! I guess since WooHooWahine will be in Palm Springs with the girls I should take advantage!!!

Wedding bells are ringing!!!

***WoooooHoooooOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo!!! Off to Hawaii!!!!
We'll be on Oahu from 10/7-10/10, Hilo on the 11th, Maui the 12-13th, Kona on the 14th, Kauai the 15-16th. Then back to the mainland on the 17th!

Stay tuned for pictures, videos and stories!

"Marriage, Mortgages & Mai-Tai's...Whatta life!"

[ Edited by: SoccerTiki 2009-10-06 20:53 ]

[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2014-08-05 14:53 ]


Will you have satin baseball jackets made up with "WooHooWahine and SoccerTiki's Engagement Tour 2009" on the back?

Actually, a couple of request to you.

A) have a great time

B) Post lots and lots of photos Photos PHOTOS!

SoccerTiki posted on 01/10/2009

On 2009-01-07 12:31, King Bushwich the 33rd wrote:
Will you have satin baseball jackets made up with "WooHooWahine and SoccerTiki's Engagement Tour 2009" on the back?

Actually, a couple of request to you.

A) have a great time

B) Post lots and lots of photos Photos PHOTOS!

jackets for those who make ALL THE DATES!!! :P

rugbymatt posted on 01/10/2009

Does the tour have any east coast stops?

WooHooWahine posted on 01/15/2009

WooHoo! Viva Las Vegas :) Can't wait to see Frankies and all the other Tiki in Sin City. If you're going to be in town lets meet up for some Tropical Refreshments.

catmomma posted on 01/17/2009

I am here in town right now. Hoping to make it over to Frankies tomorrow night

catmomma posted on 01/19/2009

Went to Frankie's today around noon. I hear we missed you guys. The bartender said you came in yesterday and bought her lunch, very sweet! I loved Frankies! Bought a drink and a bunch of mugs, great place.

SoccerTiki posted on 01/20/2009

Wow! Vegas was a blast this past weekend! It was all under the pretense of a soccer tournament (my team finished 3rd out of 20 teams in our division!) Inky and Mrsmiley took us to Japan, Italy, Germany and the South Pacific all in the course of three days!!! Pictures to follow!

Here is some of the swag we collected along the way:
From Trader Vic's...Ok, we HAD to go...REALLY! Mike Emizawa, the Maitre D' (and Trader Vic's Ambassador) is a good friend and we hadn't seen him since he left the Scottsdale TV's. He treated us to pupus & Mai-Tais...They did NOT compare to Beverly Hills or Emeryville!!! We were given a couple employee shirts! And we purchased some location specific plastic "walk-around" mugs and a beautiful lidded wahine mug. And, of course, a menehune footed compote.

Frankie's Tiki Room was fantastic! A must see! We drank and collected 6 out of 8 of their signature drinks/mug. The shirts are cool as well as the swizzles and matches!

We even stopped at Cheeseburger..Before you say "not tiki"...You need to look at all the decor! There are some wonderful Hawaiiana and South Pacific art and ephemera on almost all the walls! And tiki mugs too!
We had to get this guy (after drinking a decent mai-tai in it!)

We'll post more pictures of the locales and frivolity soon!

"Mortgages and Mai-Tai's...Whatta life!"

[ Edited by: SoccerTiki 2009-01-20 17:16 ]

WooHooWahine posted on 01/20/2009

WooHoo! Vegas was a Tiki-rrific!! Catmomma, sorry we missed you. Mahalo, Mahalo, Mahalo to Mrsmiley & Inky for taking us on a Trip Around the World "Vegas Style" in less than 48 hours. SoccerTiki and I really appreciate all the time you two took out of your busy schedules to show us around. Your home is Absolutely Amazing!!!

First Stop Japan

SoccerTiki liked his sushi!

Inky and Mrsmiley invited us to sit with them at their "usual table".

Second Stop: The Tropical Island of Frankie's Tiki Room

Third Stop: Italy

And Last but not least...Germany along with our Favorite Friend, Hubert

Seriously! The beers are that big!!!

Hubert and the Wahines...er, I mean the frauleins!

Hubert and Inky are done!

Sloppy drunk!

Ok, the deal is that if you have a shot from the board, you GET the BOARD!

Someone bought SoccerTiki a shot of Jagemeister!!!

Getting prepped for the spanking!?!

I think she likes doing it!

I think he liked it!

We even trekked out to Sunset Park to see Eli Hedley's Moai from the Aku Aku. Another worthwhile adventure! And only about 10 minutes from the strip!

[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2009-01-19 20:03 ]

WooHooWahine posted on 01/20/2009

This Bud's for You Bamboo Ben :wink:

Tiki Ray's Valentines Outfit

RevBambooBen posted on 01/20/2009

no Double Down??

SoccerTiki posted on 01/20/2009

On 2009-01-19 20:06, RevBambooBen wrote:
no Double Down??

Hey! Gimme a break! We had to mix the adventures in with 3 days (5 games) of soccer! Next time, I promise!
Ben-You did a fantastic job at Frankie's!!! Tiki Ray, Crazy Al, Buzzy, Ruzic, Doug Horne, Big Toe and everyone created masterpieces as well!!! WooHoo and I are already thinking when we can get out again! Maybe after the "tour".

RevBambooBen posted on 01/20/2009

On 2009-01-19 20:21, SoccerTiki wrote:

On 2009-01-19 20:06, RevBambooBen wrote:
no Double Down??

Hey! Gimme a break! We had to mix the adventures in with 3 days (5 games) of soccer! Next time, I promise!
Ben-You did a fantastic job at Frankie's!!! Tiki Ray, Crazy Al, Buzzy, Ruzic, Doug Horne, Big Toe and everyone created masterpieces as well!!! WooHoo and I are already thinking when we can get out again! Maybe after the "tour".

The DD is just a stones toss from the HB, backdoor ...

Looks like y'all had a blast any hoo!

SoccerTiki posted on 01/22/2009

Catalina Fish Kitchen, Huntington Beach 1/23 (7-9pm) to see the Smokin' Menehunes...

Kiki von Tiki posted on 01/24/2009

It was fun spending time with you guys tonite at the Smokin Menahunes gig! Thanks for making room for me and my girl at your table. What a great night, seeing the Menahunes and Bill Tapia, my cousin Robert, and spending time with my new Ohana! :)

WooHooWahine posted on 01/25/2009

On 2009-01-23 23:14, Kiki von Tiki wrote:
It was fun spending time with you guys tonite at the Smokin Menahunes gig! Thanks for making room for me and my girl at your table. What a great night, seeing the Menahunes and Bill Tapia, my cousin Robert, and spending time with my new Ohana! :)

Glad you could make it :)

WooHooWahine posted on 01/25/2009

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Tangaroa-Ru posted on 01/28/2009

You two are insane. I love you!! I had a lovely time in Vegas with the Smiley's and Tikipugs a few weeks back. Great hosts! Glad to see you two are living the Tikilovelife!

SoccerTiki posted on 02/13/2009

We are on our way to beautiful Palm Springs! Staying at the Riviera and going to the Shag show this evening at M Modern and the Modernism show on Saturday....Gonna hook up with Wildsville Man and anyone else in the area!

WooHooWahine posted on 02/14/2009

Woohoo! We saw Jay from mModern and Shag setting up the show this afternoon! It's gonna be a tikiriffic night! The Riviera Hotel is so swanky! Pictures coming soon!

WooHooWahine posted on 02/16/2009

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[ Edited by: woohoowahine 2009-02-15 18:30 ]

[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2009-02-16 10:31 ]

SoccerTiki posted on 02/26/2009

This Friday at the Catalina Fish Kitchen in Huntington Beach WooHoo and I will be meeting up with some friends to see the Smokin' Menehunes and Bill Tapia! I heard there will be some hula dancing to some of the music!

Saturday is the art show at Kona AND the 101 years young party for the world's oldest working musician (Bill Tapia) at the Grand in San Pedro. It'll be hard to do both, but we are going to try!

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Hau 'oli Tiki posted on 02/26/2009

Love the hat....

WooHooWahine posted on 03/07/2009

WooHoo! SoccerTiki, Al-ii, Go-Go, Dani, and I are leaving from Long Beach today around 2:00ish. The SoccerTiki Mobile is heading to L.A. ..... 3:00 Fatburger, 4:00 Tiki-Ti, and then to La Luz de Jesus for the Tiki Mug book release. See you in a few!!

WooHooWahine posted on 03/08/2009

Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name.....Tiki-Ti. Tiki-Ti was like an episode of Cheers last night. It was so good to see everybody there.
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leleliz posted on 03/09/2009

On 2009-02-15 18:25, WooHooWahine wrote:

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[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2009-02-16 10:31 ]

I have to say this is a super classy, swanky hotel room...well minus the beer cans!

Congrats on your engagement (even though I have not met either one of ya) I am always happy when 2 good people find each other! Gives me hope!

SoccerTiki posted on 03/13/2009

"All the birds sing words and the flowers croon.....
In the Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki Room!"
We're gonna meet up with Al-ii and others around 7:30 at the Enchanted Tiki Room at the Happiest Place on Earth for a Friday the 13th celebration!!!
WoooooHoooooOOOOOooooooooo!!! :P

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bb moondog posted on 03/13/2009

we are gonna be there this Sun..-I don't suppose you are doing a TERM there at Disney? be fun to buy you guys a drink

SoccerTiki posted on 03/13/2009

On 2009-03-13 15:42, bb moondog wrote:
we are gonna be there this Sun..-I don't suppose you are doing a TERM there at Disney? be fun to buy you guys a drink

I think it is I who owe you a drink!!!
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bb moondog posted on 03/21/2009

yeah you do...POST if the royal engagement tour takes a turn towards Phoenix/Tucson area and we will hook up...we went on the DISNEY DEATH MARCH (3 days of the 'happiest place'..my feet were STUMPS after that) last week and as much as I said I wasn't gonna. we INDEED did plunk down for the tiki room (amazingly PACKED--weren't they talking of nuking it a few years ago?) and YES it is a GREAT show..especially if you can remember as a kid going in the late 60s like I CAN...SO old.....and the Dole Pineapple WHIPS are the BEST VALUE the Mouse has to offer!!

SoccerTiki posted on 03/25/2009

We'll be seeing the Smokin' Menehunes this Friday 3/27 at the Catalina Fish Kitchen in HUntington Beach. Then off to Don the Beachcomber to try some of the original drink recipes! WoooooHoooOOOOOooooooooo!

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Queen Kamehameha posted on 04/11/2009

Wow, wow, wow! mazing, I learned one thing, I need to get out more.lol

Congrats to both of you, you two always look like your having a great time!


SoccerTiki posted on 06/30/2009

The tour continues! Hotel confirmed! Plane confirmed! San Fransisco Tiki Crawl here we come! Looking forward to seeing the Norcal T.C. Ohana and everyone else making it to the crawl this year. This will be the first for WooHooWahine and I..... We couldn't be S.F. Tiki Crawl virgins forever, now could we?!!! :P

SoccerTiki posted on 07/01/2009

We're making a stop at trader Vic's LA tonight to see our friends the Martini Kings (and of course, Trader John!) I heard they'll be on at 9pm on "Tiki Tuesday"!!!

WooHooWahine posted on 07/10/2009

Woohoo!! We are in Alameda.Took a walk down Webster and stumbled across The New Zealander Restaurant which is full of Maori Treasure

WooHooWahine posted on 07/10/2009

WooHoo!! After 2 mile walk up and down the streets of Alameda guided buy Soccertiki's GPS time for some refreshments. Excellent Mojitos at Otaez

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Hiphipahula posted on 07/22/2009

I heard someone heehee went some kind of dress shopping for the wedding & missed Ben's pool party. :) I missed you Karen ... the day is getting closer!

SoccerTiki posted on 08/04/2009

We're bringing our wood to this year's International Tiki Day Beach Burn (8/8/02)@ Huntington State Beach at Beach Blvd...Just to the left/south. ALL DAY/NIGHT!
Bring your EZ-UP's and favorite beach food/drink to share and join us. Hot Dogs and condiments will be provided. :P

"Mortgages and Mai-Tai's...Whatta life!"

[ Edited by: SoccerTiki 2009-08-03 20:49 ]

H Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/848b9e4a0ac63a6064726348f9d07c25?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Hiphipahula posted on 08/07/2009

Hey Lovers! :D What about your stop off at the Kirby's Rumpus Room" Huh??? Are we chopped pork or what teehee......

H Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/848b9e4a0ac63a6064726348f9d07c25?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Hiphipahula posted on 08/07/2009

Hey Lovers! :D What about your stop off at the Kirby's Rumpus Room" Huh??? Are we chopped pork or what teehee......

SoccerTiki posted on 08/10/2009

On 2009-08-07 02:39, Hiphipahula wrote:
Hey Lovers! :D What about your stop off at the Kirby's Rumpus Room" Huh??? Are we chopped pork or what teehee......

Kirby AND POLLY'S "Rumpus Room" was indeed a treat! I can see why so many who live close bye come over! If we lived closer we'd be there more often! Definitely a "must see" on anyone's home tikiroom list!

SoccerTiki posted on 08/10/2009

We'll see you at Tiki Oasis IX!!!
THIS IS IT!!!! OUR LAST TIKI OASIS AS...UMM....UH...AS AN UNMARRIED COUPLE? (I can't think of anything better right now!) WooHooWahine and I look forward to seeing everyone Thurs-Sun. We're not decorating our room this year (we did it the last 3 years in a row)so we can spend more time with friends.
We plan on.......

Oh, and one last thing....I think people that bump their topic in "cool and current" JUST TO LOWER SOMEONE ELSE'S TOPIC really suck! You know who you are!

TK Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/08d05d801d58e97241744c74da05147c?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Tiki Kiniki posted on 08/11/2009

On 2009-08-10 15:57, SoccerTiki wrote:
We'll see you at Tiki Oasis IX!!!
THIS IS IT!!!! OUR LAST TIKI OASIS AS...UMM....UH...AS AN UNMARRIED COUPLE? (I can't think of anything better right now!) WooHooWahine and I look forward to seeing everyone Thurs-Sun. We're not decorating our room this year (we did it the last 3 years in a row)so we can spend more time with friends.
We plan on.......

Oh, and one last thing....I think people that bump their topic in "cool and current" JUST TO LOWER SOMEONE ELSE'S TOPIC really suck! You know who you are!

This HAS been the most amazing year! Ray and I just love you and Karen and less than 60 days to go WooHoooooo!

Topic bumping.......just ain't cool but hey, if they had a life they really wouldn't have time for that so consider it flattery cuz they're just jealous!

Three days to go to TO!!

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0824a0a39091d42d8a066b48bf054522?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
tikilands posted on 08/18/2009

Congrats! When is the BIG day? We think you two are a great couple and wish you the best. Sorry we missed you at Tiki Oasis this year. Here's to a year of more tiki bars, crawls, and parties as a married couple. Your adventure now begins

SoccerTiki posted on 08/21/2009

The "BIG DAY" (10-3-09)is approaching all too quickly!!! There are so many more places, events and friends we want to see.....

Let's see...This Sunday (8-23)at Buster's Beach House in Long Beach around 4pm the Smokin' Menehunes will be doing their thing,..."The Smokin' Menehunes play the swinging jazz songs of the golden age of Hawaiian music. Imagine yourself sitting beneath the banyon tree at the old Moana Hotel in Waikiki in the 1940's and sipping on a mai tai as the Smokin' Menehunes ignite all the songs that made that era memorable." Who knows...They may even have Bill Tapia with them (you never know when he's gonna show up and take over the stage!)

SoccerTiki posted on 08/23/2009

The Tiki Beach Fest in Long Beach today was fun! I suggest anyone who wants a fun casual atmosphere on the beach (with Crazy Al and others) to check it out Sunday (before the Smokin' Menehunes' show at busters @4pm.)

SoccerTiki posted on 09/14/2009

This Friday 9/18/09 The Smokin Menehunes are doinga special "mid-month" gig at the Catalina Fish Kitchen...Bong says something about celebrating the beginnng of "Ball-N-Chaindom"??? I can't imagine what THAT means!!! I guess since WooHooWahine will be in Palm Springs with the girls this weekend I should take advantage!!!

SoccerTiki posted on 09/16/2009

On invitation by GoTiki to tour his studio today (I just happened to be in the area!) I was met at the door with this incredible "Bachelor" present!!!

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Now, how VERY COOL is that?!!! I hope it survives this weekend!!! :P

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